Food Ranch Supermarket
Repeat Sold Out Early
Busch,Busch Light
Fresh Chicken Leg Quarters
Natural Light,Rolling Rock
40 Highway 19 North · Inglis, Florida 34449
Sold In
10 Lb. Bags
Phone: (352) 447-2905 · Fax: (352) 447-4859
40 Lb. Case
HOURS: Monday - Saturday 7:30 am - 8:00 pm
Sunday 7:30 am - 7:00 pm
Product of USA
18 Packs
Prices Effective: November 12, 2015 through Wednesday, November 18, 2015
US Postage
Deborah Russell - Editor
A Publication of
Wednesday November 11, 2015
Inglis, FL 34449
Tom Russell - Publisher
Newscaster Publishing
Permit No. 14
Sally Price - Correspondent
Today is Veterans Day: Thank A Vet
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
NSP Program
working to revitalize
area s housing market
Program (NSP) House #50, which was
purchased by Citrus County Housing
Services on April 25, 2015, is moving
right along! Fresh paint, along with new
cabinets, flooring, and roofing makes this
house look newly built.
Under the NSP, Citrus County
Housing Services is using $3.9 million
in Neighborhood Stabilization Program
funds to help get foreclosed homes back
on the tax roll. The program is to get
moderate and low income buyers into the
homes after they are purchased and reha-
bilitated. The program buys bank-owned,
foreclosed properties, rehabilitates them,
then sells them to qualified buyers.
Buyers and properties must meet
eligibility and program requirements: (1)
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Yankeetown Flotilla Commander Leslie Moore instructing a group of youngsters at Dunnellon Christian Academy
Household income of a buyer can not ex-
about safe boating and navigation using "cyalume" sticks. The glowing red and green sticks are a very effective teaching aid; participation in
ceed 120% of the area median income.
the lesson was one hundred percent. For more information about a safe boating classes, call the Yankeetown flotilla at 352-586-9607. Photo:
Five arrested in Homosassa
(2) Properties purchased for this program
The Newscaster/Mike Moore
Sex Offender Arrested
must be in a priority area, as established
in the County s NSP application, and may
for not registering
be amended from time to time. (3) Buyers
during drug raid
must participate in one pre-purchase credit
new Inglis address
counseling session and two post-purchase
From The Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
counseling sessions at an approved coun-
yielded controlled substances, including
On Thursday morning, Nov. 5,
seling agency at no cost to the buyer. (4)
smaller amounts of marijuana, alprazolam,
detectives with the Citrus County Sheriff's
Buyers must obtain a Desktop Underwrit-
morphine, and LSD. Detectives also recov-
From The Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
Office s Tactical Impact and Community
erĘ (or equal) approval through a lender
ered a stolen gun.
A report of a domestic
Crimes Units executed a search warrant at
that complies with the bank regulator s
A 2 year old child was at the home
disturbance to the Citrus County
5462 S. Alice Pt. in Homosassa after learn-
guidance for traditional mortgages; no
during the service of the warrant. The De-
Sheriff s Office, Nov. 7, resulted
ing the residence was used for selling mari-
sub-prime loans are allowed. (5) Buyers
partment of children and Families (DCF)
in a man's arrest for battery and
must undergo an 8-hour homebuyer coun-
was notified of the search warrant and the
also for being a sex offender who Emerick
Inside the home, detectives lo-
seling course by a HUD-approved coun-
circumstances in the home, and the child
had failed to notify law enforce-
cated several controlled substances, includ-
seling agency.
was turned over to a family member who
ment of his new address within 48 hours of
ing more than 50 grams of marijuana wax,
(6) Homebuyers cannot currently own a
was not involved in the drug case.
relocating there. Dennis Rae Emerick, 34,
a substance extracted from dried marijuana
home, but do not have to be a first time
Arrests include: Thomas Sweeney
W. River Rd., Inglis, was given no bond
that can contain up to 85% THC, the active
homebuyer to qualify for this program.
Lyons, 20, charged with operating a struc-
on the battery charge; his bond was set at
ingredient in marijuana. The process used to
Citrus County Housing Services
ture for the purpose of drug sales and pos-
$5,000 on the sex offender charge.
extract the substance can be dangerous and
is located at 2804 W. Marc Knighton Ct.
session of paraphernalia (total bond $3,000);
The report stated that slightly prior
in Lecanto. Office hours are Monday-
potentially explosive. The street value of the
Kathleen Erin Lyons, 23, charged with pos-
to 9:00 pm, deputies arrived at the residence
Friday, 8:00 am-5:00 pm. For additional
marijuana wax is approximately $3,000. Al-
session of a controlled substance (LSD) and
that Emerick and the female victim had
information, please contact NSP Grant
though detectives do no believe the wax was
possession of marijuana less than 20 grams
moved into about a week previously, about
AdministratorJennifer Pollard by phone
manufactured at the home, the amount they
(total bond $3,000); ChristopherJoseph Mi-
Oct. 29, 2015 and spoke with the victim.
at 352-527-7520, or email her at jennifer.
located is significant.
Continued on page 4 - Drug Arrests
A complete search of the home
Continued on page 4- Failure to Register