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# CB-CA15418
US Postage
Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
Yankeetown, FL
Wednesday October 31, 2007
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
A Publication of
Permit No. 4
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Newscaster Publishing
Have A Safe And Happy Halloween
Sally Price Correspondent
 Squawk Box   Youth League
With Doug Johnston
A  conversation  with
Charged With
Granddaddy: Part 1
I woke up about 1:30 AM
one night last week and
Capital Sexual
couldn't go back to sleep. Not
wanting to wake my dear wife, I
quietly walked out on our
screened in pool deck and sat
down at a table. The full moon and clear sky
Bronson_ On October 29, 2007 Dennis Harold
gave the appearance of day time to our quiet
Russell was arrested for one count of capital
sexual battery on child under 12 years of age
As I sit there looking at my backyard I had
and one count of sexual battery on a child
a vision of my Grandfather, (who died in 1966),
between the ages of 12-18.
sitting next to me. He was wearing that gray
Russell turned himself in shortly before
suit and Stetson hat that he always wore.
3:00 p.m. Monday to Investi-
When he walked through the streets of Inv-
gator Joe Sabbag. The defen-
erness he would greet the ladies with a tip of
Kaylee Rodenberry of Inverness holds her first prize ribbon for best costume at the 2007 Cooterfest
dant is the president of the
the hat and say "good morning Mrs.
held at Liberty Park in Inverness. Dozens of kids and a few adults dressed up and strutted across the
Bronson Youth League, Fire
Stephens, nice day isn't it", or" hello Miss
Cooterfest stage hoping for the coveted 'blue'. Despite rainy weather on Saturday, the annual three
Chief for Otter Creek Fire De-
Sandra, how are things at school"? It was
day event drew hundreds of people for "Cooter Races", Arts and Crafts, live musical entertainment,
partment and part time town
customary in those days to address women
and food vendors making up the "Food Court." One visitor offered, "maybe the best Cooterfest yet!"
clerk for the City of Otter
with the title of Miss or Mrs. no matter what
Newscaster Photo by Mike Moore
Dennis Russell
their age. Nowadays women are often of-
Yankeetown Citizens Fail to Block
The victim disclosed a note to the teacher
fended when an older man uses that title to
that the defendant had been committing these
address them. They think makes them sound
Election, Charges of Sunshine Violations
offenses since 1998 through 2007 and needed
older than they are. When I mentioned this to
Granddaddy he seemed perplexed. "That
A group of   133  Yankeetown citi-
Bill Cervone that citizens launched a petition
The Levy County Sheriff's Office is ask-
makes no sense to me", he said. "How in the
zens have failed in their attempt to block
campaign following information gathered in
ing if any child has had an encounter with
world does using a title of respect offend
Tuesday's election with regard to the charter
depositions for several lawsuits between the
Dennis Russell in an inappropriate manner to
someone", he asked. I told him titles aren't as
amendments placed on the ballot. The group
town and Izaak Walton Investors. Mazzuca
contact Investigator Joe Sabbag at 352-485-
important as they used to be. Many children
led by Yankeetown resident Carl Mazzuca al-
said, "we have been aware for some time that
5111 Ext 271.
aren't even encouraged to say sir and ma'am
leged in Levy County Circuit Court that the
our town officials continually abuse the Gov-
Russell is charged with one count of capi-
to their elders any more.
town of Yankeetown failed to properly adver-
ernment in the Sunshine laws of Florida." The
tal sexual battery on a child under 12 years of
Granddaddy asked me why there were two
tised the election for the amendments both in
results of the petition campaign was a court
age and one count sexual battery on a child
vehicles in our driveway. "No Sir, I don't have
frequency and content of the advertising.
date with Circuit Judge David Gland last Mon-
between the ages of 12-18.
company. The bus looking vehicle belongs
Mazzuca said in a letter to State's Attorney
to my wife Kathie and I have the truck. Most
Dunnellon Fisherman's Body
Mazzuca said Glant agreed on several
Continued on page 4 - Squawk Box
points that proper procedures had not been
followed in advertising the election but did
Found Near Barge Canal
not agree that the election should be stopped.
Along with the charter amendments are can-
Safety Tips
CRYSTAL RIVER_The body of a 78-year-old man who was reported missing from his vessel
didates to fill two council positions and mayor.
Tuesday, in the Crystal River Barge Canal near Crystal River was located by a Good Samari-
Because of our press deadline, you can log
Page 12
tan at about 7:45 p.m. today two miles north of the mouth of Crystal River.
on to for
Walter Paris, of Dunnellon launched his vessel at about 7:15 a.m. Tuesday and was last
results of the Tuesday election.
heard from about an hour later. Search and rescue crews from Coast Guard Station Yankee-
Daylight Saving
James Sherwood, managing member of
town, Coast Guard Air Station Clearwater, Coast Guard Auxiliary Air, the Florida Fish and
I.W.I. said that his attorney Harriet Lewis has
Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and the Citrus County Sheriff's Office searched
Time Ends Nov.4
sent a letter to Bill Cervone outlining the sun-
the area for three-days. The boat, a 2003 17-foot-5-inch aluminum bass boat, was discovered
shine law violations by the mayor and cur-
by two other fishermen around marker #32, near the mouth of the Withlacoochee River, west
Fall Back 1 Hr.
Continued on page 5 - Sunshine Violations
of the State Road 40 boat ramp.