The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - October 3, 2007
Letter to the Editor:
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
Re: Mike Moore's Squawk Box
Mike Moore is listed on the Masthead as a " photojournalist " I'm wondering where
( or if ) Mr. Moore attended Journalism school, for it is there the journalists learn that
A Guest Commentary by Mayor Dawn Clary
accuracy and facts are the cornerstone of all newspapers, large or small. Mr. Moore's tirade
had just one purpose - to bash the Bush Administration. He should have done a little home-
The Yankeetown Town Council concluded its public hearing on the town's Compre-
work before building a head of " steam " as he put it, and spewing forth an entire article of
hensive Plan this week, voting to transmit an amendment to the Department of Community
false statements.
Affairs for their review and comment. The hearing represented the culmination of months of
Moore compares the flooding in Ohio with the flooding in New Orleans . Then he
work on the part of the Planning and Zoning Commission and our Zoning Official and consult-
compares the " industrious people " in Ohio with the " mess " in New Orleans. How insulting
ants. The major rework of the Comp Plan touched on all the chapters of the plan and was the
to the good folks in New Orleans. Finally, wants to blame these troubles on our
first overhaul of the document since the early nineties. The changes are too comprehensive
government. Really , Mr. Moore ! Is there a comparison here? Next he launches an attack on
to address here and ranged from name changes of the land use districts to density and
Mr Greenspan, FHA, President Bush, and the lending industry, stating that as the result of the
intensity standards. The Conservation designation has been changed to "Residential Envi-
" Feds " allowing ARM's, and " manipulating " rates, our economy is now in shambles.. Mr.
ronmentally Sensitive" and Commercial Water Oriented has been changed to "Commercial
Moore should do a little looking into the matter of ARM's , those adjustable rate mortages. Mr.
Water Dependent" and others have been changed also. The plan also addressed utilizing
Greenspan retired over 18 months ago,and had nothing to do with ARM's. Further ARM's
practices aimed at protecting the environment such as the use of native plants and non-
have been around for years. The " sub prime " ARM's are the ones causing most grief, and
porous surfaces as much as possible.
guess what - the borrowing public wanted them. The " Feds " do not dictate the types of
Based upon public comment, most of these practices were "encouraged" but not
products lenders may offer to their customers. They have little to do with what type of loan
absolutely required. There appeared to be many people who did not realize what the density
you may apply for, or where you may apply. The ONLY rate they manipulate is the rate they
requirements already were and this caused some confusion in that they apparently assumed
charge for interbank loans, NOT loans to consumers.
that many things were changed which were not and have been the same for a very long time.
Moore's final comments were unclear as to what he was most at odds with as he
An example of this is that the density allowed in "Medium Density Single Family" designation
rambles on that a bailout will somehow cost him. He complains that he'll " get even " with
which was renamed "Residential Highest Density" was not changed and has been 2 units per
those that receive a " windfall " . What is he talking about.  If Moore wants to bash our
acre all along.
administration, by all means go for it. Let 'em have it . But don't make a fool of yourself doing
There also was a great deal of confusion and misunderstanding concerning noncon-
it. Especially in print. Moore insults his readers with this style of backwoods writting. Does
forming structures and uses. Unfortunately, an unsigned letter was sent out with much
Moore take lessons from another of the same name? Buz Heuchan Crystal River, Fl.
misinformation concerning the whole amendment. The town will send out a letter to respond
Letter to the Editor:
to the misinformation as citizens of the town should have the correct information concerning
Re: Yankeetown Trees
the zoning and land regulations and the impact of their Comprehensive plan.
If you have questions, I encourage you to please contact Chris Fineout, our Zoning
I would like to clear up more innacurracies in Mr. Spetz's letter. First, Councilman
Official. He has been working very closely with the P&Z on this amendment and also has the
Shannahan did NOT make any request to the town for action on the oak tree at 4715 Riverside
resources to authoritatively answer your questions. At any rate the ball is now in the DCA's
Drive. I, the Zoning Official, made the request for action after the problem was brought to my
court, they will review our submission and then return it to us with their comments. We will
attention by a town employee. As the tree is in the right of way it had to be removed by the
then proceed to an adoption hearing. As a note, the DCA also reviews for the legal require-
County maintenance crew. We were put on their schedule and taken care of in turn. Second,
ments. This was a concern of some individuals at the P&Z hearing on the amendment.
if Mr. Spetz had read Chapter 6, Article VIII, section 6-29.b.3 and 4, it clearly states the require-
On a happy note, CONGRATULATIONS to our Water Maintenance employee, Paul
ments for removing a tree in this situation. I erred on the side of caution calling this a live oak
Shearer for obtaining his GED! His hard work and persistence paid off and we are all proud of
when I was not positive of the species.
Good Night and Good Luck, Dawn Marie Clary, Mayor of Yankeetown
I would urge anyone who has questions about our codes, comp plan, and changes
to call me at 447-5435. I will be happy to straighten out the misinformation that is being talked
Lk. Rousseau to receive herbicide treatments, Oct. 8-26
about and published.
Chris Fineout Yankeetown Zoning Official
The Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection (FDEP) will conduct aquatic weed
control operations in Lake Rousseau during October 8 through 26. Environmental Protection
email your news to:
Agency (EPA) approved herbicides will be used, including Reward to maintain water hyacinth
and water lettuce; and Glypro, Aquathol K, and Reward to maintain boat trails.
RESTRICTIONS: People using treated areas of Lake Rousseau for domestic pur-
poses or irrigation should not use treated water for 5 days in Reward treated areas and 14
Rebuilt - Repaired - Resealed
days in Aquathol treated areas. Do not water livestock with treated water for 1 day in Reward
Complete Auto Repairs
treated areas. Treated water should not be used for drinking for 3 days in Reward treated areas
A/C - Brakes - Front End - Exhaust - TuneUps
(this does not apply to tap water).There are no restrictions in GIypro treated areas.
Computer Diagnostics
Signs displaying treatment dates and restrictions will be posted in the treated areas.
Oil Changes While You Wait
Scheduled treatments may be canceled due to environmental conditions. The management
4X4ís - RVís - Trucks - Autos
and treatment of nuisance exotic vegetation is necessary to maintain recreational activities
Foreign & Domestic
and protect native plant populations in Florida waters. For additional information, call the
Free Estimates
FDEP Bureau of Invasive Plant Management Office at (352) 726-8622.
Visa - Mastercard - Discover
Fax Line 447-6040
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