PAGE 2 - August 21, 2013
The Newscaster - Nature Coast News
Senator Rubio mobile office hours in
Pet Patrol
Citrus County August 23
A member of U.S. Senator Marco Rubio s staff will be available to assist constitu-
ents on Friday, August 23 from noon to 2:00 pm at the Lakes Region Library, located at 1511
Druid Road in Inverness. If you are having an issue with Social Security, Medicare, Veterans
Benefits, immigration, the IRS or any federal agency, staff from the Gulf Coast Regional
Office will be able to provide help.
For more information, please call the Senator Rubio s Gulf Coast Regional office
at 813-977-6450.
Duke Energy Foundation donates to EDC
and Chamber for economic support
Duke Energy representatives opened the monthly Citrus County Economic Devel-
opment Council Board of Directors meeting on Thursday, August 8 at the College of Central
Florida with a special presentation.
Chris Flack, Vice President of External Relations, and Community Relations Man-
“Angel is a cute, 4 yo, 9 #, tan with white  ager Amy Mangan explained Duke Energy “was focused on supporting the communities
feet and chest, Deer type Chihuahua, like  where we live and work and expanding efforts to improve the quality of life in those com-
Boomer,  all black, a sweet, 3yo, n.m,  the Taco dog. She has a wonderful person-  munities”.
Chamber of Commerce CEO Josh Wooten was presented a check from Duke En-
tweenie Dachshund. He will be at our next  ality and wants to be with you all of the
 
adoptions on Saturdays at the Pet Supermar-  time, leash and crate trained. Owner has to  ergy Foundation for $50,000 to be used for tourism initiatives. “Tourism is an important
ket, Inverness, 10-noon. S. HumanePt., Homosassa, Florida 34446 housebreaking re-  economic engine in this county,” said Flack, “and we want to help bring people to Citrus
5093 A Orwell Society  work 12 + hour shifts, so,
of Central FL. PetPhone: (352) does ap-  frFax: (727)be needed. Adoption Donation  County.”
Rescue, Inc. 489-4588  esher may 362-4788
Dan Taylor, Executive Director of the EDC, and Rusty Skinner, Chief Executive
plicationsEmail, Tom Russell, Publisher:
, interviews, home visits prior to  is $125. A Humane Society of CENTRAL
Email, Debbie Russell, Editor:  FL. Pet Rescue, Inc. does home visits, only  Officer of Workforce Connection, accepted a check for $444,000 from Duke Energy Foun-
adoption, therefore, you must live within or • • adopts to the Citrus County areas. Saturday  dation. “We are excited to support the leadership of the EDC,” Flack explained and stated
close to the county of Citrus. If you must •
re-home a small dog, phone 352.527.9050,  Adoption Events, at Pet Supermarket, In-  this donation would be used to support the current effort of the local organization to develop
leave name, phone # and message for a vol-  verness, 10-12 PM. Must give up your lit-  a site inventory to recruit and attract new businesses, expand the workforce in our county,
unteer return call.www.HumaneSocietyPe-  tledog? Phone 527.9050, leave name, num-  and provide leadership training. ‘
    
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 
Hometown News
The Board of County Commissioners acknowledged a donation by a local citizen at
verg at Reasonable for S Levy,NE & SW Marion Counties regular meeting on Tuesday, August 13. Madolyn Crysler of Beverly Hills donated $500
Adtisin   Rates    Citrus 
93Florida 
50  S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa,
  34446
to the Central Ridge Community Center to assist with funding of this location. For more in-
Phone: (352) 489-4588  Fax: (727) 362-4788
formation about the Central Ridge Community Center, please call 352-746-4882. From left to
EmaiRussell, 
 l, Tom   Publisher:
right: JJ Kenney, Commissioner; Dennis Damato, Commissioner; Rebecca Bays, Commissioner;
Em ,  Russell, Editor:
Madolyn Crysler; Scott Adams, Commissioner; Joe Meek, Commissioner.
email news to:
es:     • •
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THE NEWSCASTER & Nature Coast News is published weekly by
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