PAGE 10 - January 7, 2009
THE NEWSCASTER-Nature Coast News
Community Events
Southern Gospel Sing Jan. 10
A Southern Gospel Sing, featuring the Gibbs Family from Scottsmoor, Florida, will
be held at the First United Methodist Church of Dunnellon on Sat., Jan. 10, 2009, at 6:00 p.m.
The church is located at 21501 W. Hwy. 40, in Dunnellon. Everyone is welcome, and there is
no charge; a love offering will be received. The Gibbs Family, Cherokee and Lumbee Native
Americans, have been traveling and singing for about 12 years. Vernon Gibbs, the group
manager, plays the guitar, piano and drums, and sings bass. His wife, Susan, sings soprano
and writes most of the group's songs. Their three children travel and perform with the Gibbs:
Natasha, 21, sings alto and occasionally plays the drums; Vernon Jr., 18, sings lead and plays
the drums, along with the acoustic and electric guitars; and Timothy, 15, sings lead and
harmony vocals, and plays the piano, drums and bass guitar. For additional information,
please call (352) 489-4026.
Do You Have Questions About Medicare?
Do you have questions about Medicare, Medicaid, Supplemental Insurance, Part D
Prescription Drug Plans, or Medicare Billings? If you do, come see SHINE, a volunteer
program with the Florida Department of Elder Affairs. SHINE provides free, unbiased and
confidential assistance. If you cannot come to a site or want to know which site is close to
you, call the Elder Helpline at 1-800-262-2243. SHINE's next site is on: Wed, January 14th
10:00-Noon AF Knotts Public Library (Yankeetown)
Saul Salas, manager at Allen's Bait and Seafood in Inglis, secures the raised shrimp boat
Annual Soup A Thon
Desperado to the dock last week, Tuesday at dusk. Capt. Billy Obry and his Neptune's Pride
towed the Desperado back to home port after the boat sank after hitting a log on the Withla-
The annual Yankeetown-Inglis Woman's Club Soup-a-thon is fast approaching.
coochee River. Photo by Sally Price
Reserve your entry now to win the title of Best Soup Chef. Prizes will be given for the top
three tastiest soups. The Soup-a-thon will be held at the Yankeetown-Inglis Woman's Club
Exceptional Student Meeting Time Change
on 5 56th Street in Yankeetown, on Saturday, January 17th from 11am to 2pm. Come out to
The Levy County Exceptional Student Parent Advisory Committee will hold its
taste the delicious soups and cast your vote for your favorite. The ladies will also have a
quarterly meeting at the Yankeetown School Library on Tuesday, Jan. 13, from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
bake sale filled with yummy treats. Soup Chefs call today to reserve your entry space by
calling Eleanor Berkley at 352-447-3899.
OF JANUARY 8.* The presentation by Cindy Leannah and Marian Page is titled, "What
Southern Gospel Sing
Parents Can Do to Improve Their Child's Reading. For additional information, please contact
parent liaison Josie Crooms by phone at (352) 528-4359 or by email at
Southern Gospel sing and Pot-Luck Dinner with the Mast Brothers at the Village
pines Campground Jan. 24 starting promptly at 1 PM. Bring your lawn chair and enjoy a
So. Levy Little League Registration
great afternoon . The Campground is seven miles North of Inglis on US 19. call 447-2777 for
Registration dates and times are as follows, at the Food Ranch Plaza (look for our
info. Free event with love offering for singers taken up.
table) for kids ages 4 to 18 that live in our boundaries. Sat. Jan. 10th - 10am to 1pm; Fri. Jan
University Program at A.F. Knotts Library
16th - 4pm to 7pm: Sat. Jan. 17th - 10am to 1pm; Mon. Jan 19th - 10am to 1pm (no school) Sat.
Mr. Paul Dosal from the University of South Florida will present a program, "Florida
Jan 24th - 10am to 1pm
and the Caribbean: From Ponce de Leon to Hugo Chavez at 2:00 Friday, January 30 at the A.
Deadline to register is Jan. 28th. All paperwork and fees must be turned in by then
F. Knotts Public Library in Yankeetown. This program, sponsored by the Florida Humanities
to guarantee your child a uniform and placement on a team. Here's is what you need to bring
Council and the Friends of the Knotts Public Library, highlights the political and economic
to registration: 1) Birth certificate 2) 3 proofs of residence- 3) parent of guardian must be
forces that have bound Florida to the Caribbean for more than 500 years. It is free and open
present at registration.
to the public. The library is located at 11 56th Street in Yankeetown,
Fees: Major, Junior, Senior-Baseball & Softball $25.00 Minor and T-Ball $20.00 each addi-
tional family member $2.00
Grand Opening Celebration Of The Withlacoochee Gulf Preserve
We are still looking for more coaches, assistant coaches, managers and umpires.
Yankeetown is celebrating the grand opening of the Withlacoochee Gulf Preserve
Please fill out a volunteer form and help the kids have a great season. Any questions please
(WGP) a Florida natural passive preserve. The WGP is located at 1001 Old Rock Road,
contact Wendy DeGennaro at (352) 447-4087 (please leave a message) or email at
Yankeetown, FL (6.5 miles West on Hwy 40 from traffic light at Hwy 40 & Hwy 19/98).
The celebration takes place Saturday, February 7th, 2009, 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. A
EL Ranchito
dedication ceremony will take place at 11:00 a.m. The all day event includes - Music, Food &
Beverages, Kayak Rides,GPS/Photo Contest, and Environmental Displays. Enjoy a pleasant
walk on the preserves groomed wilderness trails. One trail is a handicapped accessible board-
walk with a fantastic view of a natural salt pond. A 30-ft observation tower is the highlight of
Mexican Restaurant
another trail that takes you to an oak hammock with picnic tables, fishing dock, and restroom.
For more information contact the Friends of the Withlacoochee Gulf Preserve, Inc., PO Box
The Best Mexican Cuisine South of the Border!
482, Yankeetown, FL 34498
Haven Hospice offers free volunteer training and information
445 N.E. 1st Terrace, Crystal River
Haven Hospice needs volunteers. Come and join us in this very rewarding experi-
Open 7 Days
Crystal Terrace Shopping Center
ence and learn what services Haven Hospice offers your community. You are under no
Yes, we have
Lunch & Dinner
North of Big Lots & East of Post Office
obligation to volunteer after completion of this course.Where: Bronson Road Baptist
Beer & Wine!
Church,13830 NE 80th Avenue,Bronson. Tuesday, January 13, 2009 Parts 1 & 2:Thursday,
January 15, 2009 Parts 3, 4 & 5: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Monday-Thursday: 11am-2pm & 5-9pm  Friday: 11am-2pm & 5-10pm
Hospice Of Citrus County Orientation For New Volunteers
Saturday: Open All Day-Noon-10pm
Sunday: Open All Day-Noon-9pm
BEVERLY HILLS--Hospice of Citrus County will provide Orientation Training for individuals
who are interested in learning more about Hospice and Hospice volunteer opportunities. The
Dine-In or Take-Out
class will be held on Tuesday, January 20, 2009, at the Hospice of Citrus County Beverly Hills
Office, 4005 N. Lecanto Hwy., Beverly Hills, from 1:00pm to 4:00pm.
The Newscaster by Mail
New Bass Club
Citrus County Bass Masters
Yes! I want to receive The Newscaster by mail. A one year
Looking for Boaters
subscription is $18.25 in Florida and $21.25 out of State.
Mail your check with this form.
Harold Beasley
Tournament Director
Call for Information
Newscaster Publishing
(352) 447-3174
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