PAGE 2 - January 20, 2010
The Newscaster - Nature Coast News
Citrus County gets more federal
Pet Patrol
repaving projects
Two more road repaving projects have been tentatively approved by the state’s
Department of Transportation, which oversees the federal economic stimulus grants. The
two roads are Independence Highway in Inverness from State Road 44 to U.S. 41, which
was estimated at $547,000, and Homosassa Trail (County Road 490), which was estimated
 
at $1.46 million.
This second round of projects is part of the new Jobs for Main Street program
and were welcomed by county officials. County Commission Chairman Gary Bartell said,
“This repaving is something needed but something we wouldn’t be able to afford in these
economic times. Repaving136 Court, Dunnellon, means we won’t have to do more
19170 S.E. protects the road structure and Florida 34431
expensive repair of roads later because (352) 422-3953
PHONE: the money wasn’t there to repave them when we
normally would have.”
FAX: (800) 385-6736
Engineers say that the:current cold weather is a good example of why roads need
routine repaving before deterioration becomes obvious. By then the moisture is already un-
der the asphalt, and ice, for example, can do significant damage not only on the surface but
to the road’s underlying structure. When the roadbed is affected, it’s much more expensive
to fix because then it actually needs rebuilding.
County Engineering Project Manager Walt Eastmond said three more projects are
Aphrodite is about 9-10 months old and
also being looked at favorably by transportation officials, and he feels they will also be
“Kayla, a 6 mo spayed female Miniature
was found as a stray. Shes torti in color and
funded. They are: C.R. 491 from the Hernando County line to Grover Cleveland Boulevard,
Pinscher X Chihuahua pup, is a sweetheart
C.R. 581 from Stagecoach Trail to 44 581 from the Hernando County line to
S.R. and C.R.
has beautiful markings. She is shy when she
dog that loves everyone. Romps with cats
first meets but can be a snuggle bug and fol-
Stagecoach Trail.
and dogs. Plays with her toys and fetches
low you around the house. She gets along
Those five new projects would join the ten already done, underway or soon to be-
forever. She is only 5 #, has fragile little
with other cats and dogs. She has been test-
gin. Repaving projects so far include part of Turner Camp Road in Inverness, Croft Avenue,
legs, and tugs toys with you-watch those
ed for feline leukemia/aids, been dewormed,
the eastern end of Ozello Trail, the eastern end of Ft. Island Trail, Stagecoach Trail from
teeth! NO children. A home visit required
has had all her shots, has been spayed, and
C.R. 491 to C.R. 581, C.R. 491 from S.R. 44 to C.R. 486, Halls River Road, Grover Cleve-
prior to adoption. Phone A HUMANE SO-
has been on flea prevention. If interested in
land Boulevard, Cardinal Street, and C.R. 491 from Holder to State Road 200.
Aphrodite or any other kitty please contact
loudly and clearly leave your name and
her foster mom Tanya at smalls98789@
number (unblocked) for the foster mom to or 352-697-5657.
return your call, later.”
Military Card Party at the Art Center
            
The Art Center of Citrus County will host a Military Card Party in the Art and Edu-
         
cation Building, on Thursday, March 11, from 12:30 – 4:00 p.m. Join us for an afternoon
of fun. Donation is $12 pp with lunch included. Reservations are required. Please contact
   
Nancy Pearson at 382-2191 for individual tickets or to reserve a table of four.
The Art Center of Citrus County is a nonprofit organization located on the corner
of Annapolis Avenue and CR 486 in Citrus Hills. For more information contact 746-7606.
 
“Springs as a Source of Nutrient Contamination in
Coastal Rivers - What Needs To Be Done?”
The Withlacoochee Area Residents, Inc. Annual Meeting
Jan 25. 2010 at the
Yankeetown Woman’s Club,
Sally Price, Realtor
#5 56th St., Yankeetown, from 7-9 PM.
19 Hwy 40 W.
(352) 302-8556 cell
Dr. Robert Knight the president of Wetland Solutions, Inc.
will make the presentation
4.77 ac lot gives privacy and plenty of room for
This presentation is open and free to the public. Deserts and refreshments will be served.
toys. Lot still wooded on paved street with great ap-
A paid announcement, paid for and approved by Withlacoochee Area Residents, Inc.
peal outside city limits between Dunnellon & Oca-
la .8 miles north on SW 181 Ct from the entrance of
THE NEWSCASTER & Nature Coast News is published weekly by Newscaster Publishing, 19170 SE
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136 Ct.Dunnellon, FL. 34431 Ph.352-447-4588 fax 1-800-385-6736,e-mail:
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AAA Insurance Agency
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Mon-Sat 9am-5pm
155 Heights Avenue, Inverness
•Ask about our exclusive home & auto combined insurance policy.
Animal Hospital
Sun 12pm-4pm
Sharony Sheldon Licensed Agent/Owner
Pet Grooming
Your Family’s Other Doctor
1689 S.E US Hwy 19
20372 E. Penna. Ave.
Debra Moore, DVM
Crystal River, FL.34429
Dogs • Cats • Ferrets • Rodents