PAGE 10 - May 27, 2015
THE NEWSCASTER-Nature Coast News
Community Events
Tour of State Archives
On Wednesday, May 27, 2015, the Levy County Historical Society has planned a
one day trip to the Florida State Archives and Library in Tallahassee. While at the Archives,
the group will tour "behind the scenes" conducted by one of the Florida State Archivists.
The purpose of the tour is introduce researchers to the records the Archives collects. Res-
ervations can be made by calling Toni Collins, Director of the Levy County Historical
Society, at (352) 490-5636.
Levy Tourist Dev. Council Meeting
The Levy County Tourist Development Council will meet as follows:  What:
Regular Bi-monthly meeting. When: Thursday, May 28th, 2015 Time: 6:00 p.m. Where:
620 N Hathaway Avenue, Bronson, FL (U.S. Alt. 27). (Levy County Road Dept. Office
Building) Meeting is open to the public. Please call if there are any questions concerning
the above: (352) 486-3396.
Bingo Ends for the Summer
A reminder, Bingo at the Yankeetown-Inglis Woman's Club will have the last
games on Thursday, May 28th. This gives our volunteers a chance to rejuvenate over the
summer before games begin again in September. The Woman's Club would like to say
THANK YOU to all those who come to Bingo, buy tickets for "Bingo Baskets".
Activities at the Inglis VFW Post
Inglis VFW Post 8698 is located at 520 Hwy. 40 East, 1 mile east of the U.S. Hwy
The giant manatee in front of Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park has donned
19 and County Rd. 40 traffic light; phone 352-447-3495. Upcoming Activities: ·May 29
his red, white and blue top hat in recognition of Memorial Day. This is a day of remembrance
(Friday) - Chicken, Rice & Beans, 12:00 noon until ? ·Tuesdays at 7:00 pm - Dart Tourna-
for those who have died in service of the United States of America. Many people have a
ments (June 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30) ·June 5 (Friday) - Karaoke with Dennis, 7:00 pm ·June 13
three day weekend and celebrate with family and friends with picnics and outdoor outings.
(Saturday) - Dance with Chrome Live, 7:00-11:00 pm (the public is welcome) ·June 19
Marilyn Simon of Port Richey, a regular visitor at the Wildlife Park brought Chris, Shannon
(Friday) - Free-Bird Karaoke, 7:00 pm ·June 26 (Friday - Karaoke with Dennis, 7:00 pm.
and Gabriella Ternaux from Cleveland Ohio to the park to enjoy the day. May is Wetlands and
Vacation Bible School at Parsons Memorial
Wildflowers Month at Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park. The Park is of-
Parsons Memorial Presbyterian Church will be having Vacation Bible School
fering special programs during the month on this theme. On Friday, May 22, 2015, starting
on two Saturdays this summer. The first Sat. will be June 20th from 10am to 1pm. We are
at 1:00 pm, Steven K. Davis of the Citrus County Extension Office will present a program on
asking the children to bring there spare change for our mission on hunger. Our second Sat.
the University of Florida's 9 Basic Principles the Florida-friendly Landscaping in the Florida
on July 18th from 10-1. So mark your calendars for the fun. snack. It is for ages 3-12. There
Room of the Visitor Center and main entrance of Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife
will be crafts, bible story, recreation, music and a small We are at Parsons Memorial Pres-
State Park located on US 19. There is no charge to attend this program. Wetlands function
byterian Church at 5850 Riverside Dr. Yankeetown by the Coast Guard Station. For More
to filter pollutants naturally from storm water runoff in our urban environments. Much of
info call 352-489-5274
this pollution comes from landscape practices we employ throughout our watershed. The
University of Florida has developed the 9 Basic  Principles the Florida-friendly Landscap-
Lions Club Seeking New Members
ingTM program which promotes and encourages us to manage our landscapes responsibly,
The Inglis Yankeetown Lions Club is seeking civic-minded men and women to
reducing the effects of nutrient pollutant leaching and runoff. Plants in our landscapes also
join them in making a difference in the community. "Our club gives members an opportu-
actively filter these pollutants when they are applied correctly and when supplemental wa-
nity to advance worthy causes, serve with friends, and become leaders in the community.
tering is efficiently used. The examples we observe in our natural environment can also be
This club means a lot to our Lions, but it means so much more to the people we serve," said
used in our residential and commercial landscapes to reduce storm water runoff and create
Club President Doug Dame. Call (352) 505-7936 and leave a message
opportunities to filter our water resources naturally.  Photo by Sally Price.
email news to:
Activities at the Inglis Amvets
William Crow AmVets Post 447 is located at 405 E. Hwy. 40 in Inglis, FL; phone
352-447-4473. We're open 7 days weekly, 12:00-9:00 pm. Kitchen hours are 12:00-7:00
The Newscaster
pm, with daily specials, and on Sundays only, open for breakfast, 9:00-11:00 am. Tickets
are on sale, daily, for our weekly Queen of Heart Drawing held on Sundays at 6:15 pm.
Serving Inglis, Yankeetown, Dunnellon, Crystal River, Homosassa, Invernes
Weekdays, excluding holidays, we hold a seat number drawing for a free drink at 4:00,
ADDRESS: 5093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, FL 34446
5:00, 6:00 & 7:00 pm! QUALIFIED GUESTS ARE WELCOME; please contact the Post
PHONE: (352) 489-4588  FAX: (352)727-362-4788
at 352-447-4473 for details. On WILD WEDNESDAYS, enjoy 50 cents wings, all day and
Sally Price, Realtor
he Newscaster
Card Games at 6:00 pm. On THIRSTY THURSDAYS, well drinks and domestic beers
(352) 302-8556 cell
are $1.50, and our Weekly Drawing is held at 5:00 pm (win- ner takes 80%). On RED
EMAIL: (Tom) & debbienewscaster@gmail.
SHIRT FRIDAY, all day, wear a Red Shirt, bring two non-perishible food items for our
Hometown News for the Nature Coast ACRE LOT SAPP ST INGLIS $15,000
food bank, and your second drink is FREE; then at 6:00 pm, play "Show Me the Money."
SATURDAY, play Double-Bonus "Show MeAdvertising a6:00 pm. nable Rates for S Levy, NE Citrus & SW Marion Counties  Nice 1 acre lot ready to build on
the Money" at t ReasoSUNDAY: breakfast
outside city limits. Has large oaks,
is served 9:00-11:00 am, Karaoke with Cowboy Al 3:00-7:00 pm,093 S. Orwpm,Pt., hold osassa, Florida 34446
5 and at 6:15 ell we Hom
Phone: (352) 489-­4588 Fax: (727) 362-­4788
our weekly Queen of
Heart DRAWING, now approaching $20,000! On MADNESS
unique plantings, mature azaleas,
Email, Tomtic usseandPublishT- :
R beer ll, sliders. er
MONDAYS, BOGO (Buy One Get One free): well drinks, domes-
ferns and climbing rose on trellis.
U-E-S-D-A-Y is B-I-N-G-O, Bingo, Bingo at 5:00 pm; the PowerBall is approachingitor:
Email, Debbie Russell, Ed 200!
Lot is outside Inglis city limits so
less restrictions, no city taxes and
Buddy & Fred's Hardware
no franchise fees. E Cason Blvd.
Proof: Ad Starts 3-20-13
44 Hwy 19 N. - Inglis,FL - 352-447-2600 Est. 1983
north on Sapp St. Next to last lot
Fred's Crazy Quarterly Sale Now on
on right.
The Pizza JoinT
Joe's Reliable Septic Service,LLC
on & Bonnie's Burgers & BBQ
We Want Your Stinkin' Business
State License #SA0111728