US Postage
Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
A Publication of
Inglis, FL 34449
Wednesday May 23, 2012
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
Newscaster Publishing
Permit No. 14
Sally Price - Correspondent
Have a safe and Happy Memorial Day
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Squawk Box
What's In Your
With Doug Johnston
Last week we had
our bathtub refinished and
tile in the bathroom cleaned
and surfaced. The process
took four days with the re-
quired drying so we had to
move all of my dear wife Kathie’s toi-
letries and such into the main bathroom:
“My bathroom”. I have a very basic sup-
ply list in my bathroom. I have a razor,
can of shaving cream, bar of soap, bottle
of shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste and
The vanity in “my bathroom”
now has a ceramic kitten that serves as a
toothbrush holder, another ceramic kitty
has a pump in the top of its head for lo-
tion, and still another dispenses soap.
There are several pencil looking items
that I assume have to do with applying
makeup, bottles and tubes of lotions of
some sort, a couple of contraptions that
The Citrus County Sheriff dept. all hazard expo Saturday filled the parking lot at the Crystal River Armory to over flowing. The annual event is
may be a hair dryer and curling iron, bath
a chance for the public to get "up to speed" on many hazard mitigation practises with an emphasis on hurricane readiness. Hurricane season
gels, a shower cap, combs, cotton balls,
begins June 1st each year. In the photo Lt. Lucas Williams repels from the 100 ft. platform on Tower One (ladder truck) as a demonstration
make up remover, a pink, yes pink, ra-
exercise Saturday. Citrus Fire/Rescue Photo
New We Care Facility On
zor, Q-Tips and a couple of hair brushes
Dollar Tree
among other items.
Display for Food Agencies
Her shampoo is not one bottle
but two: One is a conditioner. They are
in bottles that are foreign to me, probably
the warehoue tour was made in the WCFP
from a salon and I bet they cost a lot more
By Deborah Russell
Robbed  In
than my bottle of VO-5 that I bought at
Newscaster Editor
Accordig to WCFP warehouse
Food Ranch for 99 cents.
manager Richard Wyckstrom, the agency’s
The week triggered memories
Parking Lot
Open House held at new buildings for
two refrigerated/freezer trucks, a 16-foot
of when we were first married and had
food agencies, Homosassa
and a 26-foot, are on the road seven days per
to share the one bathroom in our house.
week. Depending on the type of food load,
On Saturday, May 19, a Sneak
From Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
I learned early in our marriage that if I
the temperature can be changed accordingly.
Peak Open House was held at the newly-
wanted to get ready for work I had better
(Inverness) A female clerk from the Dollar
The temperature can be set from 30 degrees
constructed future homes of the We Care
make sure I beat Kathie to the punch. A
Tree in Inverness, located at 2613 E. Gulf
below zero, for loads of ice cream, up to 40
Food Pantry and the Community Food Bank
shower and shave takes me 15 minutes,
to Lake Highway was robbed of the storeís
degrees for food items requiring only refrig-
of Citrus County, attended by about 100
but you don’t measure the time it takes
night deposit as she walked to her vehicle
eration. For mixed loads of frozen and re-
members of the community.
Kathie to get ready for work in minutes.
in the Citrus Center parking lot Thursday
frigerated items, the temperature can be set
The two separate buildings are
And I should add I was raised with three
night, May 17. Citrus County Sheriffís Of-
just below the freezing point, at 34 degrees,
each 7,200 square feet and constructed with
sisters and Kathie and I had a daughter
fice dispatchers received a call, just before
to prevent frozen items from thawing, yet
the same layout, only reversed, with the en-
sandwiched between two boys and the
10:00 p.m., reporting a robbery by sudden
keeping produce from freezing.
tries sharing a common paved area and fac-
Continued on page 8 - Squawk Box
In the warehouse, food is placed
ing one another. They are located in Homo-
The clerk told responding deputies
onto skids that will be stored on three-tiered
sassa at 5259 W. Cardinal St. at the corner
that a man, dressed in all-black and wearing
shelving in the dry-storage area of the ware-
of S. Premiere Ave. The WCFP building will
a hoodie and mask, came up to her, beside
house and also in the neighboring freezer
be ready for occupancy in about a month,
her vehicle, and demanded the cash she was
Repor t on Nukes
and refrigerator - each 20 feet by 20 feet
but the CFB building is to a slightly lesser
carrying. The man did not display a weapon.
with a height of 14 feet 8 inches, and a load
degree of completion.
He fled with an undisclosed amount of mon-
capacity of about 30 skids each - 11 skids on
The CFB was used as the recep-
See page 8
ey. The victim was not harmed.
each side and about the same in the center.
tion and refreshment area at the “Sneak
According to the clerk, the suspect
“Compact, yet accessible,” said Wyckstrom,
Peak” Open House, as its warehouse is not
as completed as the WCFP warehouse, and
Continued on page 4 - Robbery
Continued on page 3- We Care Open House