PAGE 10 - October 7, 2015
THE NEWSCASTER-Nature Coast News
Community Events
Spooky Maze-Haunted House to
Benefit Citrus United Basket
2015 Annual Enrollment Period for Year 2016
Medicare Part C (Health) and Part D (Drug) Plan Thursday, Oct 15th ­ Monday,
`A Nightmare on Pine Bluff St' Haunted Maze and Spooky Graveyard will take
Dec 7th, 2015  SHINE, a volunteer program with the FL Dept of Elder Affairs, is here
place on Saturday the 24th, from 7 to 10:30 pm; and Halloween night, from 7 to 10:30 pm.
to assist you in making the best informed decision for your 2016 Medicare Part D Drug
This is John & Dusty Porters' 16th year of their Halloween Maze. And it's FREE!!! This
Plan or Medicare Advantage Plan.  Each site will have a short presentation followed by
is a new maze walk and tunnels. If you survive the ghosts and zombies, you make it back
individual counseling. SHINE provides free, unbiased, and confidential counseling. Low
to the land of the living. Lots of fun and scares for all, and it's all FREE!!! Donations for
Income Medicare beneficiaries should ask about Extra Help (LIS) to help pay for your
C.U.B. (Citrus United Basket) of food and/or money will be accepted.
2016 Medicare Prescription Drug Plan costs.  Bring with you your Medicare Card, your
The Maze and Graveyard is located at 8154 W Pine Bluff St, Crystal River. From
2015 Plan card (if any), and all your Prescription drug bottles or a 90 day listing of your
Crystal River, around 6 miles north on Citrus Ave (CR 495). Signs will be out on Citrus
prescriptions from your pharmacy. Please call 1-800-262-2243 for a site near you or to
Ave to turn onto West Pine Bluff St. Parking is free on the east side of the front yard area.
be referred to a SHINE volunteer. Come See a SHINE Volunteer At: Yankeetown Wed,
Bring yourselves, family and friends for a wonderfully scary good time. Questions or di-
October 14th  9:00am-Noon
AF Knotts Library (Yankeetown) Wed, October 28th
rections, call 563-2817, Happy Halloween!!!!!
9:00am-Noon AF Knotts Library (Yankeetown)  Thurs, November 12th 9:00am-Noon
AF Knotts Library (Yankeetown) Sat/Sun, November 21/22 All Day Yan. Seafood Festival
Inglis-Yankeetown Scarecrow Contest
This year, the Withlacoochee Gulf Area Chamber of Commerce will sponsor the
Scarecrow Contest for Inglis and Yankeetown. Businesses and other organizations can
enter by emailing their NAME and the PHYSICAL LOCATION of their scarecrow to:
The Newscaster
The by October 16, 2015. Scarecrows must be completed by Octo-
5093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, Florida 34446
ber 23rd. Judging will be the morning of October 31st.
Phone: (352) 489-4588  Fax: (727) 362-4788
Pancake Breakfast at the Woman's Club
her: thenewscaster1@gmail.comIEmail, Debbie Russell, Editor:
Looking for some place to spend a relaxing morning being waited on? Stop by the · · ·
Woman's Club on 56th St. in Yankeetown, Saturday, Oct 10th from 8am-10:30am and be
spoiled. Cooked to order buttermilk pancakes (all you can eat), ham, juice and coffee, $5
adults and $3 children 10 and under. What better way to enjoy the first days of fall, than to
let someone else do the cookin'.
For you bargain shoppers, the Thrift Shop will open early. A brand new layout
and new merchandise will make your shopping a pleasure. The addition of the "Man Cave"
Hometown News theNature 
for    Coast
will give the men a special place to browse. Grab your friends and neighbors and enjoy the
Serving Inglis, Yankeetown, Dunnellon, Crystal River &
Hernando, 
morning. All proceeds from this fund-raiser will go to the clubhouse expansion building
fund. See you on Oct 10th for the best Pancakes you'll ever eat!! Call 447-2057 for infor-
Addrs:S. OrwellPt.,34446
 es5093    Homosassa, FL
      
Phone: (352) 489-4588 · Fax: (727) 447-5788
      
Public Invited to Help Identify Flood Prone Areas in Portions of Levy County
The Southwest Florida Water Management District (District) is gathering infor-
Websites: ·
From 2013: Donations to the Citrus United (food) Basket were accepted. We want to thank
all the peopleory.Newcash totaling $353.00. Also approximately  mation to improve identification of flood prone areas in Levy County. Residents living in
Hist who put sca  donations into the jar, ·
   
107 pounds of food items were donated. Pictured newscaster1@gmail.comJennifer  the Town of Bronson watershed are invited to attend an open house on Thursday, Oct. 8
Email,Tom Russell, Publisher: are John & Dusty Porter with Ms
beginning at 4:00 p.m. The meeting will take place at the Dogan Cobb Building, located at
Campbell, ail, Debbie Russell, Editor:
Executive Director of CUB.
CedarSeafoodFestival 
 Key  
660 E. Hathaway Ave. in Bronson.
District representatives will present preliminary flood prone area information, ex-
Lions Cedar KeySeafoodFestival Oct. and Sunday Oct. 18, 9
  46th Annual    Saturday 17 
plain the basis behind the findings, and gather additional information that may be used to
a.m. to 5 p.m. Come out to Cedar Key Oct 17-18 for Seafood, Arts & Crafts, a Seafood
identify areas that are flood prone. After addressing public comments, flood prone area
and music onGulf.Cedar Seafood Festival
Festival Parade   Live    the  The 46th Annual   Key
information will be finalized and presented to the District's Governing Board for autho-
offersby theLionsfood,crafts,shopping, music and more,
  a family Cedar Key   Clubandfine Cedar KeyLioness sponsorship from
fun weekend of great   the arts and     with
rization to use the data for regulatory purposes. This flood prone area information is not
currently being incorporated into the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
the Florida Dept. of Agriculture's Fresh From Florida Seafood promotion program.
Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRMs). However, it may be used in future updates
to the DFIRMs.
The flood prone area information can be used by local governments for land use
and zoning decisions, to help manage development in and around floodplains and wetlands,
to reduce flood risks, to preserve land and water resources, and for emergency planning. It
he Newscaster
will also provide valuable information to the public for decisions about purchasing and pro-
   
tecting property. For more information or to find out which watershed you live in, please
 mown ews for tvisitNature Coast
 
Hoet N
he or call the District at (352) 796-7211, ext. 4297.
 
   
Advertising at Reasonable Rates for S LeSy, NE Citrus & SW Marion Counties
v hine Volunteers Needed
  
5093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, Florida currently recruiting volunteers for the SHINE (Serving Health Insurance
We are 34446
      
Phone: (352) 489-­4588 Fax: (727) 362-­4788
Needs of Elders)
program at Elder Options. SHINE counselors are specially trained vol-
Email, Tom Russell, Publisher: thenewscaster1@g.m
mailco 
unteers that can provideyou,or friends,  patients with answers to
@    i . om  family, clients, and
    
Email, Debbie Russell, Editor: debbienewscastergmalc
Medicare, Medicaid, and health insurance questions by providing one-on-one counseling
and information. SHINE services are free, unbiased, and confidential.
                                 
      
SHINEProgramgoingto be ourBasic 
The   is    holding  next 3-day  Training in
   
Proof: Ad
Marion County July 29-31 at the College of Central Florida in Ocala, FL. Please contact
Joe's ReliableedSeptic Service,LLC
R o n & B o n n i e s B u r g e r s & B B Q
A Proof
Busin ss Card Ad
We tWant Your Stinkin'first ad run
o Start in final issue of Business
Ad Proof  Display Ad
ending 6-17-14
"   2.5"
to start in 01-22-2014 issue (
Second Business
   
Quarter ads
to run 13 consecutve weeks
State License #SA0111728
WAERFOTnitlooe  Rier!
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h c    
(each Wednesday at $19 per weekly ad)
352)795-4662 through 9-16-15
6-24-15-15  (877)442-9688
    
(352) Credit Card $247
1.acrsRBfor only
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