PAGE 2 - November 20, 2013
The Newscaster - Nature Coast News
Pet Patrol
I am Missy, a beautiful, spayed female,
white with red Pomeranian Chihuahua mix.
I like everyone, am very well behaved, obe-
Female hound found in Dunnellon
dient, playful at times, and appreciate your
She's LOST! This little girl was  company on the couch. My owners left me
found on Nov. 6 at the intersection of Hwy  at a shelter because they wanted to travel, so
41 and County Rd. 39 in Dunnellon. She  at age 7 years old, I am looking for another
is a young adult female hound mix, white  home to settle in. Poms and Chihuahuas live
with brown spots, very friendly and has a  into the late teens or longer. No small kids.  2013 Haunted Maze thanks - Our 14th annual `Nightmare on Pine Bluff Street' haunted Hal-
minor injury to her rear legs (she was pos-  If you understand what it is like to be more  loween maze and graveyard was enjoyed by over 572 people this year during the two nights
sibly clipped by a car). She was not wearing  settled, mature, loving, but still ready for  it was open, Saturday Oct 26th and Halloween Oct 31st.
 
a collar and has no microchip. Her ID # is  a good time, come see me and a few other
John & Dusty Porter would like to thank the following people for helping with the set-
small dog friends, Saturday at Pet Super-  up and being `scare-actors' who made this a successful event for `The Nightmare on Pine
A21436178 5093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, Florida 34446
at Citrus County Animal Ser-
vices, 4030 S. Airport(352) Inverness, FL;  market, 362-4788 10-Noon. A Humane So-  Bluff Street': Curtis and Dawn Peters; Jim, Marcie and Jimmy Bruno; Jeff, Sarah and Brooke
Phone: Rd., 489-4588  Fax: (727) Inverness,
ciety of Central FL. Pet Rescue, Inc. only  Bruno. With their help, it was a scary and fun haunted maze and graveyard walkthrough, and
phone: ail, Tom Russell, Publisher:
Em(352) 746-8400.
adopts to the Citrus County and adjoining
Pet mil·,   ·
Food Donations needed areas, after applications, interviews, and  we scared young and old alike. New additions this year were a new zombie prop and a guy
Ema  Debbie Russell, Editor:
in a electric chair.
at Animal Services
home visits to appropriately match us with
A special thanks for the `special scare-actors': Curtis Peters as `Count Dracula',
The goal is to help residents feed their  our new owners. If you have a small dog  Dusty Porter as the `decapitated head', Brooke and Sara Bruno as the `Drop window scares',
that needs re-homing, phone 352.527.9050.  Dawn Peters, Jimmy Bruno and Jeff Bruno as the `Specters in the Maze' and graveyard.
pets. Call 352-746-8400.
    
Donations to the Citrus United (food) Basket were accepted. We want to thank all
the people who put cash donations into the jar, totaling $353.00. Also approximately 107
        
pounds of food items were donated. Pictured are John & Dusty Porter with Ms Jennifer Camp-
bell, Executive Director of CUB.
        
Lake Rousseau Herbicide Schedule
      
   
                
During the weeks through November 22, 2013, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Con-
             
servation will be conducting aquatic weed control operations in Lake Rousseau using EPA
                                                            
approved herbicides. Water lettuce will be maintained using the herbicides, Clipper and
                                                             
Reward. Boat trails will be maintained using the herbicides Aquathol K, and Glyphosate.
There is no restriction on the use of treated waters for recreational activities such as fish-
                   
ing or swimming. People using these areas of Lake Rousseau are advised that Aquathol K
                                                              
treated water should not be used for 14 days for animal consumption.
              
There are no restrictions on water used for irrigation. Signs displaying treatment dates and
he Newscaster
                                                              
restrictions will be posted in Aquathol K treated areas.
               
Water treated with Reward should not be used for domestic purposes or irrigation
            
for 5 days, for livestock or domestic animals for 1 days and drinking water for 1 day (does
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not apply to tap or well Water). Clipper treated areas have a 5 day irrigation restriction on or-
g at Reasonable Rates for S Levy, NE Citrus & SW Marion Counties
namentals grown in greenhouses or nurseries. There are no restrictions in Glyphosate treated
 
           
5093 S Orwl .,Hoosassa,Floda 34446      
.  el Pt  m   ri    
areas.Scheduled treatments may be delayed due to adverse environmental conditions.
Pone 352) 489-­48 Fax 77)News788 theNature  
h : (    58 Hometown 364 for     Coast
 : (2  2-­ 
Missing juvenile found
mail, To Adverlt Png lather: he Ratesforml.cmCitrus SW  Counties
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u se ,   i Reasonable cas @g Levy, NE
Destiny Lefke, a 17 year-old juvenile who was reported missing to the Citrus
mail, Debbie Russell, Editor: debS.enewscPt.,eHomosassa, Florida 34446
5  3b      a   r@g  ail. o                 
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County Sheriff s Office on Nov. 10 has been located and found safe in Citrus County.
Phone:(352)          Fax: (727) 362-4788     
489-4588                   
                          
Have you seen the new traffic signal?
Email, Tom Russell, Publisher:
  ai,Debbie  
Em l    Russell, Editor:     
In Crystal River, there s a new traffic signal at Meadowcrest Blvd. and C.R. 486
Proof: Ad Starts 3-20-13
es:            
     · · history.newscasterarchives.comthat was fully operational on Fri., Nov. 15. Drivers are reminded to be alert and cautious
when driving in this area.
Joe's  Service,LLC       
 Reliable Septic            
 
THE NEWSCASTER & Nature Coast News is published weekly by
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Newscaster Publishing. Comment Line:352-388-1668. e-mail: news@
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We      Your Stinkin' Business
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