US Postage
Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
Wednesday November 25, 2009
Inglis, FL 34449
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
A Publication of
Sally Price - Correspondent
Permit No. 14
Newscaster Publishing
Have a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving!
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Squawk Box
What Happened to
Privacy Laws?
With Sally Price
I want to make people
aware that there are folks lo-
cally, from home, office or in
vehicles, using scanners to listen to private
conversations. I am sure technology has
changed the ability to hear people talking
on some of the personal phones, but eaves-
dropping is illegal. I know at least 2 peo-
ple who have “cruised for conversations”.
They cruise slowly until they pick up a
conversation, then they go to a secluded
area nearby and listen in, unknown to the 2
parties talking. If you see a truck or car that
drives slowly repeatedly around with no
destination they could be listening to you.
It is suppose to be illegal to “listen” in a
vehicle unless you are law enforcement or
fire/ rescue on their scanners which some
of them do out of nosiness not duty.
With computers, you better think twice
about what you look at or email to people.
As emails are passed on, the trail can be
followed. In one of the IWI/Yankeetown
Homosassa Festival Winner - (left) Roger Osborne, representing festival sponsor Love Honda / Chevrolet / Motorsports, presents the keys to
lawsuits over 25 people were ordered by
scooter package winner, Amber Applegate. Applegate is joined by daughter Kaylinn, husband Philip, and son Brayden. The scooter package in-
the court to turn over all emails. The word
cluded a Wildfire Scooter 50cc Sport Model with a Cyber Helmet and River Road Gloves. More winners on page 11. (right) Yankeetown Festival
is “beware what you do” because it is out
Winner - Tom Nicholson is joined by Ky Lewis fishing guide at the Yankeetown Lion's Club Seafood Art Festival Saturday. Nicholson, a long time
there. Our lives are so easy to trace. With
resident of Inglis walked away with the First Place Blue Ribbon at the festival this weekend with his incredible redwood furniture. Nicholson
SunPass on the toll roads you can see times
has spent most of his life on the water making a living with blue crabs, but found his real niche in life when he started making cedar furniture.
and places you pass thru. I know a lady
A wide assortment of his pieces showing real talent and 100% handmade caught the judges eye and won him the coveted win. This artist of
who was caught cheating by her husband
a different nature is always busy and the love of his labors shows in every piece he creates. Photo by Sally Price.
Lecanto  man Crystal River Man Arrested
because the SunPass proved she was where
she said she wasn’t. Cell phones with GPS..
charge/debit cards, wow the technology
on Numerous Charges
makes what we do and spend so track-able.
charged  with
With the use of cameras increasing, many
folks do not realize just how many cam-
eras are on you legally in stores, parking
Derek Robert Berstein (also known
out of his car, brandish-
lots (private property). In the “Save Yan-
as Derek Robert Bernstein), 24, 1195 Cedar
ing a pistol, and yelled to
keetown” fight it was posted that a business
Lake Dr., Crystal River, was arrested by the
another man, “Get him!”
Citrus County Sheriff’s Office, NOv. 22, on
He said the second man
Continued on page 3- Squawk Box
numerous charges.
came out from the side of
It’s Almost Window
According to the arrest report, a
the house with a shotgun
deputy met with the victim at Seven Rivers
and smacked him on the
Painting Time!
Joseph Michael Rairick, 55, N.
Regional Center in Crystal River, around
back of the head, sending
Brighton Rd., Lecanto, was arrested by the
11:30 p.m. The victim stated that he’d vis-
him to the ground. While
Saturday, December 13
Citrus County Sheriff’s Office, Nov. 19,
ited a friend, and when he walked outside
he was on the ground, he
charged with the attempted, premeditated
Join in the FUN
around 11:00 p.m. to go to his vehicle, he
said, Bernstein and the
murder of a 74-year-old Lecanto man. Ac-
from 8 am to 12 noon
saw someone sitting in the front seat of
other male were hitting
cording to the arrest report, Rairick got into
his vehicle, with the door partially open.
him with their weapons and that Bernstein
Kick Off the Holidays
an argument with the victim and told him,
As he got closer, he recognized the person
continued hitting him on the left side of his
& Compete for
“This is your last day on earth.” The re-
sitting in his car as Derek Bernstein whom
face with his pistol, telling him that he’d bet-
port stated that Rairick then left the living
Prize Money!
he’s known for about ten years, the report
ter give him his money. He said he attempted
room and returned shortly with a Philips
See Pg 12
stated. When he approached his car to ask
to locate his wallet, but did not have it with
Inglis King Rd. Mine
head screwdriver and attacked the victim,
Bernstein what he was doing, he could
him, but he was able to give him the cash he
stabbing him in the neck at least twice. The
The Newscaster
clearly see that Bernstein was stealing his
had, which was approximately $400.00. He
Food Ranch
victim also had what a appeared to be a de-
Magellan GPS and IPOD Touch, he told
said that both men stopped hitting him for a
15th-Annual Holiday
Continued on page 4 - Attempted Murder
the deputies. He said that Bernstein jumped
Window Painting Contest!
Continued on page 4- Numerous Charges