PAGE 3 - August 22, 2012
The Newscaster-Nature Coast News
DCF to take child protective
Drug Charges  - Continued from page 1
investigations from CCSO   and Families  between athe confidential source and Hyden,found cocaine that hadfriend (the investigation
where Hyden said a
revealed name this is being withheld) had
washed up on the coast
In an unanticipated move by the Florida Department of Children
of Culebra, Puerto Rico and that his friend had buried it at an unknown location there.
(DCF), Citrus County Sheriff Jeff Dawsy was notified, Aug. 20, that the agency has op-
Hyden asked the confidential source for help in transporting the cocaine from Puerto Rico
tioned to bring Citrus County's child protective investigations back to their agency, effective
to Florida - if he could locate it.
as of Oct. 31, by using the exit clause in a one-year contract signed earlier this year to keep
The confidential source and two federal officers posing as narcotics traffickers (an
the program under the auspices of the Citrus County Sheriffís Office.
undercover special agent with the Department of Homeland Security and a Customs and
"I never saw it coming," said Dawsy. "I'm shocked." After hearing the news, Sher-
Border Protection UC Pilot Air Interdiction Agent) had a monitored meeting with Hyden,
iff Dawsy promised to make the transition of services as smooth as possible, although he
from 3:55 to 4:50 p.m. on June 20 at the Casia Maria Restraurant in Jacksonville, to arrange
admitted to worries about the safety of the county's children.
air transportation for the cocaine. He said his friend, who is originally from South Carolina
According to the sheriff’s office, DCI was quick to assure them that the perfor-
and has/had lived in Culebra, Puerto Rico for about seven years, found a bale of cocaine in
mance and measurable outcomes of the program under the direction of the sheriffís office
the ocean which he d buried near a trailer next to the Leatherback Turtle Sanctuary. Hyden
was never in question, and the decision in no way impacts the six other Florida sheriff of-
said he d been working for a couple years on unearthing the cocaine and arranging for its
fices which currently perform the same function in child protective investigations.
transportation to Florida. Hyden said, if he obtained the cocaine, he would pay his friend
approximately $250,000 Hyden sold the cocaine, and Hyden would keep the rest of the
money. Hyden agreed to pay the ‘narcotics traffickers “four bricks” (4 kilograms or about
8.8 pounds) of cocaine, once the shipment arrived in St. Augustine, within a timeframe of
ninety days.
Surviellance by the two agencies identified Hyden and a relative (name whithheld)
at Puerto Rico airports on June 25 and July 7. This information was verified during an Aug.
3 recorded meeting between Hyden and one of the agent ‘narcotic traffickers at the Casa
Maria restaurant in Jacksonville, when Hyden told the agent about he and his relative going
to Puerto Rico on two occasions, in an effort to obtain information to give the ‘trafficker
for finding and transporting the cocaine to Florida. He said his friend had buried the cocaine
in the bend of a pipe running from a cistern, which remains, to a trailer, which had been re-
moved. He said that he and his relative had attempted to dig up the earth at the location, but
the sand had hardened into a rock-like substance, and they needed a pick, which they did not
have. The ‘trafficker and Hyden confirmed their previous agreement. The ‘trafficker asked
Hyden if he was becoming his client, and Hyden stated to him,”I want to be,” and then,
“You know, I looked at chartering a plane and then you came along and I thought, there is a
God. ”
On Aug. 9, agents with Homeland Security and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Com-
mission, along with Customs and Border Patrol officers from Fajardo, Puerto Rico, used
maps provided by Hyden to uncover a bag containing approximately 13 kilograms (about
The Red Hat Society, the world’s premier social networking community for women began in 1998. The
28.6 pounds) of cocaine, which was seized by Homeland Security agents in Puerto Rico.
Red Hat Society has more than 20,000 chapters in all 50 states. This chapter dining last week at Shrimp
On Aug. 10, Hyden met with one of the undercover ‘traffickers at the Gander
Landing in Inglis is called the “Sassy Sophisticates” and come from Lecanto, Inverness and Dunnellon.
Their “queen” Sally Jerominek stated that their objective is to have fun dining out and adventures like
Mountain store near State. Rd. 16 in St. Augustine. The agent gave Hyden a set of keys to
boat rides.
a car owned by the St. Johns County Sheriff s Office which the agent said contained the
18 kilograms (39.6 pounds) of cocaine that Hyden wanted from Culebra, Puerto Rico in
Shrimp Landing
the trunk. The bag in the trunk actually contained 5 kilograms (11 pounds) of real cocaine
and 13 kilograms(28.6 pounds) of sham cocaine which came from the Tampa Homeland
Security office. Hyden retrieved the bag of cocaine from the car and placed it in the rear
passenger seat of his truck, and that is when Hyden was arrested by federal agents.
48 Hwy. 19 South at Hickory Island
According to the Florida Times Union (Jacksonville), Hyden had a detention hear-
Inglis, Florida
ing on Aug. 13 and is being held in lieu of $100,000 bail. His location is undisclosed.
Drive Sober or get Pulled Over’
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campaign,and other law enforcement agencies will participate in
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All-You-Can-Eat Specials:
The Florida Highway Patrol
the national Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign, Aug. 17 through Sept. 3, to remove
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driving is one of Americaís most often committed and deadliest crimes, and during this ef-
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fort, law enforcement will be aggressive in looking for impaired drivers. The FHP reminds
drivers of tips for arriving safely at their destination: observe and obey all speed limits, drive
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sober, have a designated driver if you consume alcohol, and buckle up.
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The campaign coincides with the four-day Labor Day holiday weekend, Aug. 31
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ñ Sept. 3, when the FHP will have all uniformed personnel, including auxiliary troopers
and uniformed personnel normally assigned to administrative duties, patrolling roadways
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to deter those breaking the laws and assisting motorists who have vehicle problems or need
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other help.
over Rice or Noodles
Remember to dial *FHP (*347) from your cellphone to contact FHP to report an
aggressive or impaired driver or to request roadside assistance.
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