PAGE 2 - December 10, 2014
The Newscaster - Nature Coast News
Pet Patrol
`Freckles is a 1 y.o, s.f, blue merle, mini
dachshund, with a wonderful personality.
She has a huge white collar, legs and face,
Scotch is a little, Cutie, 5 y/o, n/m, white
and her beautiful merle color has black spots
with black spots, a Chihuahua or a Chihua-
within it. Her unethical breeder crosses ex-
hua x Rat Terrier mix? He is sweet, submis-
cessive white dogs with merle color, with
sive, very shy at first but also very affec-
white, or with brown Dachshunds to get ex-  Santa is at the Crystal River Mall for those that want to tell him what they want for Christmas.
tionate. He likes to be held and cuddled or
cess white and merle for bigger prices be-  The old saying holds true that you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
just follow you around where ever you go,
cause they are not as common, but it results  Same story with Santa and kids sitting on his lap. Seven month old Teagan with mother Manda
Scotch just likes your company. Chihua-
in about 1/4 to 1/2 of the litter being blind in  Tibbetts of Homosassa is quite content sitting on Santa's lap but two year old Cameron Tib-
huas, especially the deer type, and Rat Ter-
1 or both eyes. Freckles was born blind, but  betts, held by James Burr, wanted nothing to do with the jolly gent even with a candy reward.
riers, usually have a quiet, loving attitude. A
she doesn't know she is suppose to have eyes  Santa holds his hand up in response to the rejection. Check out Santa the afternoon ofDec 14
Humane Society of Central FL Pet Rescue,
that see. So, she enjoys everyone and every-  and then afternoon and evening starting Dec 18 through Dec 23. The mall is a great place to
The Newscaster
Inc. does home visits prior to adoptions,
thing, especially her toy chicken. She is very  shop
therefore, we only adopt to the Citrus County 5093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, Florida 34446 and has worked hard to make it successful with a wide variety of new stores and com-
trusting because her previous owners treated  mun
and adjoining county areas. If you are within Phone: (352) 489-4588  Fax: (727) 362-4788 ity events. Photo/story by Sally Price.
her with the loving kindness she deserves,
Emailareas, see this dogPublisher: thenewscaster1@gmail.comIEmail, Debbie Russell, Editor:
these , Tom Russell, and other little dogs
Websit s: thenewscaster.comnewscasterarchives.comattention than left
but felt she deserved more
at our weeklyeSaturday Adoption.
alone while they worked all day. If you must
If you must give up your little dog
give up your little dog phone 352.527.9050.
phone us at (352)527-9050.
 
Q of H is $5000.00 plus.
PB is $100.00 plus.
Ad is great. Thank you
At six e are very sorry about your Mom .Crystal River parade pulled out onto Hwy 19 to
Wo'clock sharp Saturday night the annual
thrill the rest her soul.  lined the street from Crystal Street south to Ft Island Trail. Spaces
God many people who
street y Mom was the same and for us vehicles and seats up to forty eight hours prior
M side had been reserved with parked
to the parade start. There were plenty of lights, music, bibles, candy and beads handed out
and her it was a blessing.
 
by the walkers alongside the many floats. Proving nature rules our area, a large number of
highly decorated jeeps of all kinds along with boats filled a large space in the beginning of
the procession behind waving elected official's fancy cars. Smokey the Bear on his big tractor
started the parade behind the fire trucks and is almost as big a hit with the young ones as
Santa and his Mrs who ended the excitement over an hour later. A little nip in the air kept the
marchers cool and invigorated. Photo/story by Sally Price.
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Homosassa, Inglis, Yankeetown, Florida
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