Food Ranch Super mar ket
Fresh Pork Boston Butt
Maxwell House
Roast $1.39
Wake Up Roast
40 Highway 19 North · Inglis, Florida 34449
Phone: (352) 447-2905 · Fax: (352) 447-4859
30.65 oz.
Boneless & Tied Boston Butt
HOURS: Monday - Saturday 7:30 am - 8:00 pm
$1   of USA
Sunday 7:30 am - 7:00 pm
Prices Effective: October 29, 2015 through Wednesday, November 4, 2015
US Postage
Deborah Russell - Editor
A Publication of
Wednesday October 28, 2015
Inglis, FL 34449
Tom Russell - Publisher
Newscaster Publishing
Permit No. 14
Sally Price - Correspondent
Please visit our website:
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Daylight Saving Time
will end on Sunday,
Nov. 1, at 2:00 a.m
When you go to bed on Saturday
night, Oct. 31, perhaps before the Hal-
loween witching hour, set your clocks
back, or earlier, one hour.
The  conventional  mnemonic
phrase for remembering this working of
the clock is "FALL BACK" in the fall
and "SPRING FORWARD" - set the
clock one hour ahead, or later, in spring.
With the ending of Daylight Sav-
ing Time, we revert back to conventional
time, Eastern Standard Time - which
means that at 2:00 am, Daylight Saving
time will end, and the time will instantly
become 1:00 am Eastern Standard time -
until the second Sunday in March (March
13, 2016), when Daylight Saving Time
will begin, and eastern Standard Time
will end, unless we have congressional
CCSO, members of Citrus County Code Enforcement and volunteers from the Beverly Hills Civic Association were out at the Beverly Hills Park
intervention during the interim!
taking your junk that you don't want anymore. Several dumpsters were filled last Friday. Furniture, appliances, electrical items and tires were
Cell  phone  and  computers
accepted. Photos courtesy CCSO.
Man states he
should automatically adjust to the time
Man Charged With Battery on
change, although most watches and
clocks will need to be reset manually.
broke into home
Since the 1970s, energy conser-
An Elderly Person
vation has been the primary reason cited
to get food
for the hour earlier time change. Longer
days means that we turn on the lights lat-
From The Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
would not comply with Johnson's request.
er, which saves energy. The Energy Poli-
Taylor Charles Johnson, 23, Lake
A short time later, the report stated,
cy Act of 2005 extended Daylight Saving
Panasoffkee, Florida, was arrested by the
Johnson appeared at the victim's residence,
From The Levy County Sheriff Dept.
Time by one month in the U.S., beginning
Citrus County Sheriff s Office, Oct. 20,
and she immediately called 911. She at-
in 2007, to the dates we are currently us-
charged with battery on a person 65 years
tempted to lock Johnson outside the resi-
David M. O'Brien, 26, 44 Vicki
ing. However, Congress retained the right
of age or older (a first degree felony reclas-
dence, but she unable to secure the door,
St., Inglis, was arrested by the Levy County
to revert back to the 1986 Daylight Sav-
sified to a third degree felony) and hinder,
which he forced open with his left shoulder,
Sheriff s Office, Oct. 23, charged with un-
ing Time law that was used through 2006
delay or prevent communications to a law
splintering the door frame. The force of the
armed burglary of an occupied dwelling and
(with Daylight Saving Time starting on
enforcement officer relating to an offense.
door opening in this manner threw the vic-
criminal mischief (damage to property of
the first Sunday in April and ending on
His total bond was set at $7,000.
tim against the wall. She again attempted to
$200 or less). His total surety bond was set
the last Sunday in October).
The arrest report stated that the in-
call 911, when Johnson grabbed the phone
at $35,000.
cident took place at an Inverness residence,
away from the elderly woman and threw it
The report stated that the victim's
and that Johnson left the residence after the
onto the floor, shattering it. He then punched
front door was damaged to the point that it
incident, possibly traveling back to his home
the woman s face with a closed fist and al-
needed to be replaced, and the back door had
in Sumter County.
legedly told her, "I will be back tonight to
pry marks that had chipped the paint away,
The victim and two witnesses ex-
finish this. I wouldn t go to sleep tonight, if
but was structurally intact. The victim listed
plained that Johnson visits the residence,
I was you."
O'Brien as a suspect in the theft of items that
occasionally, but that day, he'd consumed
The Sumter County Sheriff's Of-
had gone missing from her home. She stated
alcohol and was arguing with one of the wit-
fice was contacted. The report stated that
that she suspected him of entering her home
nesses over the telephone. The report stated
they located Johnson at his residence, and he
Continued on page 4 - Break-In
that Johnson was angry because the witness
Continued on page 4 - Battery Charge