The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - August 14, 2013
From Dawn's Front Porch
“Searching for the Truth”
By Newscaster Contributor Dawn Clary
Yankeetown Councilman Resigns – Adam McNiece has resigned his position on
Consider the Giraffe
the Yankeetown Council as of last week. In a one sentence letter he stated “Due to oppor-
tunities outside of Levy county I must resign my volunteer councilman position effective
Since a giraffe has one of the highest blood pressures in the
immediately”. He was the Liaison for the town’s Fire Department which included emer-
animal kingdom (needed to pump blood way up to its brain), why
gency procedures such as hurricane preparedness and response. He was also in charge of
doesn’t the blood pool down in his skinny legs? The reason is that the
roads. Mr. McNiece has been on the Council since February and was a valuable member
giraffe has been designed with tight-fitting skin. When a giraffe walks,
as he brought a business point of view to the board. He owns McNiece and Sons Construc-
the muscle movement within that tight skin helps pump blood up and
tion in East Lyme Connecticut, which works in home building, additions, roofing and other
out of the legs. You could say a giraffe is wearing support hose, the
home related activities. Mr. McNiece is also in the process of building a new home in Yan-
kind that you wear in the hospital to prevent blood from pooling in
keetown. He is wished the best of luck in his future endeavors and thanked profusely for his
your legs.
Giraffes also walk differently from most animals. Most ani-
Promoting From Within – Yankeetown Maintenance employee Chris Howard has
mals walk by putting the left front foot forward at the same time as the
been promoted to the Water Department as Maintenance Operator. He will be replacing
right back foot, sort of diagonal. Giraffes walk by putting the left back
Paul Shearer who resigned the position recently. Chris holds a Class D Water License which
foot forward along with left front foot. The giraffe is long-legged and
is now a requirement to work on the distribution system. He will support the water plant
short-bodied; if they walked like most animals, they would be hitting
operator Lonnie Parnell who is currently contracted to operate the plant which requires a C
their legs against each other and stumbling. God, in His wisdom, pro-
class water license. Chris was the Maintenance Manager for the town which has the respon-
grammed the giraffe to walk the way it does from the beginning.
sibility for all the maintenance outside of the water plant. The town is currently advertising
Also notice the giraffe’s long tail. Why doesn’t such a long
to fill the position vacated by Mr. Howard. See the posting of the requirements for the posi-
tail get caught on brushes and tree branches when running? The solu-
tion at town hall.
tion: a special muscle allows the giraffe to curl its tail tightly over its
New Hours for Yankeetown Town Hall - Ending a bit of a scrimmage over the hours
back when running. Like many other animals, the giraffe is a smorgas-
that the hall is open to the public, with one council member suggesting that it go to a vote on
bord of features – each one specifically designed for its benefit. Does
a referendum, the council compromised with staff by opening a bit earlier and closing a bit
evolution explain any of this? Not really. No step-at-a-time process
earlier than had been previously suggested. The new hours open to the public are 8:00 am
explains the change from horse-like creature to the giraffe. God is simply the Master
to noon and then again open in the afternoon from 1:00 to 2:00 pm. Staff wishes to remind
everyone that they are still at the hall from 7:00am until 3:30 pm and do answer the phone.
Whence then cometh wisdom? and where is the place of understanding? God
Budget Workshops – The next budget workshop is the 19th. The general budget is
understandeth the way thereof, and he knoweth the place thereof. - Job 28:20,23
essentially done but the council is still wrangling over employee issues such as health insur-
Based on, Inspired Evidence a book by Bruce Malone, 2011
ance and pay raises.
Presented by Bob Allen-Paid Advertisement Contact Bob at
Thanks – Thanks so much to the Crawley Family who have offered to adopt two
trees to be planted near their home on Riverside drive. If you would like to adopt a tree
Diamond Investments, Inc.
which means that you agree to water the baby tree until it gets established, contact town hall.
Good Night and Good Luck
Darryl A. Diamond
Inglis Mayor's Report
Licensed Real Estate Broker
We are getting close to budget  rate is the maximum ERU rate the Commis-
Real Estate Investment Consultant
time. Now is a good time to get involved as  sion can consider without sending additional
Darryl & Vicki Diamond
we discuss priorities and plans for our future  notice to all Inglis Property owners.
as a Town.
Auction Service
While we talked about the ERU
On July 24, 2013, the Commis-  during the July 24, 2013 special meeting, we
sion approved the “rollback millage rate” of  didn’t take action on it at the time. On July
$5.031 per $1,000 in property value for the  30th, the Town Attorney told me he’d made
2013-2014 budgets. The “rollback rate” is  a mistake - he should have called for a vote
the same amount of property tax revenue as
has where it’s water system is concerned -
the initial rate set for planning purposes - it  on the ERU on July 24th - and recommend-
last year. Here’s the kicker: it raises that
you are relying upon the Town for water and
is the millage rate required to raise the same  ed calling a special meeting to get the ERU
amount if property values have gone up -
we have to make sure the system works and
amount of property tax revenue as was bud-  adopted in time to include it
 in the County’s
and it raises that amount if property values
will continue to work in the future. I want
geted for 2012-2013.
Notice (because we wouldn’t make it
have gone down. Its only purpose is to get
the rate structure reviewed so we can keep
On August 1, the if we waited until August). Given his recom-
2013,  Commis-
to a target number, last year’s estimated rev-
and maintain the system while charging fair
sion approved an “Equivalent Residential  mendation, I called the meeting for August
enues. It’s up to the Commission to decide
rates to its customers. It is a complicated
Unit” (ERU) rate (which is the number of  1st. We sent notice out to the Commission-
whether that’s what’s best for the Town and
issue, which is why we need a Water Board,
units per property) of $82.80 for its 2013-  ers almost immediately and it was posted
to set priorities and make choices about how
which will, over time, develop the expertise
2014 the the MessageBoard outside and inside of
 Fire Assessment. Like  rollback  on   
to use your money.
we need to meet the challenges facing us.
rate, the initial ERU is adopted for planning  Town Hall.
In July, the Commission took the
A town the size of Inglis will not
Everyone understands past Com-
first step toward appointing a Water Board
survive if we waste time on “settling scores”
The rollback millage rate and  missions relied on the County for the major-
to review the Town’s water utility and ordi-
after elections. There is simply too much to
ERU were adopted in July so we could in-  ity of the fire department’s budget, that the
nance. I’m hopeful we will have the Board
do and not enough of us to do it - we won’t
clude them in the TRIM Notice, which the  County’s contributions are likely to decrease
up and running soon so we can address the
move forward if the goal of each new Com-
County will send all property owners in a  in the future and that past budgets didn’t set
needs of the water system and the rate struc-
mission is to undo whatever the last Com-
few weeks. The rollback rate is the maxi-  aside money to replace equipment and vehi-
ture. As many of you will remember, the
mission did. While I don’t expect everyone
mum millage rate the Commission can con-  cles which eventually wear out, break down
water system charging property owners for
to agree with me on every issue, I hope we
sider without sending additional notice that  or become obsolete.
service when they had none was an issue in
can disagree without being disagreeable.
it’s considering a higher millage rate to all
Earlier I told you the “rollback
the last campaign. While I don’t think that’s
Mayor Glenda Kirkland
Inglis property owners; likewise, the ERU  rate” is the millage rate, which will raise
right, I recognize the responsibility the Town
 
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Lisa VanDeBoe
     
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