US Postage
Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
Wednesday January 7, 2009
Inglis, FL 34449
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
A Publication of
Permit No. 14
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Newscaster Publishing
Sally Price Correspondent
Squawk Box
With Sally Price
Politics in the Sunshine
State - Read this and
Ever wonder how politics
really works in the Sunshine
State? Read this and weep! In the aftermath
of recent criminal indictments which left sus-
pensions in the Levy County Board of
County Commissioners (BOCC), I was vetted
for appointment to the BOCC by political
power brokers from Tallahassee. The pro-
cess left me sad and very angry.
Around Nov. 13, 2008, I was contacted
by Mr. C.W. Gilbert, a Republican State Com-
mitteeman from Bronson. I was asked if I
would accept an appointment to Sammy
Yearty’s BOCC seat by Governor Crist. Af-
ter thinking about it, I gave my positive re-
sponse, which was based on the sincere
belief that I could contribute to Levy County
and the fine people who live here. Mr. Gil-
bert said that I would be contacted by a
friend, Mr. Thomas Barnette from Tallahas-
Mr. Barnette contacted me, within hours,
and made it clear that “they” had great influ-
ence in Tallahassee on the matter of this ap-
The antique show at the Crystal River National Guard Armory Sunday was packed with sellers and lookers/buyers. As I approached the Elvis
pointment, or if necessary, “they” could
display I asked visitor Dianna Boggs if she was an Elvis fan. The big smile and yes answer was followed with.. "January 8th is his birthday."
generate campaign funds, if an election is
Les Mayer, owner of the collection shared a bust of Elvis which was a signed piece by French artist Armond La Montagne. Many of the older
called. I made it clear that my vote would not
locals in Inglis and Yankeetown remember in 1961 when Elvis came to town to film Follow That Dream, the majority which was filmed on the
be bought or swayed. Arrangements were
East side of Bird Creek Bridge. Some of those locals were lucky enough to be a stand in--Photo by Sally Price
made for a meeting at the Plantation Inn in
Coast Guard stops 4 unsafe
Crystal River on Nov. 20, 2008 at 1:00 p.m.
I called Mr. Gilbert back and told him
that I wanted him at that meeting with me,
passenger vessel operations
Arrested on
since he'd arranged all this, and I did not
understand what was going on.
Upon my arrival to the Plantation Inn on
Homosassa – Boarding team members from
a boarding team from Station Yankeetown and
Coast Guard Station Yankeetown stopped four
were also found to be operating in an unsafe
Continued on page 5 - Squawk Box
unsafe passenger vessels operating on the
manner. The first vessel was operating with
Adopt A
Crystal River and in the vicinity of
more than its six allowable passengers and
Homosassa, Fla., Dec. 29, through Dec. 31,
without the required number of fire extinguish-
ers and personal floatation devices. Addition-
During random safety boardings,
ally, the operator was not enrolled in a drug-
crewmembers discovered two commercial ves-
testing program as required by federal law.
Page 2
sels operated by Stadt Aquatic Adventures
The second vessel was also cited for operat-
operating with more than their maximum al-
ing with more than its six allowable passen-
A 32-year-old Crystal
lowable passengers. Additionally, Yankee-
gers and failing to have a drug-testing pro-
River man was arrested by the
town crews discovered that the captain of the
gram. Both voyages were terminated and the
Citrus County Sheriff's Office
second vessel failed to properly report a ma-
Coast Guard will seek civil penalties and sus-
at his place of employment,
rine casualty involving one of its main en-
pension of the operator’s licenses.
Dec. 31, on 12 counts of child
gines. The Coast Guard terminated both voy-
"Coast Guard regulations require all
pornography. According to
ages for the safety infractions and will seek
commercial inspected vessels carrying more
the arrest report, Scott K.
civil penalties against Stadt Aquatic Adven-
than six passengers to successfully pass a
Babcock, 755 N. Skycrest Ter- Scott Babcock
tures. The Coast Guard will also pursue ac-
rigorous safety inspection to obtain a Certifi-
race, was arrested as the re-
tion to suspend the captains’ licenses for fail-
cate of Inspection," said Coast Guard Lt. Matt
sult of an undercover internet investigation
ing to comply with proper safety procedures.
Dooris, Sector St. Petersburg senior investi-
that was initiated in June by a detective with
Two commercial passenger vessels
gating officer. "The safety certificate attests
the CCSO's Internet Crimes Against Children.
Continued on page 4 - Coast Guard
Continued on page 4 - Arrest
were boarded in Homosassa, Wednesday, by