“My opponents
A professional law
Truth, Integrity,
should start
enforcement officer
Honesty &
working with the people.
telling the truth”
Not a politician,
“A Proven Leader”
but a working sheriff
“Remember Jessica”
Paid Political Announcement Paid For & Approved by “Big” Mike Eyes, Republican for Citrus Co. Sheriff
US Postage
Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
Inglis, FL 34449
Wednesday August 13, 2008
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
A Publication of
Permit No. 4
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Newscaster Publishing
Sally Price Correspondent
Squawk Box
With Doug Johnston
If you are old enough to re-
member when gasoline was 25
cents a gallon, or less, you can
surely remember when a tank of
gas came with an attendant
putting the gas in your car,
washing your windshield, and
even checking the air pressure in your tires.
And, oh yes, if you needed air in a tire they
put it in for you at no charge. Gas stations in
those days were family businesses.
In Inverness during the 1950’s we had an
AMOCO Station owned and operated by
Wallace Cooper with the help of his wife
Claire, daughter Libby, and sons John Wallace
and Charles. That station was sandwiched
between the Masonic Building and the old
Inverness Post Office. If you pulled into that
Corvettes from the Citrus County Corvette Club will once again be part of Dunnellon’s Hot Summer Night Community Celebration on August
station for gas, Mr. Cooper, or one of his chil-
Levy County On Alert For
16th. See full story on page 5.
dren would pump your gas and give your car
Two Dunnellon
a makeover in a matter of minutes. Mr. Cooper
also sold block ice and if asked he would store
Distemper Outbreak
a watermelon for good customers in his ice
Men Busted for
house behind the station.
Inverness also had a Pure Oil station just
"Low Cost Vaccine Clinic," August 16
eyes. Initial respiratory symptoms can
Air Conditioner
south of the old courthouse. Hugh Stephens
progress to pneumonia and seizures, and pup-
The canine viral disease, distemper,
operated that business for years and even
pies are more likely to die from distemper than
has killed several puppies and dogs in Levy
though he had suffered a stroke and had some
Thefts, Drugs
adult dogs. "It can infect dogs of all ages, if
County and has prompted veterinarians and
difficulty walking he pumped gas for his cus-
the dogs have not built up any immunity, ei-
county officials to urge residents to vacci-
tomers. His wife, Bea, was at the station often
ther through vacination, which is preferable,
nate their dogs and not let them run free.
Two youths were arrested by the
as was their daughter Lynnette.
or by prior exposure,"said Crawford. "The
Levy County Animal Services has
Citrus County Sheriff's
Inverness also had a Sinclair Station just
population that suffers the most serious dis-
received some of the infected animals, which
Office, August 5, in rela-
across the courthouse US Highway 41, a Gulf
ease is puppies, particularly those two to six
were adopted by the public, either from the
tion to an undercover in-
Oil Station across from Inverness City Hall
months of age." The animals tested at UF have
shelter or a local rescue group. The county
vestigation involving
and a Standard Oil Station across from the
been up to 2 years old.
shelter is not the source of the outbreak. As
several metal recycling
Continued on page 3 - Squawk Box
David Weatherford, Director of Levy
many animals in the county are not being vac-
businesses on Hwy. 44 in
Adopt A
County Animal Services, urged residents to
cinated, infected dogs brought in to the ken-
Crystal River.
have their dogs vaccinated and also to pre-
nels are infecting the other dogs.
According to an
vent them from roaming freely. He also said
University of Florida (UF) veterinary
arrest report, records at a
that spaying and neutering dogs will help pre-
professor Cynda Crawford is working with
recycling business on En-
vent the spread of distemper by preventing
Animal Services on the distemper outbreak.
terprise Pt. in Crystal
Page 2
"Distemper has a very long incubation pe-
River showed that a 16- John F. BuntsIII
Levy County Animal Services will
riod," said Crawford, "up to thirty days. Most
year-old youth had re-
host a Low Cost Vaccine Clinic on Saturday,
of the animals that come to the shelter stay
cycled materials during July, and each trans-
August 16, from 3:00-4:00 p.m. at the animal
on average of twelve days. They may look
action had coincided with the theft of air con-
shelter, which is located at 12055 N.E. 69th
healthy to us, and then ultimately, the signs
ditioning units within Citrus County.
Lane in Bronson (at the Levy County Landfill
and symptoms will appear."
The juvenile told a detective that 19-
Compound). For additional information, please
Crawford explained that distemper is
year-old Frederick John Bunts III, Dunnellon,
contact the shelter at (352) 486-5138. Read
a respiratory viral disease, spread through se-
Continued on page 4 - Thefts
more on page 11.
cretions such as discharge from the nose or