PAGE 10 - November 23, 2016
THE NEWSCASTER-Nature Coast News
Community Events
Area Veterans Activities
Rolling Thunder Fl Ch 7 Looking for Members
2016 Inglis Christmas Parade
The Inglis Recreation Committee (IRC) has announced the theme of the 2016
The major function of Rolling Thunder®, Inc. is to publicize the POW-MIA is-
Inglis Christmas Parade as "The Night Before Christmas". Interested businesses, churches,
sue; to educate the public that many American Prisoners of War were left behind after all
community organizations, and individuals should register their entries and complete the ap-
previous wars and to help correct the past and to protect future veterans from being left
plication available at the Inglis Town Hall. The parade will be held on Saturday, December
behind should they become prisoners of war - missing in action. We are committed to help-
10th at 4pm.
ing American veterans from all wars. If you are interested in becoming a member please
contact membership chair Angela Mallard at 352-942-8642. You are welcome to attend our
Christmas Bicycle Donations
monthly meeting which meets the 2nd Saturday, 10-noon, at DAV chapter 70 building on
The Inglis Recreation Committee (IRC) is asking for donations to aid in the pur-
Independence Dr and SR 41 in Inverness.
chase of 24 bicycles to be given away at the 2016 Inglis Christmas Party for Children,
Veterans Court seeking female Veteran mentors
which traditionally follows the Inglis Christmas Parade. The parade will be Saturday De-
The key component of any successful Veterans Court is a Veterans' Mentor Pro-
cember 10th at 4pm with the party to follow at the Inglis Community Center. Donations
gram. In this program, a trained Veteran Mentor is paired with a veteran participant to
may be dropped off at the Inglis Town Hall or mailed to PO Drawer 429, Inglis FL 34439.
provide support as he or she navigates through the court and treatment.
For more info, please call 447-2203.
Mentors are one of the most valuable components of this program. The Veterans
Woman's Club Bingo
Court is currently seeking female veteran mentors. If you are interested in volunteering for
Listen to your neighbors and come be part of the FUN that is Bingo. Don't wait to
this program, please contact Kelly Kell, at 352-341-6721, extension 7035.
be asked, grab your friends and come on down to the Woman's Club on 56th St., Thursdays.
Activities at Inglis AmVets
Doors open at 6pm to buy your cards for $1 each and enjoy some of the best food and des-
Open 7 days 12:00-9:00 pm. Kitchen hours 12:00-7:00 pm. Breakfast served
serts from the kitchen. Games start at 7pm. The progressive jackpot is up to $180, another
(Sundays only) 9:00-11:00 am. WEDNESDAYS - 50 cents Wings and Darts Tournament at
reason to join us for an evening of fun. Bring 2 non-perishable food items and receive a
7:30 pm. THURSDAY, THANKSGIV- ING DAY, Nov. 24 - Starting at 3:00 pm, Thanks-
free early bird special. Proceeds go to fund scholarships. Call the club at 352-447-2057 for
giving Dinner will be served until gone; Turkey and Ham will be proveded; pease bring a
more information or email:
Side Dish or Dessert. The Weekly Drawing will be held at 5:00 pm (80% goes to winner;  Entrants Invited to Manatee Festival
must be present and signed-in to win), and 5:00-9:00 pm is Ladies' Night with specials.
Fine Artists are invited to participate in the Florida Manatee Festival Plans are
FRIDAYS - All day, wear a Red Shirt, bring two non-perishible food items, and get your  being made for the 30th Annual Florida Manatee Festival; two fun-filled days of fine art,
second drink free, and play `Show Me the Money' at 6:00 pm. SATURDAY - Play `Double-  delicious food, live entertainment, children games, manatee tours, and lots more to take
Bonus Show Me the Money' at 6:00 pm. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27 - Breakfast served  place on Saturday and Sunday, January 14th and 15th 2017 in historic downtown Crystal
9:00-11:00 am, LIVE MUSIC by Jo Jo Jones, 3:30-7:30 pm, and our Queen of H e a r t s  River Florida. The Citrus County Chamber of Commerce would like to invite any Fine
DRAWING at 6:15 pm (approaching $5,000). MONDAYS - Bowling Tournament at 6:00  Art Exhibitors interested in participating in the 2017 Manatee Festival, please contact the
Hometown News for the Nature Coast
pm. TUESDAY - Taco Day with Drink Special and Bingo at 5:00 pm (Powerball approach-  Citrus County Chamber for further information at (352) 795-3149.
Serving Inglis, Yankeetown, Dunnellon, Hernando, Crystal River & Homosassa
ing $600).
Our LadyAddress: 5093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, FL 34446
of Grace-K of C Council 6168 Blood Drive
Inglis VFW Activities
The next blood drive for Our Lady of Grace, K of C Council 6168 blood ministries
Members and their Guests are welcome at 
to VFW Post 8698, located  520 Hwy.
is scheduled for Saturday, : (352) 489-4588 · Fax:  AM to 1 PM in Our Lady of Grace
PhoneDecember 17, 2016, from 8 (727) 447-5788
40 E. in Inglis, FL, one mile east of the US 19 and CR 40 traffic light. Our phone is 352-
Parish Life Center,s6 Roosevelt Blvd., Beverly Hills.
Website : ·
447-3495. *EVERY TUESDAY - Dart Tournament at 7:30 pm. *THURSDAY, Nov. 24,
Thisstory.Newscathe ·
Hi Holiday drive is sterAr event s provide special gift of life to your friends,
starting at 1:00 pm and until closing, we're having a Thanksgiving Get Together and Meal.
family and community. Remember, one unit of blood can be a critical contribution for up
FRIDAY, Nov. 25, starting at 6:00 pm, we will be partying during Queen of Hearts with
to three people. Given that, there is Publisher: please
Email,Tom Russell, always a serious need for this precious gift, so
Cowboy Al's   will be the last stop for Pearl Harbor Re-
Karaoke. SATURDAY, Dec. 3, we
take themail,from this busy season to donate blood. It is sincerely appreciated and makes
E time Debbie Russell, Editor:
membrae Run,and feast for all riders and their friends;
ncDay Poker   we will be providing a
you a superhero to others.
we're also liketocome, to stop by and enjoy football and
 inviting anyone else who would   
Again, a complimentary breakfast is available for all donors as well as individual
with*MONTHLYMEETINGS:  held on the second Wed.
music  us.  Auxiliary Meetings are
tokens of appreciation. Please come to join your fellow donors at this important event. If
ofeverymonth pm, PostMeetings third
   (Dec. 14) at 6:30  and  are held on the  Wed. (Dec.
there are any questions call Life South at 352-527-3061.
ofevery at 6:30pm.
21)   month  
email news to:
              
      
he Newscaster
Hometown News for the Nature Coast
 vertiig at 5093a blewelt est .f,oH omosas saE Fliorusa& 444rion  ountis  
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Sax: 7O3  8 r  men All New In s
F ta
f 2-­47
Email, Tom Russell, Publisher:
maiDebusell, Editor: debinewsasr@gmailom   
E  l, bie R s
b e   c  te   .c
The Newscaster
                                        
5093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, Florida 34446
Phone: (352) 489-­4588 Fax: (727) 362-­4788
Email, Tom Russell, Publisher:
  
Email, Debbie Russell, Editor:
Proof: Ad Starts 3-20-13
Easier than eBay
Joe's Reliable Septic Service,LLC
Food Ranch Shopping Plaza
Next to Buddy & Fred's Hardware
We Want Your Stinkin' Business
Classified Ads
46 Hwy. 19 N.
Phone: 352-­447-­5595
Ad Proof for Display Ad
You can now place classified ads at the
5" wide by 2.5" deep
andguns, Rifles, Shotguns & Ammunition
to Foodin 01-22-2014 issue  - 25 words/$12.
start Ranch Service Desk
22LR   Concealed Carry & Safety Classes
New deadline: Monday 12 noon at the Inglis
g get together/meal onor Repairs & Boresighting   till close.
Min Thursday around 1:00
State License #SA0111728
Special Orders & Transfers
ill be partyingk
during Queen of Hearts at 6 with Cowboy Al's Karaoke.
Food Ranch service Desk. Cash or Check.
2016, we will be theitlast stop for Pearl Harbor Remembrance 352)795-4662
Day Poker Run, and  (877)442-9688
Lim ed Stock, but Orders Placed
No refunds for early cancellations
a Feast to provideor Archery Items & Black Powder  their friends; we're inviting (352)228-9027
for any and all Riders and
stop enjoy Football and music.
Display Ad -­ 1/8 page