The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - January 23, 2008
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
Property Tax Reform Legislation
Part 4 Non-Homestead Property 10% Cap
Yankeetown Mayor's Report
All Levy County Citizens
From: Francis Akins, Levy County Property Appraiser
A Guest Commentary by Mayor Dawn Clary
RE: A four part weekly article to inform you of the 2007 Property Tax Reform Legislation
Yankeetown has yet another legal victory under its belt. The Eighth Judicial Circuit
(SB4D)/ Constitutional Amendment which will appear on the January 29, 2008 ballot.
court in Levy County, denied Izaak Walton Investors, LLC their petition for a writ of certiorari.
This will require a 60% vote to pass. If it passes, the effective date will be January 1, 2008.
The court denied them a what? you might ask. Essentially IWI was challenging the hearing
The proposed constitutional amendment would make an exemption available to own-
that the Board of Adjustment (BOA) held to rule on an appeal by IWI of the zoning decision
ers of real property who do not have a homestead exemption or agriculture use assessment on
rendered by Yankeetown Zoning Official Rebecca Jetton, concerning IWI's water front project.
the property. This exemption would limit the increase in assessed value of the property to
The project submitted included six applications for zoning compliance for parcels
10% per year for levies of all taxing authorities other than school districts. The property
running from the old Izaak Walton Lodge to the Yankeetown Marina and a parcel on CR 40
owner would have to apply to the property appraiser to receive this exemption, and would
which was to be used for their waste water treatment plant. Ms Jetton rejected the lion's share
have to renew the application each year after that to keep the exemption. The property
of the project but it is sometimes forgotten that she did approve portions of it such as the
appraiser would mail a renewal application to each exemption holder annually. Changes,
portion proposing single family homes at the corner of Riverside and Hickory locally known
additions, or improvements to the property would be valued at just value as of the first
as the Speck property. Ms. Jetton submitted her decision in a formal report dated January 25th
January 1 after the changes, additions, or improvements are substantially complete.
2007. IWI then appealed her decision to the BOA which held a hearing on June 8th. The BOA
For residential property containing nine or fewer dwelling units, this limitation would
upheld her decision. IWI then petitioned the court challenging the BOA hearing, basically on
apply until the property changes ownership or control. For all other property to which the
the grounds that they were not given due notice or due process. The court did not find that
assessment increase limitation would be applicable, the limitation would apply until there is a
to be the case and denied IWI's request to essentially invalidate the hearing and has let the
change in ownership or control or until there is an improvement to the property that increases
BOA hearing stand. Town Attorney Ken Warnstadt wrote the town's response to the court
its just value (market value) by at least 25%.
on this case and should be proud that it was very good.
Property would be reassessed at just value on the January 1 following the loss of the
On another note, they say if you repeat a lie often enough that it becomes the truth.
limitation. In subsequent years, the assessment limitation would again apply until another
I am hoping that somewhat of the same thing applies for the truth. If you repeat the truth often
change in ownership or control or, if applicable, an improvement increasing just value by at
enough will it get through. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) has declined
least 25%. While 2008 is the base year for the limitation, the application required by s.
to investigate Yankeetown town officials. A complaint was filed with the state attorney by
193.1556, F.S., is not required until March 1, 2009.
Harriet Lewis, the attorney for IWI, Sherwood Partners and Mona Sinclair, the former deputy
Healthy Living for Weight Management
clerk who is suing the town. The complaint alleged Sunshine Law violations and more public
The Levy County Health Department is conducting a two-part workshop on weight man-
record allegations. Despite the fact that Lewis had apparently been notified in early Novem-
agement on Tuesday February 19th and 26th. The workshop will be held at the Levy County
ber of 2007 of the decision by the FDLE to not investigate further, a large banner which said
Extension Office located at 25 N Hathaway (27A) in Bronson. This class is designed for
"Welcome FDLE" was displayed on the side of the Izaak Walton Lodge for weeks after the
people who want to get healthy and lose weight but need assistance and support. This class
notification, even through the Sea Food festival.
is being provided as a free service of the Levy County Health Department. For more informa-
The reader will have to draw their own conclusions as to what the thought process
tion, please call the Health Promotion Program at 352-486-3405.
and motivation was for this. Special Thanx this week goes to the Board of Adjustment
Members, they do this as volunteers and get nothing in return for serving their community in
what can be a very hard job. Good Night and Good Luck, Dawn Marie Clary, Mayor of
Crystal River Soldier Graduates
Army Pvt. Roger E. Jimmo II has graduated from Basic Combat training at Fort Sill, Lawton,
Okla. During the nine weeks of training, the soldier studied the Army mission and received
instruction and training exercises in drill and ceremonies, Army history, core values and
traditions, military courtesy, military justice, physical fitness, first aid, rifle marksmanship,
weapons use, map reading and land navigation, foot marches, armed and unarmed combat,
and field maneuvers and tactics. Jimmo is the son of Roger Jimmo and stepson of Lisa Brown
of W. Vanaman Court, Crystal River, Fla.
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Ruth, Brandi and Freda from the Inglis Post Office took their lunch break sampling the wide
Crystal Terrace Shopping Center Across from Big Lots,
variety of soups at the Woman's Club annual Soup-A-Thon. The Y/I Woman's Club Soup-A-
Yes! We have
behind Circle K, WEST side of Hwy. 19
Thon Saturday was deemed best yet. There was a wide variety of soups to test and vote
Beer & Wine
on. The nippy weather made a perfect day for the annual event which was crowded. You-
name-it soup names and ingredients were all there. With cooks names not disclosed, one
Lunch 11am-2pm Open All Day
Lunch 11am-2pm
could sample as much as they wanted from the crock pots that lined 3 sides of the room and
Dinner 5-10pm 12noon - 10pm
Dinner 5-9pm
vote for the winners. This year's winners: 1st Carol Karsner with Mexicali Ham and Bean Soup,
2nd Dee Dixon with Sausage Corn Chowder and 3rd was Jim Petrovich with Shrimp and Corn
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Bisgue. Woman's Club funds are used to run the library and other local needs. Congratula-
12:00 N - 9:00 P M.
tions on a real success! Photo by Sally Price
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Newscaster Publishing
123 U.S. Hwy. 19 South, Inglis, Florida 34449
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Yankeetown,FL 34498