The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - August 21, 2013
From Dawn's Front Porch
“Searching for the Truth”
By Newscaster Contributor Dawn Clary
Big Lizard Hunting Season - If you live in the swamp, you know it’s alligator hunt-
What Darwin Expected the Rocks to Tell Us
ing season. Alligators used to be an endangered species but are no longer, Florida and other
states now have regulated hunting. Since 1988 the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission
Charles Darwin believed that if evolution were
allows the public to hunt and take alligators as part of it’s management of the species. The
true it would be found in the fossil record. He believed
season goes from August 15th to Nov. 1 and the agency has more than 5,000 permits avail-
that the fossil record would show a species gradually
able for the alligator season. You gotta have a permit and only two gators are allowed for
changing from simple to greater complexity. But over the
each permit. It costs nothing to apply for a permit but there is a charge if you are given a
last hundred years, these transitional forms have simply
permit which seems to vary if you are a Florida resident or not and other conditions. Many
not been found. What has been found are fully formed,
people use the numerous gator hunting packages available, which usually offer guides, boats
fully functional, very different forms of life. Evolution-
and lodging. They can range in price from around $1500 going up to around $3500 and
ists are especially confounded by a layer close to the bot-
tom of the geological column (that sediment buried first
Louisiana is thought to have the most gators with perhaps as many as 2 million but
or deepest during Noah’s Flood). What we find in this
Florida is next with about 1.3 million. They have 74 to 80 teeth but despite all those teeth,
rock layer is a veritable explosion of life:
attacks on humans seem relatively rare with Wikipedia reporting 13 fatal attacks since 2000.
“The Cambrian explosion’ … is one of the big-
The word alligator comes from the Spanish word el lagarto, which means “the lizard.”
gest mysteries of biology. It is at this point in the fossil
Despite the fact that you cannot take an alligator except during these special hunts with
record that a multitude of animal forms suddenly appears, for reasons that are not well
permits, the state does have a program for dealing with nuisance gators. It’s called the
Statewide Nuisance Alligator Program (SNAP) and is administered by the FWC. It is part
Within this particular rock layer we find every basic phylum (body type) of life
of Florida’s comprehensive Alligator Management Program, and was developed to address
on earth. This sudden appearance “out of nowhere” poses significant problems for evo-
complaints concerning alligators. If you have a concern about an alligator, and feel it is a
lution. This layer does not show animals evolving from simple, single-celled organisms
threat to you or your pets, call the toll-free Nuisance Alligator Hotline at 866-FWC-GATOR
into more complex structures. The Cambrian explosion shows the sudden burst of great
(866-392-4286). The FWC uses contracted alligator trappers to remove alligators from lo-
variety. Evolution from one type of creature into a completely different type of creature
cations where they are unwanted or unwelcome. In 2011, 14,275 nuisance alligator com-
has never been observed in the natural world or the fossil record. Remember, science is
plaints were received.
based on what we can observe.
News From Your Water Department – A plan is being proposed to modify the water
When wisdom entereth into thine heart…understanding shall keep thee: - Prov-
supply line down through Alley 60 to make it less prone to breakage and easier to flush. The
erbs 2:10,11
present line is very close to the surface and has been a maintenance nightmare. That may not
seem like a big deal to you but to the businesses on this line that have been putting up with
Based on, Inspired Evidence a book by Bruce Malone, 2011
Presented by Bob Allen-Paid Advertisement Contact Bob at
brown water and surprise outages, it is long overdue. The plan is something thought to be
achieved in-house at a very modest cost. Good Night and Good Luck
w! email news to:
Inglis Mayor's Report
Lisa VanDeBoe
Call 352-634-0129
At its regular meeting, the Commission  contract with Sheriff McCallum on July 25,
took action to implement another item on  2013. Beginning October 1, 2013, the Sher-
See all the Citrus County listings on our Website:
the voters’ agenda: our Town Attorney will  iff’s Office will be responsible for law en-
be drafting to eliminate charges for “water  forcement in the Town. We’re working now
SHORT SALE! 5BR/2BA on over 10 acres,
service availability” - those are fees charged  on the transition from IPD to the Sheriff’s
to residents and business who could hook  Office; as you might expect, there’s a lot to
close to Progress Energy. Steal at $119,900!
up to the Town’s water system (but haven’t).  it and there have been some bumps along the
That was step #1; Step #2, the Commission  way; given the size of the task, that’s inevi-  is the maximum ERU the Commission can  sibly taking over fire protection - County
has told the Town Attorney to report back  table. I appreciate the efforts of Lt. Dowd  consider (the actual ERU will be set during  assessments on businesses would be based
the transition as  budget hearings in September).
upon square footage (Inglis fire assessments
on what needs to be done to eliminate, sat-  and IPD officers to make
So, why was the ERU set at $82.80 when  are not); a lot of our business owners have
isfy and forgive all existing “service avail-  smooth as possible. There’s still a lot to do,
it was $29.69 last year? Two reasons: #1,  told us they could not afford to stay open in
ability” liens.
but we’ll get it done.
As you know, in March, the voters also  the $29.69 ERU covered 36% of the Inglis  Inglis if they had to pay County fire assess-
So you’ll know - liens owed by people who
were hooked up, who used   told us they’d like to see the County take  Volunteer Fire Department’s budget; Levy  ments.
Town water and
didn’t pay for it, willover fire protection services in Inglis. While  County covered the rest, and we can’t count
 remain in place.
Given we want to bring business into the
wantsto re-establish
The Commission    a  Public Safety Director David Knowles  on that continuing forever. And, #2, last  Town, not drive it out, this is a real concern.
Town “Water Board.” Members would be  and I have talked about it numerous times  year’s budget assumed none of our equip-  We hope to arrange a meeting or meetings
appointed by the Commission; their job will  since, we’re not at a point where we have  ment or vehicles would break down or have  with the County to discuss the issue (and
 
be to help the Commission develop policy  a contract for the Commission to consider,  to be replaced - that isn’t realistic.
hope our business owners will attend and let
So how will property owners
Hometown News for the adjust? Well,  their voices be heard).
Nature Coast
for the “operations and maintenance” of the  so we’ve started the process for adopting a
water system. We hope that, over time, the  2013-2014 budget for the Inglis Volunteer  for one thing, the Commission
Advertising at Reasonable Rates for S Levy, NE has done SW Marion having budget workshops every
We’re Counties
Citrus &
Board will become the “in house experts”  Fire Department. You may have heard that 5093 S.with the Pt., Homosassa, Florida 34446
away Orwell stormwater assessment; for  Wednesday night for the next few weeks
another, $82.80 is the maximum amount a  leading up to formal budget hearings. We
we need to improve the system over time.  the Commission approved an “ERU” of Phone: (352) 489-4588  Fax: (727) 362-4788
Email,  residential property owner will have to pay  need your help in setting priorities for the
It’s a good opportunity to get involved.  $82.80 for the Fire Department. What you Tom Russell, Publisher:
If you’re interested, please let us know at  may not have heard is that “ERU”mainot  for fiRussell, Editor:the actual ERU may  coming year; please come out and let your
l, Debbie re protection …
“final”; it was approved so it could be in-  be lower.
voice be heard.
Town Hall.
Websites: • • •
There’s another issue with the County pos-
Glenda Kirkland, Mayor
The Commission approved the Town’s  cluded in the County’s TRIM Notice and it
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