US Postage
Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
Wednesday January 26, 2011
Inglis, FL 34449
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
A Publication of
Sally Price - Correspondent
Permit No. 14
Newscaster Publishing
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Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Squawk Box
Big Brother is here, & he
may send you a
traffic ticket for $158
Rita Surber of Inglis called The
Newscaster Comment Line recently, com-
plaining about receiving a traffic ticket in
the amount of $158 due to one of the traffic
enforcement cameras in Dunnellon snap-
ping a picture of her car tag.
The intersection where the inci-
dent took place was U.S. Hwy. 41 at Pow-
ell Rd. during late afternoon on Dec. 20.
She said she turned right on a red light after
coming to a stop, at least she thought she
had completely stopped until she received
notification of the violation and fine. “I had
been turning there for over twenty years
and had never gotten a violation,” she said.
The notice informed her that she would
not receive points against her driver’s li-
cense if she paid the fine prior to the due
date. “But I think, if you receive a viola-
tion on something, you should also receive
points,” the caller said.
The notice informed her that it
was sent in relation to the Dunnellon Po-
lice Department’s Intersection Safety Pro-
Kayakers heading up the narrow channel to Three Sister’s Springs in Crystal River Saturday got a good view of the over 200 manatees that were
gram, and instructed her to send the $158
jammed into the sanctuary at the mouth of the famous spring. An official count in the Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge on Wednesday was
to an address in Tempe, Arizona. “It’s a
453 not counting the ones gathered at Three Sisters Springs. The canal outside the sanctuary boundary lines was full of every age of swim-
rip-off,” she chuckled good naturedly, “A
mers, snorkelers, kayakers, boaters all hoping to have a close encounter of the manatee kind. There are some strict rules about the manatee
and you better know them before you launch that boat or jump in that water. Continued on page 5 - Manatee Survey
way of theft.” Her husband also comment-
Fatal Shooting Two home invasion suspects arrested
ed, “crooked,” he said, several times.
Dunnellon’s traffic light cameras
were installed in late October - two at U.S.
drug paraphernalia charges and one count of
rom Citrus County Sheriff's Dept.
41 and Powell Rd., one at U.S. 41 North
in Crystal River
introducing contraband
The two suspects in a Homosassa
and Brooks St., and one at U.S. 41 South.
into a county detention
home invasion, reported at 9:30 p.m., Jan.
Warnings were issued the first thirty days,
facility. He is being held
19, were both arrested, separately and in dif-
but violators now receive fines of $158.
From Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
at the Citrus County De-
ferent locations, within two days of the inci-
This brought to mind a complaint
The Citrus County Sheriff's Dept.
tention Facility in Lecan-
dent. Both were arrested on Citrus County
I’d heard about a similar camera enforce-
is investigating a shooting that took place
to with no bond on the
warrants for home invasion and possession
ment program in Louisiana by a man who
Monday night in the victim's front yard after
home invasion charges
of a firearm by a convicted felon.
purchased his son an older-model SUV, but
a call about 9:30 p.m.
and a $16,000 bond on
William Christopher Wood, 29,
left it in his name since he would be pay-
Scott Sumner Standard, 46, was
the drug charges.
3909 Horace Allen Rd., Lecanto, was taken
ing the insurance. In the two years since he
shot outdoors in the yard at his home ad-
On the night of
into custody the following afternoon, Jan.
purchased the SUV, he’s paid slightly more
dress of 1119 S. Urchin Point. A commer-
Jan. 21, U.S. Marshals
20, after being spotted by CCSO deputies as
that $1,000 in camera-related fines for var-
cial fisherman, Standard was pronounced
located and arrested 34
a passenger in a blue Ford pickup truck in
ious offenses, such as his son speeding on
dead shortly before 10 p.m. by emergency
year-old Robert Raymond
Crystal River. Deputies made a traffic stop
off-ramps or running red lights. Since his
medical services (EMS) personnel on scene.
Wilder of Crystal River in
on the truck in the area of Meadowcrest
son doesn’t want his father lecturing him
No arrests have been made in the
Lakeland, Florida. Assis-
Blvd. near Gulf to Lake Hwy. Wood dropped
about the fines, he’s avoided telling his fa-
case at this time. The victim’s autopsy was
tance from the U.S. Mar-
a baggie containing 2 grams of metham-
ther about the fines until they’re past the
scheduled for Tuesday morning at the medi-
shals Service was enlisted
phetamine on the seat as he was ordered to
due dates and the fines have greatly in-
cal examiner’s office in Leesburg.
by the sheriffís office when
step out of the truck and was additionally
creased. I feel that this is a good example
The alleged shooter in the case
they determined that Wild-
charged with possession of methamphet-
of why many parents turn prematurely
is a neighbor who lives nearby. Deputies
er was no longer in the Citrus County area.
amine and drug paraphernalia. At the jail,
gray! Lucky for the father, points are not
have been dispatched numerous times over
On the afternoon of Jan. 24, CCSO Public
a second baggie containing a small amount
accumulated against a vehicle owner’s
many months regarding an ongoing dispute
Information Officer Gail Tierney said that
of methamphetamine was found in his pos-
driver’s license in Louisiana for camera-
between the two over civil issues involving
Wilder would be transported to the Citrus
session, and he was charged with a second
property lines and easements.
Continued on page 4 - Squawk Box
set of possession of methamphetamine and
Continued on page 3 - Home Invasion