The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - September 17, 2014
"Searching for the Truth"
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
Letter to the Editor:
The Toucan's Radiator
Re:Revisiting MANDATORY Garbage Pick-up--Really??
If you are reading this on Wednesday, Sept. 17---on Friday, Sept. 19 at 5PM, the
Town Commission is going to discuss two things. One is WHICH Garbage Contract to ac-
Darwin cited the large, brilliantly multi-
cept and a REVISITING of the call for MANDATORY Garbage Pickup.
colored beak of the toucan as an example of evo-
Let's deal with the FACTS about this issue: According to public records, the Ordi-
lution ­ produced by natural selection in order to
nance was created and sent to Town Hall by the Attorney on 5/5/2014. This was to change
better attract a mate. Others have suggested that
the section in 54.1 that required Mandatory garbage pickup. The Attorney had done so at the
the beak was produced by the random forces of
direction of the Commission.
nature because it allows the toucan to have an ad-
The FIRST READING/ Public Hearing on the Ordinance was on May 12, 2014
vantage when peeling fruit. New research is now
(refer to the Agenda). During the meeting, a citizen got up and asked the question as to why
uncovering that the main function of the toucan's
they were wanting to do away with Mandatory Garbage Pickup- to which Comm. White
beak is to help the toucan stay cool in the tropical
replied that 63% of the people had voted to do so. Comm. Morin also spoke up saying some-
heat. The toucan can flush large amounts of heat
thing that the areas of "blight" in the Town were going to be handled through Code Enforce-
away from its body using its massive beak. The
ment. On this first reading, the NON- Mandatory Garbage Ordinance passed unanimously
beak, which makes up 30-50% of the surface area of the bird's body, has a network of
(which included Comm. Kesterson), a vote of 5/0.
blood vessels close to the surface. Depending on how much heat needs to be dissipated,
The SECOND READING/ Public Hearing was on June 9, 2014 and once again
the toucan can regulate the amount of heat radiating from its bill. Using infrared pho-
was voted on unanimously (including Comm. Kesterson), a vote of 5/0.
tography, researchers have observed the toucan adjusting this blood flow to its beak.
The reason I mention Kesterson, specifically is because it seems to be his item on
the agenda to revisit changing the Ordinance back--which includes more Atty. Fees, 2 more
On a hot, tropical day, warm blood floods into the beak, allowing the sur-
readings, etc.
rounding air to cool the toucan. If the toucan is flying (which produces body heat),
MANDATORY GARBAGE, when talked about before, included TOWN HALL
The Newscaste
The Newscaste
even more warm blood floods into the beak, again cooling the toucan. On a cool tropi-
being required to collect the money and each month write a check to the Company, the
cal night, the blood flow to the beak is reduced, keeping the bird's body at the right
charge becomes a part of your water bill (if you don't pay your garbage fee, your water gets
temperature. You could say the toucan has a radiator in its bill.
cut off), Anyone with a WATER METER on their property will be charged for garbage pick-
Serving Inglis, Yankeetown, Dunnellon, Crystal River, Homo
up year-round whether it is a full-time residence or not- And, over time, for non-payment,
Did the radiator in your car happen by chance? No,Fax: 1-­727-­362-­4788
PHONE: (352) 489-­4588
it was designed, and every
the Town will then place liens against your property to collect the money owed.
email:  Him-
design detail is there for a purpose. The designer of the toucan's radiator is God
I agree that there are areas in this Town that need to be cleaned up, but let's say that
Proof for 8-27-14 thru Sept 24,14
might be 3-5%. Why punish the 95-97% of us for the transgressions of a few?
I believe that with the costs of FDS being so much lower than Waste-Pro (should
For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God,
5093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, Florida 34446
our Commission choose to save it's citizens almost half), we can encourage more people to
mighty and awesome... - Deuteronomy 10:17 (NKJV)Display Ad
2 Column
take the service -WILLINGLY, without being forced.
Phone: (352) 489-4588  Fax: (727) 362-4788
mail, Tom Russell, Publisher: for the Ordinance for NON-Mandatory Garbage was just ap-
The final reading
Based on, Inspired Evidence a book by Bruce Malone, 2011
ail, Debbie Russell, Editor: debbienewscaster@gmail.com3 mos. Later? Doesn't make
proved in JUNE---And Comm. Kesterson wants to revisit it
Presented by Bob Allen, Biologist-Paid Advertisement Contact Bob at
sense to me, especially when he voted FOR it.
m · · ·
Gene Thomas Dodson,
GOD BLESS, Rhonda Kline,Inglis
Your Neighborhood Indoor Air Quality Speciali
Letter to the Editor:
75, Yankeetown
Re: Budget Workshop tonight
Spring Tune $
Summer Tune
Gene Thomas Dodson, age 75, of
I am angry and fed up with our out of control expenses.  Mayor, Treasurer, and Commission are planning to raise taxes; we
Yankeetown, FL passed away on Friday,  Reg
Upp Speciall
U Specia
need to take a stand. Our budget meeting is tonight, Wednesday, September 17, 2014 at 6 P.M
     
September 12, 2014. Memorial Services $139
The Commission must answer your questions by Florida Law and really listen to what you all have to say. My concerns are:
LevyCounty Proposed Taxes: PublicSchools and Water MGMT Dist. are reduced but Inglis is increasing our Municipal Tax  were held at 2pm on Monday, September
      County,   
Guaranteeing 10x Cleaner A
15, 2014 at West Cobb Funeral Home and
by 11%. ··
or tune-up is free
Since 1997  Crematory. Mr. Dodson lived in Fairburn,
Three of the Five Commissioners have no Municipal Tax burden so they do not share our pain.
LawyermanagestheTown ofInglis   the Mayor. Listen to the meetings to hear how he overly explains  GA for over 40 years, and currently had resi-
          through a family friend
dences in both Marietta Exclusive Laser Particle Sc
Includes IOuruand in ur exclusive
ncl des o
 items  Town     
 to the Commissioners,  Clerk and the Mayor.
to determine r PartForestScanair you
LRexam in icleof  Park
ase the quality  the
Our current Lawyer Mr. Bettin is costing the Town about $ 2, 900 a month or $35,000 MORE A YEAR than our previous Lawyer Mr.  FL. He worked for
for over 40 years, eteemineinfyour r indoor air
to d andr athe i you home.
br enjoyed fishing and
Fugate. Cap fees and cut $35,000 dollars.
The Commission and Town  decided not to prepare closing financial statements on a timely basis.Exclusivefinancials will  working with qualhands.kSurvivors:.Wife, ther
his ity is illing you N o
    Clerk have
Lic theft  Jackie Dodson; any in HIntrSERVICE!offers t
comp 2 Children, Paige rida
T ce S al Flo Dodson
not be presented to the Commission until October. This is irresponsible under normal circumstances and disastrous considering our#CAC1815891
 
  
R Y history. N G  M A D E  T O  O R D E R
(Kevin) Mulqueen, Lewisville, p31, Seand30, 201
service.Expires March iNC,2014
Ex res  pt.
·TheTownof additionalpeople to do the same work as before. Our Town Clerk has repeatedly said she does not need  John (Kristy) Dodson, Marietta, GA; Broth-
  Inglis has hired   
er, Harry Dodson, Rico, GA; Sister, Sarah
help. a inbusiness: "Work expands to meet the number of people" What's this costing us?
There is rule  
·thepolice wouldhaveadded   $65,000 to our bank assets plus yearly tax revenue. Another opportunity to cut  Ogle, Tyron,Solomon Dodson, Mary Mul-
GA; 4 Grandchildren, Kathryn
Selling  building    about
taxes mismanaged. This is not the only property we own. Many more are scattered around town and in the County. More revenue to save  Mulqueen,
queen and Abigail Dodson. In lieu of flow-
·previousneighborMr.Kesterson me that he lived in Mt. Dora plus the surrounding area. According to Lake County Florida  ers, donations may be made to the National
My     told
Clerkof aperson same name as Stephen J. Kesterson Sr. has had two houses foreclosed on for a total of $386,000.  Children's Cancer Society @ www.thenccs.
   the Courts,   with the
org. The family received friends Monday
Commissioner Kesterson is responsible for Budget and Finance.
from 12pm until 2pm at the funeral home.
See you tonight.
Online guest book at www.westcobbfuner-
William A. Monteverde, Inglis
Business Card Ad
 
League of Women
Your Neighborhood Indoor Air Quality Specialist
Voters of Citrus County
Spring Tune
Summer Tune$
Register to Vote
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Guaranteeing 10x Cleaner Air
2nd & 4th Sat. Noon-3pm.
or tune-up is free
Since 1997
Through September
Includes IOuruExclusive Laser Particle Scan
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to determine r Particleofcanair you
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breathe i you home.
Crystal River Mall
q ality is illing you. N other
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THIS al Florida
Lic #CAC1815891
service.Expires Marchp31, Sept. 30, 2014
Ex ires 2014