Scenes from the 18th annual painting contest, more on pages 10 & 12
US Postage
Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
A Publication of
Inglis, FL 34449
Wednesday December 19, 2012
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
Newscaster Publishing
Permit No. 14
Sally Price - Correspondent
Have a Safe and Joyous Christmas
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Squawk Box
Mixed Messages from Social Media
With Connie Pickett
Social media is a
wonderful tool that opens
doors to other cultures, en-
ables communication with
friends and family and you
just can’t beat it for last min-
ute plans. I could continue to expound on
the virtues of social media but that isn’t
what this rant (oops, article) is about.  I
think it first started with a very tired, very
adorable, curly blond-headed 2 year old
toddler having a melt-down because “his
favorite NFL football team” lost.
Okay, let s face it, if there is a 2
year old on the planet that can sit down
and follow a 4 hour football game, let
alone a season, well THAT would be a
pretty amazing news story.  What we all
know is... that child was emulating his
father’s immature response to a loss and
for some inexplicable reason the parents
thought it would be cute to exacerbate the
child s unhappiness, film it and post it on
U-Tube as entertainment, then the nation-
Little Springs Park behind the Crystal River City Hall is lit up each year with a Christmas Celebration by the Pilot Club. Luminaries light the side-
al media for some reason felt it was news-
walk along with thousands of twinkling lights and a beautiful Christmas tree. Music is provided by a Crystal River School Band until the arrival
worthy. The next one we saw was a child
of Santa to greet the children, young and young at heart. To sweeten the event refreshments are provided.Photo by Sally Price.
blubbering and whining about the elections
DEP Secretary Tours Kings Bay
Levy County
and the relentless onslaught of Obama/
Romney ads. Oh boy , I can identify with
that one but do you really think a 2 year
Records 2nd
Funding/Restoration Discussed
old was truly upset about it? If so, that 2
year old is watching way too much TV and
Homicide of Year
the wrong stations -- I m pretty sure Ses-
CRYSTAL RIVER – Florida Department
the Progress Energy Citrus County Power
ame Street and Nickleodean didn t have
of Environmental Protection Secretary Her-
political ads. Once again, we had a 3rd
schel T. Vinyard Jr. joined Senator Charlie
The District will be investing $1.4 million
From Levy County Sheriff Dept.
party (I’m reluctant to call them adult or
Dean and local officials to tour Crystal River
in the reuse project and the funding from the
a parent), filming the tantrum and spoon-
When deputies with the Levy
and its network of 30 springs feeding Kings
Department will allow the District to invest
feeding material to an obviously, emotion-
County Sheriff s Office responded to a 9-1-1
Bay, which is currently the focus of serious
an additional $1.1 million in other water
ally distraught child. The most recent and
call in Bronson on Dec. 8, a family member
state and local environmental action.
quality projects that will benefit Kings Bay.
local video is a child having a meltdown
told deputies that George Hamilton Pierce,
The trip follows the recent an-
More than just improving water quality, the
over the closing of the Twinkie/Hostess
51, was deceased inside the residence lo-
nouncement that the Department is commit-
project will increase springflow into Kings
Continued on page 10 - Squawk Box
cated at 10151 NE 48 Lane. Deputies veri-
ting more than $1.1 million to a reuse project
Bay by reducing groundwater pumping at
Painting Contest
fied that the man was deceased and, indeed,
for the City of Crystal River that will reduce
the power complex.
George Hamilton Pierce.
nitrate pollutant loadings in the area by 16
“In the last two years, with support
According to Major Evan Sullivan,
percent. The project, jointly funded with the
from Governor Scott, Senator Dean and the
Mr. Pierce s death has been classified as a
Southwest Florida Water Management Dis-
rest of the Florida Legislature, the Depart-
homicide, but the sheriff s office is not re-
trict and the City, will send 750,000 gallons
ment will have directed $11.5 million to re-
On Page 12
leasing the cause of death or further details
of highly treated reclaimed water every day
storing Florida s springs - more than double
of the crime at this time.
from the Crystal River wastewater plant to
Continued on page 4 - Kings Bay