Page 4 November 30, 2016
The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
Residents Hear Details of Sabal Trail
Pipeline in Citrus, Marion, Lake Co.
Last week the meeting hall at the NCUU was at full capacity as concerned citizens
of Citrus, Lake and Marion Counties gathered to learn more about the Sabal Trail Pipeline
that is going through these counties to Citrus and continuing down to Martin County in
South Florida. The pipeline will be capable of transporting 1 Billion cubic feet of natural gas
every day.
Many people attending were surprised to learn that there is construction occurring
on North Tallahassee Road in Crystal River where a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) export
facility is to be built, where the natural gas will be liquefied by cooling to minus 259 degrees
Fahrenheit , becoming a cryogenic liquid known as LNG. Cooling reduces the volume of
gas to facilitate storage and shipping. LNG has 600 times the energy of natural gas.
Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson gave updates on the actions, protests, arrests, and sink-
holes around the construction of the Sabal Trail Pipeline. There were many questions re-
garding the dangers associated with transporting and storing LNG, which were addressed
The Tampa Bay Lightning honored as the ninth Lightning Commu- by CeCe Scofield, past president of Citizens for Environmental Justice of Greater Fall River,
Diane Toto of Homosassa
nity Hero of the 2016-17 season last News Toto, who received a $50,000 donation from the Inc., in Massachusetts.
Hometown week. for the Nature Coast
AdvertisiFoundation and the Lightning Community HeroesCitrus & will donate the money to
Lightning ng at Reasonable Rates for S Levy, NE program, SW Marion Counties
People in the audience showed their concern over land being taken by eminent
the We Care Food Pantry,S. Orwell founded. Toto becomes the 238th Lightning Community domain exposing residents to risk when much of the gas will be exported. Other concerns
5093 which she Pt., Homosassa, Florida 34446
Hero since Jeff and Phone: (352) 489-4588 Lightning(727) 362-4788 program in 2011- were the dangers of storing containers of LNG in facilities so close to homes, schools, and
Penny Vinik introduced the Fax: Community Hero
12 with a Emamillion, five-seasonPublisher: Lightning hospitals. There are a number of LNG facilities being built in different areas of Florida that
$10 il, Tom Russell, commitment to the Tampa Bay community. The
Foundation hasl, Debbie Russell, Editor: Greater have not been obvious to the public. This prompts questions about transporting these con-
Emai granted $12.05 million to more than 300 different non-profits in the
enewscasteBayoarea.newscasterarchives.comserves as the only all-volunteer food bank· of
Tampa r.c m · The Citrus County Food Bank ·
tainers within our state. What are the dangers of transporting the containers of LNG by rail?
this scale, donating 3 million pounds of food annually. Photo courtesy Tampa Bay Lightining. Can the public be protected from deadly explosions? With natural gas pipeline accidents,
coupled with rail collisions, occurring each year nationwide, what can we do to prevent a
catastrophic event?
Anyone who wishes to learn more about the Sabal Trail Pipeline or who wants to
get involved, visit , which is the website of the WWALS Watershed Coali-
tion. Scroll down to Sabal Trail. Or you can call John Quarterman at 229-560-4317.
The meeting hall at the Nature Coast Unitarian Universalist, Inc. was filled to capacity with
concerned residents of Citrus and other counties who wanted to learn more about the plans
for the Sabal Trail Pipeline and the Liquid natural gas export facility proposed for Crystal River.
Watch for more articles on the Sabal Trail and LNG.
Elderly Homosassa man killed in single-vehicle crash
An 88 year-old man involved in a single-vehicle crash in Homosassa, Nov. 28, later
expired from his injuries at Seven Rivers Regional Medical Center in Crystal River. The
crash occurred at 10:05 on S. Suncoast Blvd., near the intersection with W. Green Acres St.
According to the Florida Highway Patrol, Richard H. Turner was driving a 2013
Honda Civic, traveling north on S. Suncoast Blvd., near W. Green Acres St. in the inside
lane, when he lost control of the vehicle for unknown reasons. The vehicle left the north-
bound lanes, crossed through the median and all the southbound lanes and entered the west
shoulder, colliding with twoseparates ditches and their accompanying driveways before col-
liding with a palm tree. The press release stated that Mr. turner was wearing a seatbelt and
♦ ♦
carried no passengers. Alcohol was not a factor in the crash, according to the press release.
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