PAGE 6 - March 7, 2012
THE NEWSCASTER-Nature Coast News
The Inglis Police Department is the sponsor of or is instru-
mental in the following Town activities There are also ser-
vices that will be totally eliminated or greatly affected by the
In the upcoming election you will be asked to vote on dissolving the
dissolution of the Department.
Inglis Police Department. We ask only that you consider all the facts
before voting.
1. Shop with a cop for the last three years has given ap-
proximately 100 children a Christmas they would not have
The Inglis Police Department provides 24/7 coverage.
The Sheriff s Office can provide 1 deputy for the entire south district
2. The Department supplies security and traffic direction for
of 382 sq. miles and response time will be a great deal longer.
the Christmas Parade.
3. The Department assists RABAC in the Easter Egg Hunt.
Ask your Town Commissioners how they will come up with a plan to
4. The Department supplies security and traffic direction
equal the coverage you now have and still save your money. Moody
for all Fourth of July activities at the park and community
said “the town has to negotiate coverage with the sheriff if the resi-
dents vote to dissolve the police department”.
5. The Department assists in the evacuation and care of the
Look at your tax bill from the county. If you pay little or no taxes to
elderly and disabled in the event of any threatening tropical
Inglis you will save nothing.
storm or hurricane.
6. The Department supplies security for all Commission
You are currently paying $340,471.00 Total Yearly Budget for
meetings and any other official Town meetings.
Inglis Police Department coverage. If a contract was established with
7. The Department supplies traffic assistance to the Town
the Levy County Sheriff s Office to provide the same coverage cur-
rently provided by the Inglis Police Department it would cost an addi-
of Inglis maintenance Department when requested.
tional $102,036.65 per year for a total budget of $442,507.65
8. The Department is the enforcement arm of the code en-
Those who seek to dissolve the IPD are not doing it for you but for
forcement section as George actually does not want to be
their own personal agenda.
involved in the citing and court presentation of code cases.
9. The Department supplies an officer for the School zone
Who are they?
enforcement twice a day.
10. The Department supplies local fingerprinting services
Michael Peters, a convicted felon (selling a gun to a convicted felon).
for the public who will have to respond to Bronson if we are
Arrested for threatening the Inglis Police Department.
disbanded. We also serve as Notaries’ for the general pub-
lic another service that will have to be found somewhere
Andrew Eiland, (sentenced for shooting 2 of his neighbors dogs).
Sally Price, Police Commissioner, charged by the Commission with
11. The Department supplies both assistance and back-up
overseeing the IPD, yet never followed up on the responsibility of her
to The Town of Inglis Fire Department and Medical units
office. She missed a number of Commission meetings, yet collected
when they encounter violent or uncooperative individuals.
her paycheck on time. Pays no Inglis taxes. Attended one 1 budget
They can’t afford to wait long periods of time for the Sher-
planning meeting.
iff s Office to respond while lives hang in the balance.
Glenda Kirkland, at the time she signed an affidavit to run for office
12. The Department handles traffic accidents and the Levy
she swore that she lived in Inglis; in fact she lived at 12038 W. Bay-
County Sheriff s Office does not, the citizens will be waiting
shore Dr. in Crystal River. She pays no Inglis taxes.
for the Florida Highway Patrol to respond which could take
up to an hour or more.
Drew White, running for office who recently purchased a new home
13. All Inglis Police Officers are FIRST RESPONDER
from a local realtor and no longer lives in Inglis. He claims he lives at
trained and also trained in CPR so not only do they lose
947 Highway 40 West in Inglis in a home owned by his mother. Drive
by and decide if he and his family actually live there. He actually lives
their law enforcement they lose people who can save their
at 19350 S. W. 110th Terrace.
families lives.
14. The main thing to remember is we are available 24/7
The IPD is here for you every day protecting you, your family and
365 days a year.
Please consider what we will be losing and risking.
Please carefully consider the issue before you vote and ask why do 15. Keep our town safe so it can prosper, we need to
these people want to dissolve the IPD, for your sake or THEIRS.
MARCH 13th
Joe Owensby, Inglis, Florida
Bill Bachschmidt