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Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
A Publication of
Inglis, FL 34449
Wednesday November 28, 2012
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
Newscaster Publishing
Permit No. 14
Sally Price - Correspondent
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Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Squawk Box
Annual Turkey Awards
With Doug Johnston
I love the holidays
for three reasons: Family,
food and football. I am fortu-
nate that our family finished
another year with everyone
who needs to be employed is
still working, we are all rela-
tively healthy and we had no
major setbacks.
I have a few “Turkey” awards to
make for some of the citizens and groups
among us who I am not particularly thank-
ful for this year.
The Florida Legislature, for pre-
senting us with the most cumbersome bal-
lot possible for this year’s general elec-
tion. By placing 11, yes 11, amendments
on this year’s ballot all of which must have
been written by Philadelphia lawyers, our
polling places were slowed to a crawl in
many precincts. Florida, once again, was
the laughing stock of the country. We were
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park, in cooperation with Citrus County
still counting a week after the polls closed.
Audubon Society, will host monthly bird walks on Pepper Creek Trail. An experienced birder, will lead the walk on this trail--one of 19 birding
You guys are Turkeys!
trails in Citrus County that are part of the West Section of the Great Florida Birding Trail. Bird walks are planned monthly from January through
Lets award the U.S. Congress
April. For more information and to register, call (352) 628-5343, ext. 1002
too. They have put party politics in front
Crystal River Stabbing Leads
of the American people’s desire to face
Youth charged with
and solve problems consistently. We face
To Arrest of Lecanto Man
critical problems with health care reform,
sex crimes against
runaway entitlement programs, immigra-
tion reform, just to name a few and if our
From Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
Bernstein, 5371 W. Cinnamon Ridge Dr.,
lawmakers refuse to put party lines behind
young girl
A stabbing in Crystal River on
Lecanto, who had contacted him on Nov.
them and make reasonable compromises
Nov. 24, led to the arrest of a Lecanto man,
24 about selling him some cannabis. Bern-
we are closing in on disaster. You are Tur-
just before 2:00 a.m. on Nov. 25.
stein and the victim had agreed to meet at
From Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
The arrest report stated that the
the Brannen Bank located in Crystal River at
The teachers in Chicago who
An 18 year-old youth was arrested
stabbing took place at the intersection of
the intersection of Hwy. 44 and Creed Ave.
walked away from their classrooms be-
by the Citrus County Sheriff s Office, Nov.
Creed Ave. and Cyrus St., and the victim is
The victim said that Bernstein was
cause they wanted more money and ben-
2, charged with lewd/lascivious molestation
a 23 year-old Homosassa man. The victim
dropped-off at the bank by his girlfriend, and
efits and the workers from Wal Mart who
of a person under the age of 12 and lewd/
had sustained several stab wounds, but none
he drove Bernstein to a residence located at
didn’t want to work on Thanksgiving
lascivious battery/entice a person under the
appeared to be life-threatening, according to
the end of Creed Ave., and Bernstein went
Continued on page 2 - Squawk Box
age of 16 to engage in sexual activity. Ac-
the report.
inside to obtain the cannabis.
cording to the arrest report, the allegations
The victim was transported to Cit-
Christmas Parade
When Bernstein returned, the vic-
against Kenneth James Kirkland of Crystal
rus Memorial Hospital for treatment and
tim said, Bernstein told him the transaction
River came to light when the girl disclosed
was interviewed there by a detective with
was now, no good, then grabbed him by the
the information to a friend who, in turn, dis-
the Citrus County Sheriff s Office.
back of his head, and pressed a metal object
closed the information to a school guidance
According to the victim’s state-
to the back of his head. He ordered the vic-
See Pages 2, & 10
counselor. The girl told the detective, ac-
ment, he had recently been introduced to the
tim to give him all of his money, and when
man later arrested, 25 year-old Justin Adam
Continued on page 4 - Lewd
Continued on page 4 - Stabbing