The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - November 12, 2008
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
Yankeetown Mayor’s Report
A Guest Commentary by Mayor Dawn Clary
Letter to the Editor:
While the road to the new water plant has been long, circuitous and at times politically charged,
the actually building of it has been surprisingly smooth. Start up for the new water plant is actually here
Well, well, YT elections must be nigh again. Instead of the NoSeeUm News, now
and will begin November 17th. Start up involves the testing of all the systems and a myriad of vendor
comes the attack from Bill Cox.
representatives will be on site to monitor the performance of their equipment and work out any prob-
Wow, what a hoot: a "vicious campaign of intimidation, smear tactics, innuendo,
lems that manifest themselves during the test runs. We will also be doing training of our water system
and harassment, to drive legitimately elected town officials from office" in the same mes-
personnel. The whole system will be disinfected and then we should be good to go. While the plant is
sage as "get the truth out" and "help mend the town."
slated to be fully functional by the end of December we still have to get a clearance from the Department
Bill, when you described "legitimate growth," were you referring to that particular
of Environmental Protection before we can actually start pumping water to the homes and businesses of
application which has been deemed NOT IN COMPLIANCE with the Town’s Comp Plan
Yankeetown. We are hopeful that this will be done in the first weeks of January.
and Zoning Code? The ruling that was upheld in court? Doesn’t "legally exercising property
The new water rates have gone into effect and there have been some questions as to why the rates
rights" describe building plans that conform to those very laws? If not, then what ARE you
were raised before the plant went on line. We will have significant expenses during the start up such as
talking about?
increased plant operator hours, higher electrical bills etc. Also many of the charges have begun already.
You described one activity as "conspiracy." The dictionary defines ‘conspiracy’ - a
What we did was take all the projected expenses for the year and then averaged them over the fiscal
secret agreement between two or more people to perform an UNLAWFUL act. Can you
year. Our mechanism for changing rates requires time so it is prudent to begin with the budget year,
prove laws were broken?
refining our rates to a moment to moment basis would be an impossible task.
The dictionary also defines ‘libel’ - a false and malicious publication printed for
The need for a major increase in water rates was presented almost 3 years ago in the original water
the purpose of defaming a living person. Hmmm, accusing someone of an unlawful act
facilities plan, but still the new rates have been a shock. Although we did get an 85% grant, one of the
(conspiracy) in a publication?
last I might add, we still have to finance our 15% of the construction. Also we have higher expenses
I wonder about your motivation for your change of mind. Rumors abound that you
with the new plant, more operator time required, higher electric bills, more supplies etc. Anyone who
are under contract with a certain developer. It couldn’t possibly be a financial arrangement
has any questions about the cost of the plant, please come into town hall and look at the documents.
or agreement with your new friends, could it? What
A note on the water billing, if you pay your bills "on line" please remember that it will not be an
ARE you trying to accomplish?
electronic transfer to the Town of Yankeetown. The payment will still be sent through the mail. To avoid
Hint: try some actual facts if you’re going to continue to try to "mend the town."
problems you need to allow sufficient time for the mail to get the payment here.
Edward Candela, Yankeetown
The fence ordinance hearing on Monday night has been continued until March. Good public input
was received and it became obvious that the existing form of the ordinance is considered to restrictive.
More on this later.
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
I hope everyone remembered our veterans on Veterans Day. I would like to take a moment of
indulgence and welcome my own nephew back to the country after his service in Iraq.
Good Night and Good Luck, Dawn Marie Clary, Mayor of Yankeetown
There is much ado in our small communities these days. We are on the verge of
great industrial development within a few scant miles of our homes and businesses. Such
Letter to the Editor:
things can be a benefit or not, depending on your perspective. One thing is certain, change
Subject: Correction of the Record
is coming, like it or not.
To: Sandra Clodwick, President P.O.W.A.R.
Within our community there is an organization which has steadfastly fought for
Withlacoochee Area Residents, Inc. has been deeply involved in regional water
your benefit. It has contested certain objectionable industrial practices before the Levy
issues for a great many years. The organization was a participant in the process which led to
and Citrus County Commissions, Florida Department of Environmental Protection and
the Lower River’s designation as Outstanding Florida Waters. We have participated in con-
the Southwest Florida Water Management District. It has stood for the Health and Wel-
cert with the State of Florida in many ways to enhance and promote water resources which
fare of the community without exception on the matter of water. It had a lot to do with
are vital to our well being and economy. We do not engage such processes without careful
the Lower Withlacoochee being designated as Outstanding Florida Waters.
You might ask, “What water?” Well, the water beneath your feet, the
Our organization’s Board of Directors has reviewed the POWAR Newsletter dated
Withlacoochee River and Gulf of Mexico to be specific. That is the water upon which we
9-27-2008 (Vol. 1, Issue 4). The Board wishes to inform you, in the clearest of language,
are very dependent for day to day life, business and pursuit of the American Dream.
that commentary put forth about this organization in the referenced edition is false and/or
I would like to let you know the facts of what this organization is doing at the
present time.
Our organization has not filed suit against the State over the issue of herbicide
1. It is contesting the location of the proposed Tarmac LLC King Road Mine whose
application on Lake Rousseau, nor has it filed suit against any individual, corporation or
southern boundary is about 2 miles north of Inglis and in the heart of Gulf Hammock.
government entity in the span of 24 years since incorporated. *Such is the public record.*
2. It is contesting the site location of the cooling water intake for the Progress Energy
Our organization submitted to the Office of the Governor a document which ques-
Nuclear Power Plant project in the east end of the Cross Florida Barge Canal.
tions the propriety of herbicide applications on Lake Rousseau *insofar as they impact the
3. It is contesting the impact of herbicide application on Lake Rousseau to the extent that
Lower Withlacoochee River.* Furthermore, the US EPA has, in accordance with Federal
it affects the Lower River.
Statute, forwarded our concerns to the Florida Department of Agriculture. The Department
4. It has submitted to the Southwest Florida Water Management District a proposal to
investigation process is underway at this time and you are invited to contact the enforce-
reconnect the Lower River and restore the historical water flows to our Outstanding
ment branch of Florida Dept. of Agriculture to verify this.
Florida Waters.
It is implied in the POWAR newsletter that we submitted “unfounded scientific
This organization does not:
evidence” in this process. To be clear, the “scientific evidence” submitted was provided by
1. Object to industrial activities if they do not adversely impact our community.
the Bureau of Invasive Plant Management (FWC) in the form of analytical summaries of
2. Say “NO!” to everything that comes along, just to say no.
periodic water samplings from the Lower River. If, in your judgment this data is unfounded,
The organization seeks and finds alternatives. It recommends solutions when
it is suggested you contact the source to express such views. The document is available for
they are found. Most of all, it welcomes you to join and have a voice in your future. This
review by the public at the Yankeetown Library and is entitled “/Lake Rousseau Herbicide
organization is the Withlacoochee Area Residents, Inc. It will hold a meeting open to the
Program Impacts on the Lower Withlacoochee River and Estuary/”.
public, at 6:30 PM, 19 November, at the Yankeetown Woman’s Club on 56th Street, Yan-
It is respectfully and strongly suggested that POWAR correct the record on this
keetown. Drop on in and join some of your friends and neighbors. Make your voice
matter, both to members and nonmember parties on the POWAR mailing list.
Sincerely,Dan Hilliard, President Withlacoochee Area Residents, Inc.
Paid for and Approved by Dan Hilliard, and yes, I’m one of your neighbors.
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