The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - November 13, 2013
"Searching for the Truth"
Is Science Really in Opposition to God?
Michael Faraday (1791-1867) is second only to Isaac New-
ton as the greatest physicist who ever walked the Earth. Faraday was
credited with the invention of electromagnetic induction, the electric
motor, the electric transformer, the electric generator and made major
contributions to our understanding of magnetism, polarized light, the
liquefaction of gases, the development of rubber, optical glass, alloys
of steel, electroplating, and artificial rubies. In addition, his greatest
contribution to science was the development of field theory in physics.
He is ranked by science historians as the greatest of all experimental
physicists adding a whole new vocabulary to modern science anode, cathode, ion,
electricity, electrode, anion, cat ion, magnetic field, lines of force, and electrolysis.
Faraday's work so changed modern science that two basic units of physics
5093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, Florida 34446
were named in his honor the faraday (a unit of electrical quantity) and the farad (a unit
Phone: (352) 489-4588 Fax: (727) 362-4788
of capacitance). Yet, as much as Faraday contributed to scientific advancement he
Email, Tom Russell, Publisher:
drew more from his deeply held Christian faith. His actions were strongly guided by
Email, Debbie Russell, Editor:
Biblical truths, and his Bible contained nearly 3000 meticulously written notations in · · ·
the margins. His good friend John Tyndall wrote of Faraday, "I think that a good deal
of Faraday's week-long strength and persistency might be due to his Sunday exercises.
The Gilley Long Osteen VFW Post 8698 on Hwy 40 E Inglis observes Veteran's Day each year
He drinks from a fount on Sunday that refreshes his soul for the week."
with a flag disposal as part of the ceremony honoring veterans. The flags are turned in each
Just like Newton before him, Faraday drew strength and meaning from the
year and saved for this date to follow official procedures and burn the flags. The Daisies,
reality that the universe displays order and meaning as a direct result of being created
Brownies and Juniors of Girl Scout Troops 180 and 353 took part this year in the afternoon's
by God. It is not a meaningless assembly of atoms which created itself, but an orderly
events. Pictured are Kenny Hurst, a Vietnam Vet, and his granddaughter Brooke Hurst placing
arrangement designed by an incredible intelligence outside of the physical universe.
a flag on the fire. The girls were taught proper handling and folding of the flag. A dinner was
This acknowledgement did not hinder the incredible discoveries of these great scien-
served following the ceremony. Photo/Story by Sally Price
tists, but provided the foundation which motivated them.
And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men Colossians 3:23
Based on, Inspired Evidence a book by Bruce Malone, 2011
Presented by Bob Allen, Biologist-Paid Advertisement Contact Bob at
Ruth Hawthorne Kirkland, Inglis
5093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, FL 34446
Phone: (352) 489-4588 Fax: (727) 447-5788
Guidelines for submitting Letters to the Editor
Email, Tom Russell, Pulisher: am. Survived by her
Ruth Hawthorne Kirkland age 90 passed away Monday at 7:38
The Newscaster does not publish anonymous letters or commentaries. We receive letters from sister Mozel Jones Inglis, sons Kenneth Kirkland, Alaska and Greg Kirkland Inglis and
time to time that do not meet our requirements (mostly unsigned and no address) and that's why mail, daughter Sandee Patrick Ocala. Six grandchildren, eleven great grandchildren and three
E they Debbie Russell, Editor:
don't get published. All let Please keep letters to the editorebsites: to the point as possible, 200 · · until 1:00 pm
W as brief and great great grandchildren. Viewing Thursday November 14th at 11:00 am · thehealthcast
words or less. Letters must be typed in upper and lower case on plain white paper or emailedtising at Reasonable Rates for S at the Primitive Church of Jesus Christ No. Hwy 19, Inglis.
and funeral service at 1:00 pm Levy, NE Citrus & SW Marion Counties
Adver to One letter per author every six weeks. All letters are printed and edited for
length and content at the discretion of the editors. The views and opinions expressed in this publication
do not necessarily represent the views of the publishers, staff or advertisers.Letters must be signed by
the author, with a local phone number and current address. Letters areADaccepted at the Newscaster
drop box at Food Ranch. Emailed letters may be delayed while verification takes place. Emailed letters
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must be received from the author's valid email address.
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