PAGE 2 - September 11, 2013
The Newscaster - Nature Coast News
Proper etiquette when meeting a
Pet Patrol
Service Dog Team in Public
Special to The Newscaster by Alesone MacCormack
of Chosen2Serve, Inc.
You are shopping in the local grocery store with your child who suddenly yells
excitedly to you: “Look!!! Puppy!!!!!!” You see a dog in the store, maybe vested, maybe
not, walking calmly beside the cart or beside its owner, first thought in your head: “aww cute
pup!!” Now what do you do? Your child wants to pet it, and you walk over to it, wanting to
pet this dog. Please don’t. Please stop. That cute pup is working. It has a very important job
to do, even if you don’t know what it is.
A service dog is specifically trained to help its owner mitigate his or her disability.
You may not know what the owner’s disability is, after all, he or she isn’t in a wheelchair!
He or she isn’t blind! Well, in some cases, that is true, not all disabilities are visible. That
Boomer, ‘tweenie’ Dachshund, needs home.
chihuahua or Great Dane (or any type of dog that has been specially trained as a service dog)
Boomer, a black, super-sweet, 3 year-old
might be a seizure alert dog or might be a diabetes alert dog, or maybe it is for panic and
neutered male, a 9 lb. ‘tweenie’ Dachshund,
anxiety or PTSD, so if you distract the dog, it will take its focus off its handler and might
will be at our adoption Saturday, at the Pet  “Puggles is a beautiful, 8 mo, black with tan  miss an upcoming seizure or change in glucose, or you might be the cause of a panic/anxiety
Supermarket in Inverness, 10:00-12:00  brindle, n.m. Pug, He is very loving, has lots  attack resulting it its handler to not have enough time to get to a safe location or take his or
noon. A Humane Society of Central FL.  of puppy energy, enjoys playing with chew  her medicine. Please respect the person on the other end of the leash. Do not ask what the
Pet Rescue, Inc. does applications, inter-  toys, car rides and walks. Crate trained  disability is, or get upset if the person does not want to stop and chat or allow you to pet his
views, home visits prior to adoption. There-  and mostly housebroken. Reduced dona-  or her dog.
fore, we adopt only to the Citrus County or  tion fees. A Humane Society of CENTRAL
The dog is a four pawed, furry piece of loved medical equipment who is saving its
near-by area. If you must re-home a small  FLORIDA Pet Rescue, Inc. does home vis-  partner’s life daily, who is legally allowed to be with its partner where ever its partner needs
 
dog, phone 352-527-9050, leave your name,  its prior to adoptions, therefore, we only  to go, just like a wheel chair or oxygen tank. It is against state and federal law to distract,
phone number and 093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, Florida 34446
5 a message for a return
adopt to the Citrus County and adjoining  interrupt, harass, harm, tease, hurt or kill a service dog and/or its handler, punishable with
Phone: (352) 489-4588  Fax: (727) 362-4788
areas. See this dog and other little dogs at  jail time and/or fines up to and sometimes more than $50,000. For more information on state
Pet Food Donations
Email, Tom Russell,needed
our Saturday adoptions, at Pet Supermarket,  and federal law pertaining to service animals, see next week’s edition of The Newscaster for
Email, Debbie Russell, Editor:
Inverness, 10-12 noon. If you must give up  my next article.
ewscasterat Animal Services
Emaciated horses euthanized in
.com • • •
The goal is to help residents feed  your little dog, phone 527.9050, leave your
name, number and information.
their pets. Call 352-746-8400.
cruelty to animals case
    
pounds underweight. The report stated that
        
the ribs of four other horses on the property
Diebold, 53, 7280 S. Sunny-
were showing, although Diebold stated she
view Pt., Homosassa was ar-
                 
fed the horses well, and the horses should
rested by the Citrus County
                                      
look that way in the hot summer we’ve had,
Sheriff s Office, Aug. 29,
and being close to thirty years old (the vet-
charged with two counts of
                                     
misdemeanor cruelty to ani-  Diebold
erinarian stated their ages were about twenty
                       
years old). She also said she’d not had time
mals (bond set at $1,000). The
    
to get veterinary care for the horses.
deputy reported that the animal control of-
The report stated that two stalls of
ficer had been told by a local veterinarian
     
a steel paddock where she keeps the horses
that two malnourished and emaciated horses
          
“had an enormous amount of horse ma-
had to be euthanized due to their condition.
heNewscaster    
nure mixed with hay on the floors and did
Their ribs, hip bones and spines were clearly
                         
not look as if it had been mucked out in a
visible, and their hooves were unkept.
                          
The animal control officer had told
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o       ew or       ure    
The veterinarian expressed concern
Dierbold, in May, that the horses needed vet-
g  at  Reasonabe  es     NE  Ctus& W   arion  unties  
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for the other horses in the field due to their
erinary care, and a veterinarian had noted on
 
rib cages being visible.
Jan. 5 (2013) that one of the horses was 200
 93  SOwel   .,Ho osassa,Fl ida   4446                      
50    .  r   l Pt   m         or   3    
Energy Assistance offered to Citrus County residents
 Phone:    (352)  484588      Hometown  News788   
9-­   Fax:  (7)2-­4 the Nature Coast
    27 36 for
mail,  Tom  Russerltising lather:    thenewscasterfor S Citrus & SW Marion Counties
Adv e l,  Pub is Reasonable Rates 1@g Levy, NE
Citrus County Housing Services will accept energy assistance applications on a
mail,  Debbi  Russell  Edt:    debS.enewscPt.,Homosassa,        34446    
  e      ,   i or5093bi Orwellaster@g ail.   Florida    
            m com
walk-in basis for one day only on Monday, September 23rd from 10 am to 2 pm. This event
will be held at the Catholic Charities Community Outreach Center located at 9020 W At-
T                          489-4588  Fax:(727)             
Phone: (352)               362-4788
las Drive in Homosassa. All applicants must be checked in by 1 pm to be considered.The
Email, Tom Russell, Publisher:
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps low-income families with
                                      
Proof: AdStarts3-20-13 
Email, Debbie Russell, Editor:
home heating and cooling costs. LIHEAP is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and
               
es: history.newscasterarchives.comHuman Services through the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, and has been
established to help qualifying low-income homeowners and renters pay for a portion of their
      
primary heating costs.For more information please call 352-527-7530.
Joe’s SepticService   
Reliable,LLC          
                
THE NEWSCASTER & Nature Coast News is published weekly by
Newscaster Publishing. Comment Line:352-388-1668. e-mail: news@
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