PAGE 2 - October 16, 2013
The Newscaster - Nature Coast News
Pet Patrol
“Jo the Yorky, loves toys, a ball is his favor-
ite. He is quiet but playful and what a good
boy. He likes to sleep with you, at the foot
of the bed, but is like a shadow staying right  Pappy, the beautiful white with black, n.m.
with you all the time he is awake. He is  Papillion, is as sweet as he looks. He is
about 8-10 # of sweetness, only wanting to  friendly, affectionate, cuddly, and perky.
please and love you. Yorkies are such great  Pappy is a 7 y o, 15 # that loves to be
companions, average 15+ years. Jo is only  your buddy and go with you in the car or just
9 yo, and deserves to live out his life being  around the yard, trained to sit, up and stand
loved like we all do. A Humane Society of  on hind legs to beg. If that doesn’t melt your
 
Central Florida Pet Rescue, Inc. does home  heart, nothing will. A Humane Society of  Deacon Joan Clark blessing “Tequila” a chihuahua owned by Beverly Hanson of Brooksville
visits prior to adoptions, therefore,Homosassa, Florida 34446
5093 S. Orwell Pt., we only  CENTRAL FLORIDA Pet Rescue, Inc. does  while her schnoodle “Bailee” waits for a turn. Dozens of local residents stood in long lines
adopt to the Citrus County and adjoining ar-  home visits prior to adoptions, therefore, we  for the sacred ceremony held Saturday Oct. 5 at the Shepard of the Hills Episcopal Church in
Phone: (352) 489-4588  Fax: (727) 362-4788
eas.EmathisTom and other little dogs at our  only adopt to the Citrus County and adjoin-  Lecanto. Photo by Debra Moore DVM special to The Newscaster.
See il, dog Russell, Publisher:
LCSO Says Farewell to K-9 Dep. Taz
weekly Saturday adoptions at Pet Supermar-  ing county areas. See Pappy and other little
Email, Debbie Russell, Editor:
castket,cInverness,10-1 PM. More foster homes
er. om • • •
dogs at our Saturday Adoption, at Pet Su-
needed to save little dogs. If you must give  permarket, Inverness,10-1 PM. If you must
“With great sadness,” the Levy County Sheriff s Office announced the loss
up your little dog phone 527.9050, leave a  give up your little dog, phone 527.9050
of K-9 Deputy Taz, who passed away on the evening of Oct. 8, after a brief
“Taz dedicated nine years and two months of service to Levy County with
    
his handler, Corporal Willie ‘Pete’ Barnes,” said Lt. Scott Tummond. “Taz
        
wore the badge with honor and dignity dedicating himself to thousands of
hours of training. He served without hesitation, ready to hurl himself into
                                           
harms way at a moments notice, or give demonstrations for children at community events.”
                       
                               
Taz had dual certification and assisted with apprehension and narcotic detection.
               
During his tenure with the LCSO, Taz was responsible for the apprehension of multiple
    
fleeing felons, locating lost and endangered children, as well as numerous narcotic and asset
           
seizures of currency, vehicles and weapons. “Corporal Barnes and the Levy County Sher-
                                   
iff s Office will truly miss Taz, and his service to our community has not gone unnoticed,”
                                                  
said Tummmond.
                                                       
Cuts & Color • Barber & Clipper Cuts • Redken, Rusk & Chi Products • Permanent Make-Up • Masques,
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Peels & Facials • Tanning • Manicures, Pedicures & Acrylics • Gym • Massage License MM19077
6015 Hwy. 40 W. • Yankeetown, FL • 352-447-2505
                                                       
he Newscaster
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River Retreat Spa
      
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5093S  Orwel  Pt.,   omosassa,  Florda   4446                       
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Vanilla Sugar
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mail,  De bi    ussel,  Edior:    debS.OrwellPt.,eHomosassa, Florida34446      
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        m il,    Russell,
E a Tom                                        
BUY 2 - GET 1 FREE - $70
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          Russell,                                
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Joe’s  Service
 Reliable Septic 
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