The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - August 6, 2014
"Searching for the Truth"
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
From Inglis Town Hall
It's been a fairly quiet week- which is a nice change.
Our Public Works Department have done a great job and are almost finished spreading
Global warming, aka "climate change", is one
& rolling millings on Mary Street. Our new part-time employee gives us more flexibility in
of the big issues of the twenty-first century. In
scheduling work around Town - we've already started to catch up on our mowing.
the 1970's, there were dire reports predicting
Steve Warren has been working hard getting the old IPD building in order and up to
a coming ice age. The 1980's saw common
code. When he's done, the Town's Animal Control (with indoor facilities for the animals),
warnings of massive human starvation and
Planning, Zoning & Code Enforcement operations will be based there.
war due to overpopulation. In the 1990's, it
The Town Commission has a Special Meeting scheduled for this Wednesday (August
was the assurance that we would soon run out
6th) at 5:01 P.M. One of the issues scheduled for the Commission is to review and finalize
of energy. For those seeking to control people
the design for the Town's Veteran's Memorial (which will be dedicated this coming Vet-
and maintain power, there is nothing like a
eran's Day). We already know this is a project which has a lot of support in the community
good crisis to solidify funding!
- Wednesday is your day to come and see what's being proposed.
There's one feature we're sure the Memorial will have - the opportunity for citizens to
There is much evidence that any recent warming trend is a result of fluctuations in
show their support for our veterans through the purchase of a Memorial Brick for the Me-
the sun's activity rather than the burning of fossil fuels. For example, during record
morial's Plaza area. Bricks are "customizable" - you may want to list your name, or put a
sunspot activity in the Middle Ages, there was an extended period of extremely warm
message of support, a remembrance of loved ones who served, whatever you might want to
global temperatures. During a recorded time of extremely low sun output activity from
say to honor our veterans. Please see our staff in Town Hall if you're interested in purchas-
1790 ­ 1830, Europe recorded record lows in what became known as the "little ice
ing a Veterans Memorial Brick for $45.00.
age". Neither of these global climate changes could have anything to do with wide-
Glenda Kirkland, Mayor
spread burning of fossil fuels. Furthermore, from 2002 until 2010, the evidence shows
a definitive trend of global cooling, not warming, yet the carbon dioxide level is either
Town of Inglis Special Meeting
unchanged or increasing in this same time period. Since the sun is again entering a
August 6, 2014
cycle of low activity, global cooling is likely to continue for many more years. Thus the
5:01 pm. - Commission Meeting Room
fear of "global warming" has been changed to the fear of "climate change".
While the Earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and
winter, and day and night shall not cease. - Genesis 8:22
5093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, Florida 34446
Based on, Inspired Evidence a book by Bruce Malone, 2011
Phone: (352) 489-4588  Fax: (727) 362-4788
Presented by Bob Allen, Biologist-Paid Advertisement Contact Bob at
mail, Tom Russell, Publisher:
ail, Debbie Russell, Editor:
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