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Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
A Publication of
Wednesday June 26, 2013
Inglis, FL 34449
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
Newscaster Publishing
Permit No. 14
Sally Price - Correspondent
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Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Squawk Box
Persecution or
(Reprinted from Seniors Voice of Ocala)
By Tom Loury,
Seniors Voice Publisher
What really happened?
In my opinion the reporting on
the Sheriff
Chris Blair story is the worst piece of
biased journalism that I have ever seen!
Apparently, the Ocala Star Banner will
not write a positive story about our Sher-
iff. Even after being found innocent of
breaking the law, the headline in the
OSB wreaks of the same garbage that has
been in the news on almost a daily basis
throughout the election.
The  Grand  Jury  findings
were...”Blair did not break the Law!”.
It is apparent that this was never a legal
matter based on the results of the Grand
Jury. However, it is obvious that the ones
that endorsed Dan Kuhn (the Star Banner,
e.g.), who was Blair’s opponent, are still
having difficulty dealing with the Kuhn
It's a Mess_The area of the CR 486 and SR 44 Intersection in Crystal River will be experiencing significant traffic delays at various times dur-
scandal. They are attempting to hold Blair
ing the week of June 24th due to a shift in traffic. This procedure will shift traffic from the old portion of CR 486 to the recently constructed
responsible for their disappointment,
roadway. Lane closures, throughout the week, should be expected on both CR 486 and SR 44 in this area. Please contact the Citrus County
when in fact the responsibility lies with
Engineering Division at (352) 527-5446 for additional information.Newscaster Photo by Mike Moore.
the intentional, illegal actions committed
Infant Drowns Apparent Murder/Suicide in
by Kuhn.
It is obvious that the Star Ban-
ner is continuing its negative storylines
In Floral City
Sugarmill Woods
and persecution of Sheriff Blair. To that, I
say, “Shame on you!” Journalists are sup-
posed to be neutral - why persecute some-
one that has been elected by the people?
From Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
Why do the taxpayers/voters and readers
house to call 911. The next of kin was noti-
let these people and agencies that are sup-
From Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
fied. The bodies were sent for autopsy.
Last Wednesday (July 19), about
posed to work for us, get away with this?
According to Lindsay Blair with  9:00 p.m., deputies with the Citrus County
It took an agency from Gainesville, the
the Public Information Department of the  Sheriff s Office responded to an apparent
State Attorney s Office in Alachua Coun-
Citrus County Sheriff s Office, deputies murder/suicide at 52 Pine St. in the Sug-
Suicide in
ty, to give Sheriff Blair a fair shake.
responded to 11395 East Salmon Drive in  armill Woods neighborhood of Homosassa.
A Shame on You campaign from
Floral City about 10:50 a.m. to a reported  Deputies found Rose and Ernest Geisert,
the voters of Marion County is Needed.
Homeless Camp
drowning, Sunday morning, June 23, and  both in their eighties, on the bathroom floor
Email me a “Shame on you” letter, telling
arrived at the location to find emergency with apparent gunshot wounds. A firearm
me who you think mishandled this matter.
medical services already on the scene at-  was found under Ernest Geisert’s body.
From Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
Now is your chance to agree or disagree.
tempting to resuscitate two year-old Colton
According to deputies on the scene,
Friday June 21st at about  9
Tom Loury can be reached by email at:
a friend of the couple was inside the resi-
am. Citrus County Sheriff’s deputies
The child was found by his family,  dence, helping Mrs. Geisert after a fall she’d
responded to an apparent suicide at a
See how Citrus
floating in the canal behind the residence. apparently suffered earlier, when she heard
homeless camp near the area of Cardinal
According to the report, Blair said, the child  muffled bangs which she thought was pos-
County Ham operators
Street and South Suncoast Boulevard.
had wandered out of the home. The infant  sibly Mrs. Geisert falling again. The friend
stay connected
Deputies found a deceased male
was taken to Citrus Memorial Hospital  went into the bathroom to check on the cou-
with wounds indicative of self strangu-
during disasters,
where he was pronounced deceased. New  ple and found them lying on the bathroom
lation. Any new information will be re-
information will be released as available,  floor with a large amount of blood around
on pg 12.
leased as soon as available.
said Blair.
them. She ran to the next door neighbor’s