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Deborah Russell - Editor
A Publication of
Wednesday October 14, 2015
Inglis, FL 34449
Tom Russell - Publisher
Newscaster Publishing
Permit No. 14
Sally Price - Correspondent
Please visit our website:
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Florida Artists
Gallery to host
Halloween Hula
Hoop &
Music Jam
Kids and their families will have
an opportunity to enjoy music and hula
hooping at the Florida Artists Gallery
from 5 to 7 p.m. on Friday, October 30th.
Certified Yoga Instructor Dawn Walton-
burgh will host the evening, and all ages
are encouraged to attend the free event.
Just bring your hoop (or borrow one) and
your musical instrument to be part of a
free-flow happening designed as fun for
all ages.
There will also be a costume con-
test for the kids where the winner and his
or her parent or guardian will each win a
prize. Costumes will be judged by profes-
sional artists on the basis of creativity.
Florida Artists Gallery, located in the his-
Celebration of life for Walter "Buzz" Terhune - Last Thursday Terhune was remembered at a memorial service in Inglis after being gunned down
toric Knight House at 8219 Orange Av-
as an innocent bystander the previous week. Terhune was a wounded Vietnam Veteran, serving our country enduring three tours of duty, and
enue in Floral City, is open noon to 3 p.m.
leaving the Army with several Purple Hearts as a Second Lieutenant. The Inglis commission has voted to place a plaque in honor of Terhune at
on Saturday, Sunday, and Wednesday;
the Veteran's Memorial in Inglis and place a brick in his memory. (see story pg. 11). Photo right: Kendra Rodriguez, (daughter) delivers eulogy
noon to 7 p.m. on Thursday and Friday;
Cedar Key
at celebration of life. Photo left: Kendra Rodriguez is presented with a US flag of the fallen by DAV official. Photos by Lee Paulet.
and closed Monday and Tuesday.  For
Man helping remodel home
more information about classes and spe-
cial events, call 352-344-9300.
Man Injured
charged with theft of tools
in Accident
From The Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
he'd noticed that tools were missing.
The deputy located the man in
John Samuel Palmer, 41, 5135 W.
question who told him he'd met Palmer
Emy Lou Ct., Dunnellon, was arrested by
through a female friend. He said Palmer had
the Citrus County Sheriff s Office, Oct. 5,
From The Florida Hwy. Patrol
asked him to drive him to the E. Kerry Ln.
charged with traffic or endeavor to traffic in
A bizarre roadway accident result-
residence to pick up his tools, and Palmer
stolen property and grand theft of $300 or
ed in critical injuries to 21 year-old Andrew
had loaded them up in his truck. He said
more, but less than $5,000. His total bond
Pearson of Chiefland on Oct. 9, while he
Palmer asked him if he'd like to buy the
was set at $4,000.
was the passenger in a 16-foot utility trailer,
tools, and he'd replied that he didn't, but he
According to the sheriff s Office,
loaded with furniture, that was being pulled
knew a man in Dunnellon who would buy
the victim reported the theft of tools from
by a 2006 Dodge Ram truck. The incident
tools and construction items. He said Palmer
his Inverness hime located on E. Kerry Ln.
Pigskin Predictors
occurred in Levy County on State Rd. 24
had assured him that the tools belonged to
He said he was remodeling his home after a
at SW 115th Ave. at 2:40 pm. According to
him and were not stolen. The witness said
house fire and had several employees help-
Is Back!
the Florida Highway Patrol in a Press Re-
he d taken Palmer to the location in Dunnel-
ing him. The victim provided a list of most
lease, the truck was driven by 30 year-old
lon, and Palmer had sold the man a saw and
of the tools that were missing along with the
Fans Can Play
Gregory Lipscomb of Cedar Key. The two
a jackhammer.
model and serial numbers for most of them,
other passengers in the truck were Mary Jo
A seond witness on the job site told
as well. He said, when he'd been unable to
Details on
Lipscomb, 55 of Chiefland, and Adam Lip-
detectives that Palmer had told him that he
stay at the home, he'd left Sam Palmer there
scomb, 28, of Cedar Key. According to the
was going to steal the tools, but would do it
to continue work, and that is when his tools
page 8
report, the Dodge Ram truck was traveling
when the witness was not there.
began going missing. A neighbor told the
west on State Rd. 24, pulling the load of fur-
Several tools were recovered. De-
victim that he'd seen Palmer leave the house
Continued on page 11 - Accident
in a black truck with a male, about the time
Continued on page 4 - Theft