The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - January 27, 2016
Searching For The Truth
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
Letter to Editor
The Unfathomable Artwork of Snowflakes
When I moved to Inglis in 2008 from the big city, I was definitely in culture
shock. The more I became involved in things, the more I saw that many things were run by
the "good ol' boy" system. While this system may work for some, time has proven it does
Have you considered the beauty of snow-
not work for all.
flakes? A snowflake starts as a tiny crystal that
Well, times they  are a changin'. Despite some nay-sayers, things in Inglis and
forms around a speck of dust. As the water droplet
Yankeetown are definitely improving. There are so many wonderful things being done,
freezes, the crystal starts to develop its six sides. As
by some wonderful people. The Mayors of both towns are working  together to accom-
moisture is drawn into the crystal, the six branches
plish things. Major things. Local organizations, Pastors, businesses, and other community
begin to grow. As each snowflake is blown around
members are coming together for one solid purpose; to make it better. While everyone may
in a cloud, it encounters different temperatures and
not agree on everything, we are finally working together and making some much needed
moisture levels, resulting in no two snowflakes look-
ing alike.
I know some people here do not want any progress, but our beloved Yankeetown
If it is extremely cold, for example below -40oF
School and businesses almost closing should be an eye opener for everyone. We need prog-
(-40oC), diamond dust snowflakes form. As the
ress and managed growth, done the right way. I never want to live in a big city again, and
temperatures increase, different shapes will form: dendrites, prisms, or hollow col-
The Newscaster
hope our little towns stay little towns, but we must move forward to improve our quality of
umns. Researchers are still mystified why the shape of snow crystals varies widely
5093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, Florida 34446
with temperature. Humidity also is a factor; the more humidity present, the more
For those of you who are not sure of who or what to believe, I invite(352) 489-4588  Fax: (727) 362-4788
Phone: you to come
complex the design.
on down. Come downEto Town meetings, askPublisher:get involved. It should only take
mail, Tom Russell, questions, thenewscaster1@gmail.comIEmail, Debbie Russell, Editor:
The average complex snowflake is made up of 100 ice crystals. The number
one or two to have a clear Websites: · · ·
understanding of issues, and which of our Commissioners and
of ways these crystals can be arranged is staggering; the possible arrangements of
townspeople are really working to help us, and which show up totally unprepared with a
these 100 crystals is greater than the total number of atoms in the universe. Thus,
chip on their shoulder to complain. Come down to the Woman's Club, Lions Club, Am-
it's unlikely that any two complex snow crystals since the Flood of Noah's time have
Vets, or any other of the wonderful organizations and see all the good that they do.
ever looked completely alike. Every snowflake is truly unique.
Come down and see for yourself what is happening in our towns. Volunteers are
It is also interesting to compare man-made snow from snow making ma-
needed everywhere, just start asking. I urge you though, before believing the nay-sayers or
chines to "God-made" snow. Man-made snow does not have any design but looks
the mis-informers, please find out for yourself. This really is a great place to be right now,
like rough gravel. With God's snow, each snowflake has a unique design showing
and I am proud to work along-side such genuinely good people, doing genuinely good for
  
His creativity. God is still giving us new designs today. The next time it snows,
our towns. If you are not on the Stuffers, please send your email address to: yankeetown-
catch a snowflake on your dark mitten and look to see the new design God has placed This is a great way to know about and share thingsare happen-   your      
that   
   eyes.
      
ing in our towns.
Sincerely, Loretta A Moore Inglis
Inglis Waiting Legal Opinion
 On
   Helike wool; He   the frost like ashes. - Psalm 147:16 (NASV)
gives snow      scatters
Based on, Inspired Evidence a book by Bruce Malone, 2011
Commissioner Morin     5Phone: Orwell489-4588  Fax: (727) 362-4788
Presented by Bob Allen, Biologist-Paid Advertisement
Contact Bob at
093 S.
Pt., Homosassa, Florida 34446
At the January 5, 2015 Inglis Town Meeting Scott Modesitt of Summit Professional
Candidates  Town of Inglis General
 for the
Services gave an update on the Community Development Block Grant Housing Rehabili-
Email, Tom Russell, Publisher: thenewscaster1@gmail
tation Program and Applicant Ranking List. Modesitt was requesting the commission go
Election March 15th, 2016
Email, Debbie Russell, Editor: debbienewscaster@gmai
ahead and vote to accept the ranking list as it stands with the exception of applicants 10 and Websites: · · history.newscasterarch
11 which are 361 Debra St and 80 N Maple St which he said needed to be skipped over at  Commission Two Year Term Vote for Three, Thomas (Tom) Brennan, Michael
this time because the two exceed available funds.
William Gibson, Ann Morin, Dale Alan Nichols, James C. Williams, Michael
Modesitt asked the commission to vote to bypass these two homes and move up to  Drew White.
the next applicant which is sitting Inglis Commissioner Ann Morin. He said a ruling would
have to be made by the Commission On Ethics (COE) if this was a conflict of interest and he 
said so everything would be on the up and up and Morin would not vote on anything in the
grant after this. Attorney Fugate said the COE wanted Fugate to issue a legal opinion that it
 
was not a conflict of interest but Fugate said he had looked at others and talked to Summitt
and said "I haven't come up with an opinion that I feel comfortable that there is not a conflict 
  
of interest in this situation." He said he felt COE would give that opinion to us and it will
   
either not be a conflict of interest or provide for a way for us to work around it.
Fugate said he wanted that back before he would  
 submit an opinion letter with his   OPEN: Monday - Friday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm & Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
   
name on it that says there are no conflicts. The commission voted to approve the first ap-
plicants. Commissioner Andy White brought up to Modesitt multiple times that they could
 
drop 10 or 11 and come in under budget, completing one of the applicants and building a
house that would be a tax increase to the town. Asking multiple times for hard numbers
Modesitt said he would have to get some but did not have them now. White wanted to know
 
how much they were short to do both houses since the commission already gave $18,000 to
    
 
the program. The vote to pre-approve Morin if the COE says there is no conflict was voted
yes by Commissioners Betsy Webb and Steve Kesterson and   with Morin
  no by Drew White 
 
not voting. CommissionerPatwas
     
Tully  not present.
 
Continued on page 12 - Opinion
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