PAGE 2 - January 7, 2009
The Newscaster - Nature Coast News
Pet Patrol
"Wendy, is a gentle 10 month old s.f. Labrador Retriever/Boxer mix, well trained, social, leash
manners, good with other pets, older kids, and is housebroken. Her human is having twins.
Adopt A Rescued Pet, Inc. would like you to phone Grandmom Linda, 1.352.419.4693."
"Abby is a 6 yo female Mini Poodle/Lhasa, shedless, and smart. Adopt A Rescued Pet, Inc,
home visits prior to adoptions. Loudly, clearly leave name, phone number, and name of dog at
Specializing In Well & City Water Purification
Specializing In Well  City Water Purification
We Service All Major Brands
Mreatment, Inc.
Reverse Osmosis
Esmerelda is about 6-7 months old. She is tiger/white with double paws in the front and back.
Bacterial Testing & Water Sterilization
She gets along with other cats and lives with dogs in her foster home. She has been tested for
Iron, Sulfur, Tannin, Chlorine
feline leukemia/feline aids, she has been dewormed,had her kitten shots,rabies,and has been
& Sediment Removal
spayed. If you would like to meet her, call Tanya at 352-697-5657.
Serving Citrus,
Marion & Levy
Buddy & Fred’s II
46 U.S. Hwy. 19 Food Ranch Plaza Inglis
Video Now Showing on:
14th Annual Food Ranch/Newscaster
352-447-2611 Hours: Tues-Sat 9:00 am-4:00 pm
Window Painting Contest
January Clearance Sale!
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Buddy & Fred’s Hardware
Dumas Veterinary
Randy Alumbaugh
Hospital is now...
Plumbing - Electrical - Garden - Paint - Lumber
155 Heights Avenue, Inverness
Construction, Inc.
Tools -Keys - Nuts - Bolts - Stainless - Bug Spray
New Homes - Renovations - Additions
Celebrating 25 Years Thank You!
• Annual Exams & Vaccinations
• Digital Radiography
Serving Marion, Levy & Citrus Counties
Est. 1983
• Microchip Implants
Animal Hospital
• Health Certificates
Licensed & Insured CRC058012
3/4 mile W. of US-19 on 40 W., Inglis
Your Family’s Other Doctor
New Hours
Office: 352-447-0655 - Inglis
Debra Moore, DVM • Ronald Dumas, DVM
Mon-Fri. 8-6 Sat. 8-2 Closed Sun.
Fax: 352-447-3013
Cell: 352-266-7113
Dogs • Cats • Ferrets • Rodents