THE NEWSCASTER-Nature Coast News
PAGE 8 - April 22, 2015
Bypass Spillway Gets Needed Repairs
Parkview Lanes News
Pelkie 199; Bobbie Christensen 180,486;
According to Susanna Martinez Tarokh, from Southwest Florida Water Manage-
 
Wanda Schroeder 180,501.
ment District, a repair at the bypass spillway was necessary and closing the water flow was
TUESDAY NOTAP TOURNEY:  timed with the extremely low tide that day to accomplish the task. Tarokh said, "according
                        JackConnell664; Jerry Ness   Shorty  to staff, the silting basin floor slab at the Inglis Bypass Structure was repaired with grouting
                  628;
   Williams    
      611.
and a steel plate. All repairs were completed Wednesday April 8, 2015 and the structure
Handi-  was in operation that day. The deficiency was found during routine inspection that is per-
                                                     
cap: Carl Peterson 271; Bob Desmeules  formed every two years on the structure below and above the waterline."
                             255,689; Bob     691;         
          Biggs    Carolyn McKei-
According to EMC Commercial Diving Services, a 5x7 steele plate was installed
                                     tan257;Mila Ragsdale243;GloriaOrtiz  with          bolted   the area of erosion in the concrete floor in front of the gates.
                          grouting and       over
                         664;     Mooney       RichSo- A
    Marie        657. Scratch:    warning to all the brave souls who have dared to climb the fence and jump into the tur-
letto 243,672; Carl Peterson 236; Ted Rafa-  bulent waters, the diver doing the check on the repair's success said there are 2 foot tall
nan 672; Skip George 575; Mila Ragsdale  staggered baffle walls of concrete to diffuse the water as it pounds the bottom. Photo story
193,494; Debbe Chung 189,544.
by Sally Price.
From the Inglis Commission
CONGRATULATIONS: Chris Carr did it
again! He had his third perfect game on  LEAGUE: Handicap: Chris Carr 316; Dal-
The Inglis Commission at the April 7th meeting included changes to the Water
March 23rd, and his fourth on April 15th!  ton Grudzas 299,801; Chuck Hindbaugh
Also, he has the honor of recording the  788. Scratch: Chris Carr 300,725; Dalton  Board. The resignation of member Laura Coyle was accepted and appointments were ap-
100th honor score at Parkview Lanes (70  Grudzas 289,771; Charlie Stein 784; Brian  proved for Shirley Tink Addison and James Sparkman.
Code Enforcement Steve Warren reported several out of state owners have volun-
have been during last five 
achieved  the  Carney 714.
Handicap:  teered to have their property razed and cleaned. Fifteen owners are coming before the Code
SUMMER LEAGUE 250,673; Sally Peddle 242;  Enforcement Board. Warren also asked for and got commission approval to put Suzette
MEETING:  Pam Garbig 
The Monday Summer Special league meet-  Joan Tyree 672. Scratch: Diane Swoboda  Bauer, newly hired Animal Control, on full time filling the part time position at the Munici-
pal Building vacated by Rhiannon Castle who will be replacing Yankeetown Clerk Laura
ing will be April 27 at7pm. The teams are
4-person    weeks191;PeggyMurdock  Betty  Coyle who is retiring. Bauer's dual position will free Warren up from administrative du-
  mixed, and bowls for 12      188,490;  Weber  
GOOD TIME BOWLERS: Handi-  ties and allow him more time to be on the road, responding to calls and complaints. Bauer
(no bowling June 29).
APRIL MIXED DOUBLES 7-9-8  cap: Jerry Ness 262,737; Ken McNally 255;  will do admin work for planning and zoning including fielding permits, taking money and
NOTAP TOURNEY: Sunday, April 26, is  Mike Seaha 686; Gerry Gurnett 227,633;  receipting, and maintaining animal control duties. Pay would be $10.00 an hour and the
 nextMixed Doubles 7-9-8  Grace Navarratte 226; Barb McNally 623.  benefits which would cost about $8000 to $10,000 would not start for 90 days which would
the date of the  
NoTap  doors open at 1pm, and  Scratch: Jerry Ness 258,725; Mike Seaha  put it in a new budget, according to Town Clerk Sally McCranie.
 tourney. The
  bowlingbegins   the luncheon that  237,668; Janet Murray 196,546; Barb Mc-
   after
is prepared by Phil and the staff. There are  Nally 181,503.
  
awardsinaddition to the teams,
individual    
and options included game/series pots and  cap: Mike Calcagni 289,781; John
  Gilbert
 
Krazy Eights. Reservations are required by  270,758; Ellen Bowman 260,709; 
  Karen
Wednesday, April 22.
Weisher 256; Cheryl Apple 708. Scratch:
League and Tourney scores for the  Shaun Cater 234,661; Green227;
 Lonnie  
week ending April 17, 2015:
Robbie Yoakum 599; Ellen
MONDAY NIGHT SPECIAL:             Mauck 170; Bonnie Yoa-
194,511; Diane  
 
Handicap: Eric Glowacki 305,781; John  kum 471.
 OWLS: Handicap:
Saltmarsh 298,783; Lori Ciquera 313,789;
Stephanie Flory 285,761. EricDoug Dorsey 260,717; Mar-
Scratch:   Joe Scott 272;
Glowacki 279,703; Brent Ciquera 277;  vin Brigner 260; John Schott 718; Donna
Mark Smith 719; Lori Ciquera 279,687;  McCarthy 278,721; Debbie Mills 262; Erin
Stephanie Flory 256,674.
   Handi-   MarvinBrigner  
   McCarthy 719. Scratch:    
 
235; Joe Scott 231; Ted Rafanan 635; John
cap: Don Parsells 270; Jeff Koch 269,771;  Schott 626; Debbie Mills 201,497; Erin Mc-
John Enders 269; Dan Wood 716; Lor-  Carthy 184,500.
 
raine Pelkie 285,734; Jan Field 269; Wan-
da Schroeder 747.  Scratch:  Jeff Koch  quera, 111 pins over her average, and Jerry
he Newscaster
264,756; Phil Spencer 236,674; Lorraine  Ness, 140 pins over his average.
    
Parson's Memorial Presbyterian Church held it's annual Trash and Treasures and bake sale
Hometown News for the Nature Coastare always exciting with lots of neat donated items but always excel in
Saturday. The sales
Advertising at Reasonable Rates for S Levy,baked goods.& SW Marion Counties fudge are scoffed up immediately. Tina Myers
the NE Citrus Specialties like homemade
5093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassawithoson a 34446 mother, look over what is left as Gladys Trimble manages the good-
center, , Fl rid Seth and
Honoring Veterans on Memorial Day
ies. Photo story by Sally Price.
Phone: (352) 489-­4588 Fax: (727) 362-­4788
Email, Tom Russell, Publisher:
Email, Debbie Russell, Editor: debbienewscaster@gmail.comLiving and Fallen A Memorial Day Celebration will be
To Honor Our Veterans
held at the Old Homosassa Veteran's Memorial on Monday May 25, 2015 at 2 p.m.  The
ceremony will be presented by VFW Post 8189 and American Legion Post 166. The Me-
morial is located on Yulee Drive across from Homosassa Elementary School. Parking is
Proof: Ad Starts 3-20-13
available on the school grounds. A get together will follow at the VFW Post 8189 located
at: 8856 W Veterans Dr. Homosassa, FL 34448. Any questions contact Cynthia at 352-
     
 
                          
The Pizza JoinT
R o n & B o n n i e s Bu r g e r s & B B Q
Joe's Reliable Septic Service,LLC
  
We Want Your Stinkin' Business
  
   
  
  
State License #SA0111728