US Postage
Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
A Publication of
Wednesday January 30, 2013
Inglis, FL 34449
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
Newscaster Publishing
Permit No. 14
Sally Price - Correspondent
visit our website:
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Squawk Box
Ready For
clerk at the Inglis
Post Office, will
join the ranks of
the retired Janu-
ary  31,  2013.
Ruth hired into
the postal service
in Ocala Florida
Lou Trembley in
1985. After her
first  day  Ruth
got a transfer to
the Crystal Riv-
er Post Office,
which was near-
er her home in
Inglis, by Postmaster Russell Wills.
In the fall of 1988 Inglis Postmaster
Sally Price had a clerk vacancy and
transferred Ruth to the Inglis office
and back to Ruth’s home town. Ruth
has faithfully served her customers in
Inglis since 1988 with fast, helpful
Jerry Meutzel of FL Aquatic Weed Removal and underwater muck removal works a canal just off Cutler Spur Road in Crystal River. All of this is
and friendly service. Ruth’s attitude
part of the program to “Save Kings Bay” a pet project of the Kings Bay Rotary Club and on going for 3 or 4 years. Continued on page 4.
has won her friendships with many of
Citrus man charged with giving
Man Arrested on
the customers who frequent the Inglis
office for their postal needs.
false robbery report to police
11 Counts of Child
Ruth’s 28 years with the
postal service will add to her 3 year
U S Army career spent in Germany
From Inglis PD
asked to leave the store by a store clerk.
Porn Possession
and Ft Hood. Ruth has been active
Bryan Constantine Raffaele, 22,
On Jan. 15, Raffaele had an ap-
in sports and always willing to help
11240 N. Northwood Dr., Inglis, was ar-
pointment with Ofc. Dowd at at 7:00 a.m.,
From Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
in community events. Ruth is pres-
rested by the Inglis police Department, Jan.
Joseph Michael Balint, 62, 52 Pine
to follow up on the investigation. When Ra-
ently serving on the Inglis Recreation
15, charged with “making false report to
St., Homosassa, turned himself in at the Cit-
faele did not show up for the meeting, Dowd
Committee which put on the local
law enforcement authorities, false informa-
rus County Sheriff’s Office, Jan. 17, on an
contacted Raffaele by calling his cellular
holiday events and concert for the
tion to law enforcement during investigation
arrest warrant for eleven felony counts of
phone, and Raffaele told him that he’d gone
Town of Inglis. Ruth also presently
and false official statements,” according to
possession of child pornography. His bond
camping and had forgotten about the ap-
serves asAMVETS Post 447 Adjunct
the arrest report, which stated that he made
was set at $55,000. Balint was a social stud-
pointment, but he would be at the police sta-
a false report of a felony crime, robbery, on
ies teacher at Crystal River Middle School
tion within the hour. At 12:15 p.m., the of-
We all wish Ruth well in
Jan. 13. Raffaele told police that the robbery
until his abrupt resignation in mid-Novem-
ficer called Raffaele s cell phone, again, and
her retirement from a dedicated ca-
occurred on Jan. 13, about 5:30 p.m. in the
ber 2012.
he said he was on his way. At 1:04 p.m., he
reer and wish her well in her life
100 block of Gladys Ave. The police began
Kelsey Ann Lindsay, 20, 9980 W.
told Dowd that he was walking toward Hwy.
change. When asked what she planned
an investigation of the report and Ofc. Dowd
Fanwood Ln., Crystal River, was arrested
19. At approximately 1:16 hours p.m., Raf-
for her retirement, Ruth said she was
obtained a sworn statement from Raffaele.
by the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office, Jan.
faele turned up at the police station where he
planning on doing a lot of “relaxing.”
Around 10:10 a.m. on Jan. 15, Ofc.
20, charged with misdemeanor battery in a
was arrested on the charges.
Dowd learned from a relative of Raffaele
Cities Bar, Crystal River incident. Her bond
Pet Patrol
Raffaele agreed to an interview,
that Raffaele had said, on Jan. 11, that he
was set at $500. Deputies were given the
crying. According to Dowd, Raffaele ex-
accidentally left his wallet on as counter at
Crystal River address by the victim and a
plained how he came to lose his wallet. He
the Shell Superstop gas station in Inglis, and
witness, but a check of the DAVID computer
said he was at a known drug house with an
On Page 2
that when he went to the gas station to re-
program gave her address as Lot 77 at 11240
acquaintance and a man he did not know
trieve his wallet, $75 in cash, all the cash in
N. Northwood Dr., Inglis. She was eventu-
named “Josh.” He said, while he was help-
the wallet, was missing. An argument alleg-
ally located and placed under address at her
ing his friend with his car, “Josh” allegedly
edly ensued and the Raffaele was reportedly
C. R. address. More police beat pg 3.
Continued on page 4 - False Report