THE NEWSCASTER-Nature Coast News
PAGE 8 - May 21, 2014
Parkview Lanes News
SUMMER LEAGUES: Both the Parkview
244,690; John Marcucci 233; Ted Rafanan
Summer Owls and the Suncoast Seniors
635; Bunny Jackson 256,692; Millie George
NoTap will be 10-week leagues due to holi-
253; Mary Skourn 687. Scratch: Mark Ash
days. The Owls will start at 6:50pm June
244,690; Ted Rafanan 225,632; Millie
6 and end August 15, and the Suncoast Se-
George 213,544; Bunny Jackson 203,533.
niors will start at 12:50pm June 10 and end
August 19. Both leagues are mixed and the
fees are $12 a week for each. Contact the
Dorothy Larson 254; Nancy Vaughan 251;
Center at 352-489-6933 to register or for
Betty Weber 666; Trina Paliwoda 654.
more info.
Scratch:  Gerry Gurnett 190,489; Nancy
Vaughan 186; Betty Weber 462.
League scores for the week ending May 16,
HOLDER HOTSHOTS: Handicap: Shorty
Williams 268; Ted Apple 261,740; Chuck
Folk 278,779; Wes Foley 265; Brian Carr
Hindbaugh 724; Ellen Bowman 282; Clara
707; Bridget Foley 261,726'; Saad Bouve
Myers 264,732; Joanne Hans 732; June
255; Debbie Smith 702.  Scratch:  Wes
Williams 711.  Scratch:  Rich Williams
Foley 257,675; Mark Smith 247,701; Saad
258,944; Chuck Hindbaugh 211,577; Ellen
Bouve 204,573; Bridget Foley 199; Myla
Bowman 207,480; June Williams 171,462.
Wexler 557.
PARKVIEW OWLS:  Handicap: Jeremy
Sally Douglas, representing the Friends of the Withlacoochee Gulf Preserve, made a pre-
Colegrove 269,705; Michael Andriuolo
sentation to the Levy County Restore Act Advisory Committee May 13 in the Levy County
Hartley 245,724; Ken Meldrum 241,671;
249; Wes Foley 673; Debbie Mills 262,633;
Commission chambers. Present were a good number of Yankeetown and Inglis residents to
Carol Roberts 230,674. Scratch: Ken Mel-
Toni Mills-Smith 228,650. Scratch: Wes
back up her request for funds to the WGP when the BP oil spill lawsuit is settled. Subjects of
drum 223,617; Jerry Ness 213,585; Carol
Foley 247,673; Jeremy Colegrove 247,639;
the funding request were: Upgrade road, purchase equipment for trail maintenance, provide
Roberts 153,443.
Michael Andriuolo 235; Debbie Mills
additional signage, and funding for displays for the Ellie Schiller Educational Center. Jack
212,483; Toni Mills-Smith 171,479.
Schofield, Yankeetown is the newest member to the Restore Act Advisory Committee rep-
resenting South Levy and has made a request for Withlacoochee Area Residents to receive
257,633; Tim Lawrence 235,586; Dorine
Restore money to help in the continuing study of the Withlacoochee River. There is a vacancy
Fugere 221,565; Sandy LePree 190,531.
ey, 87 pins over her average, and Kenneth
on this committee and if anyone is interested contact Levy County Commissioner Ryan Bell at
LATE STARTERS: Handicap: Mark Ash
Folk, 146 pins over his average.
1-800-733-5389, who oversees the Restore Act for Levy County.
"Searching for the Truth"
Lake Rousseau Treatment Schedule
During the weeks of May 12 - June 6, 2014, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conser-
Do You Think Life is Short?
vation Commission will be conducting aquatic weed control operations in Lake Rousseau
using EPA approved herbicides. Water lettuce will be maintained using the herbicide, Clip-
Many insects live short lives. For ex-
per. Boat trails will be maintained using the herbicide, Glyphosate. There is no restriction
ample, the fruit fly has a life span of a mere 2
on the use of treated waters for recreational activities such as fishing or swimming.
months. In that brief span of time, it must hatch,
Clipper treated areas have a 5 day irrigation restriction on ornamentals grown
grow from larvae to adult, mate, and produce
in greenhouses or nurseries. There are no restrictions in Glyphosate treated areas. Sched-
the next generation. The mayfly lives longer
uled treatments may be delayed due to adverse environmental conditions. If these invasive
during development, but only lives 2 days as an
plants are not controlled, recreational activities, navigation, flood control and fish and wild-
adult before dying. This adult insect does not
life populations may be negatively impacted.
even have functioning mouth parts and is incapable of eating. Why would God create
a creature with such a short life span that does not even have the ability to eat food?
Town of Inglis
What advantage could such a short life have? Perhaps God created this creature as a
reminder that what matters is not the length of our life, but how it is lived.
It is possible to spend a lifetime chasing goals only to find them meaningless.
Planning Commission Notice
Our activities will never bring fulfillment because even as some goal is reached, we
he Newscaster
feel the emptiness creeping in. As life rapidly passes, we begin the mental gymnastics
of focusing on past accomplishments, even though they did not bring lasting fulfill-
ment when first achieved. Life is too often so filled with "seeking" that we forget to
The Town of Inglis is in need of volunteers to serve on the Inglis Planning Commission.
enjoy what we have been given.  Hometown News for the Nature Coast
This seven member board serves in an advisory capacity to help maintain the primary
Life dvtheising at Reathenable Rates for S LevtheNE Citruthe length ofrion Cou
A is ert process, not so accomplishment. Like y, mayfly, s & SW Ma
existing character of the town, guide future growth and development, protect, and
our life is a flash in perspective of eternity.wellwhat Homosassa, Fyouida 3444your
5093 S. Or So Pt., is God teaching lor through 6
improve the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Inglis. The Town is in need
current problems, trials, or issues? ne: (3bit ) 489-­4588 Fax: (creation,2-­4788 of
Pho What 52 of beauty, marvel of 727) 36 or awe
of persons in the professional field, such as Planners, Architects, Businesspersons,
majesty are you missing inil, sunset, ussellor snailsher: thyou are
Ema a Tom Rsmile, , Publi because enews too busy striving
Engineers, General Contractors, Subcontractors, Realtors or any persons interested in
for what you do not yet have? ebbie Russell, Editor:
Email, D
You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes - James 4:14
the welfare of the Town. Please do your part to ensure the future of your town. You
Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. - Psalm
can make a difference by volunteering to serve on this board. Inquiries may be made by
contacting Inglis Town Clerk, Sally McCranie at (352 447-2203).
Proof: Ad Starts 3-20-13
Based on, Inspired Evidence a book by Bruce Malone, 2011
Please respond by June 5th, 2014. 5:00 P.M.
Presented by Bob Allen, Biologist-Paid Advertisement Contact Bob at
William Rober ts
Joe's Reliable Septic Service,LLC
League of Women 352-447-3816
Voters of Citrus County
We Want Your Stinkin' Business
Gutters, Blinds & Ceiling Fans Cleaned
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Wood & Concrete Seal
Wed. May 21 - 9am-2pm.
Pressure Cleaning
Daystar Life Center
Window Cleaning
State License #SA0111728
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Orange Line Bus Transportation