PAGE 2 -­ February 19, THE NEWSCASTER- News T
Nature Coast
PAGE 8 - March 29, 2017
homas C Plett Jr. - Inglis
Parkview Lanes Weekly News
Pet Patrol
12-WEEK LEAGUE MEETING: The next 12-week session of the Holder Hotshots will
Thomas C Plett Jr passed away March 9th 2017. He was born
be Thursday, April 23, at 7pm, and the first night of bowling will be April 30. The league
July 22, 1921 in Cadillac MI to Thomas C Plett Sr and Maude
is non-sanctioned, teams are 4-person mixed, and the cost is $14/week.
Fairchild. He married June Kittleman in 1941. Together they raised
League and tournament scores for the week ending March 26, 2017:
3 children, Debra Overla, Penny Phares and Thomas (Linn) Plett
PARKVIEW SENIORS: Handicap: Dick Newhall 264,710; Kenny Piispanen 710; Mike
3rd. He served in WW2 in the Army Air Corp as a flight trainer and
Pro-­Pet Dog Food Recall
Murray 262; Vince Guiliano 702; Donna Turner 265,731; Hannelore Herbener 258; Marian
in the Korean conflict as a Navy Rader Man. The couple settled in
Steenstra 704. Scratch: Dick Newhall 238,632; Mike Murray 202; Bob Craver 544; Donna
GrandoRapids LC of Sraised rtheirOhio  until moving to Village
Pr -­Pet L MI and t. Ma ys, family
Turner 178,470; Diane Corujo 177; Marian Steenstra 473.
has aPinesnin d a voluntinry recall 90's. liHe was a devout Presbyterian
nnou ce Inglis FL a the late of a m-­
MONDAY NIGHT SPECIAL: Handicap: Richard Fendenheim 301; Bill Levert 296,799;
ited number of hisyLord faithfully,floved people and had many words of
and served dr dog and cat oods for
Chris Carr 798; Marla Carr 268,721; Amber Mullis 268; Lisa Weston 257,724. Scratch:
possible Salmonella contamination.
Chris Carr 269,753; Bill Levert 265,706; Eddie Corbitt 700; Amber Mullis 225,554; Lisa
behindchisrding to the FDA, a single Stephanie Bell, Greg (Col-
A co 3 children, and grandchildren
Tom leaves
Weston 200,553.
leen) Overla, Ben Fradette, Tim (Carrie) Plett, Adam (Ariel) Plett, Sam Plett and Thomas
PRESERVE PINBUSTERS: Handicap: John Turner 285,712; Steve Strohschnitter  Plett. Also surviving are his o-­day pJackdPlett and sisters-in-law Betty Brown, Charlene
uring a tw brother erio and on the same
282,776; Melissa Widerman 275,741; Ellen Cronk 267; Terri Furniss 710; Patti Widerman  Catalano and brother-in-law duction may have Kittleman tial many nieces and nephews.
line of pro Ross (Mary Linda) the potenand
710. Scratch: Steve Strohschnitter 260,710; Jeff Koch 257,654; Melissa Widerman 179;  He was precededtin death in his wife,tJune (2007), and hisbsons-in-law Gary "Jack" Overla
o contaby the bac eria. There have een
Elaine Shea 172,477; Joyce Swarm 487.
and Ray Phares.
Louey, the Cock-­a-­Poo, is only a 4 yo spe-­  no reports of illness related to this product
SANDY OAKS WINTER: Handicap: Wally Meyer 255; Bill iJohnsons242;gCarlon appears to go around touchedte. Thelives e affecthis 95ayears nclude: faith, love, great sense of
c al need do who Strutz
Tom  to da many thre during ed br nds i with his
669; Ken Briggs 661; Joanne Gendron 253,723; Sheila Barnhillr237,663. eScratch:y Bobll, humortand gh Hubbard Life, Joy Cowillobe aC Plusmemorial at the Community Church
eve ywhere xtremel  we  even hou twinkling blue eyes. There mb , Q local .
Do you know my owner?
Iverson 235,602; Jim Clark 206; Carlon Strutz 561; Marlene Hydeh170,467;nKarenataracts. He is so s23,r2017 at 2pm.
he as adva ced c Benefiel  on April ma t
Inglis man evicted,charged with theft
170; Lavon Strutz 159,439.
he moves around the house, walks on a A young adult hound
PINE RIDGE MIXED FOURSOME: Handicap: Allen Greene 275,686; Marvin Chapman
dog, a tri-­colored male,
263,663; Luz Valenzuela 253,657; Glenda Johnston 234; Nancye is a beautiful blackAl- white patAmos Edward und in38,vernesswas arrested by the Levy County Sheriff's Office,
Doherty 667. Scratch: on
ched was foMills, In Inglis,
len Greene 266,659; Marvin Chapman 226; Rich Soletto 626; LindagMadisond male, that is house tr21, ed, on with grand el Isl(value greater than $300, but less than $5,000), with receiv
youn neutere 183,522; Luz  March ain charged E. Gosp theft and
Bring Bowe Home Project
sweet and loving, and is a greahisompanion. $30,000.eb. 5, by Citrus
t c bond set at Rd., F
Valenzuela 180; Glenda Johnston 467.
mation in recognition of the Brin
LATE STARTERS: Handicap: John Marcucci 290,823; Tom Martin 285; n. ARafanan e Society of CeAccording untthe nimal report, l Citrus County Sheriff's meroushad responded  work
to y Aarrest Controthe
Nu Office volunteers have
Ted Human749;
No childre
ntral Co
Peggy Murdock 269; Trina Paliwoda 259,719; Betty RogersFL PeScratch: e, InRafanan be Homosassa, jon March 9 in regard to a reported burglary andions, and having decals and wri
709. t Re093TedOrwelll Pt., having sev-­ St.Florida 34446
to 407 Debra
t criminal mischief that
c. wil
Phone: 182,492.  had occurred. The victim told deputies that Amos Mills and his female roommate had been
256,674; John Marcucci 236,661; Peggy Murdock 209,520; RosemarielMarcuccior adoption on Saturday  ured and needs veterinary care. The county  for donations to continue these
(352) 489-4588  Fax: (727) 362-4788
eral sma l dogs f
WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEN: Handicap: Ron Mesick 320,796; BrianSTiesmeyeret314; Inverness, from thea407 al shelter is able to provide only mini-­
at the Pet upermark in  evicted from  nim Debra St. residence
Email, Tom Russell, Publisher: by deputies via a court order about 3:00 pm,
al River mayor Jim Farley as Cyn
Marchlooking mal care to keep the propertyrtable until9,hhe found the front door open,
8, and when he returned to him comfo on March t e
Justin Hagood 7921. Scratch: Ron Mesick 299; Justin Hagoodn289,758;you have a littel dog
10-­ oon. If David McNall
Email, Debbie Russell, Editor:
for a good home, with a rescuetwo t does in-­  owner is foand threehinterioredoors the x-­rayHe said, prior to the eviction,
thainterior doors damaged und and e can r ceive missing. s
Websites: thenewscaster
WOMEN'S TRIO: Handicap: Patti Widerman 263; Carol Roberts s, applicationWider-tracts anwhiteme and mhadcbeen re he needs. He was wewashing machine, a dryer and a 6
terview 257; Melissa s, con  three d ho appliances edi al ca taken from the home: a aring
man 659; Carol McHale 658. Scratch: Carol Roberts 203,469;sPattiphone 352.189;.9050 and long e youtype o collar or tags and has no microchip. Call
vi its, Widerman 527 Pam  ft. leavchest n freeer.
name, phone number for a return phone call.victim statedethat he'ddriven4by the couple'sim. residence (5551 SE 194th
The the shelt r at 352 746-­8 00 to claim h new
Levert 496.
HILLS GANG:  Handicap: Peter Wilk 262; Jim Shidner 259,702; Morris Frank 262;  Ln., Inglis) and had seen all three of the missing items on the front porch.
The report stated that Mills initially denied taking the items, but eventually admit-
James Herman 703; Pam Palmer 264,708; Trudy Wittig 263,712. Scratch: Peter Wilk
232,547; Marvin Chapman 215,547; Dick Newhall 607; Pam Palmer 202,522; Hannelore  ted taking the washer, but stated that he had purchased the freezer from a "John Edwards"
in Crystal River. Mills told the deputy that a man named "Danny" had helped him move the
Herbener 176; Trudy Wittig 475.
GOOD TIME BOWLERS: Handicap: Jerry Ness 257,675; Gaynor Stoner 241,701; Barb  items from his former address to his new address. The female roommate told deputies that
McNally 242,612; Laurie Anderson 221; Fran Montross 642. Scratch: Jerry Ness 245,639;  the dryer on the front porch also belongs to the victim. The report stated that the woman
did not incriminate herself during the interview. The victim positively identified all three
Mike Seaha 202,569; Janet Murray 203,569; Barb McNally 198,480.
HOLDER HOTSHOTS: Handicap: John Ward Sr 269; Richard Adams 266; Bob Giglione  items as belonging to him with a combined value of $1,000.
Mills was additionally arrested on two out of county warrants, one with a $1,000
751; Tom Schenck 710; Linda Taylor 176,458; Judy Hindbaugh 169,466. Scratch: Rich
Ad Proof &
Adams 234; Steve Taylor 224; Shaun Caterncement Schenck 587; Linda Taylor 176,458;  bond and the other with a $25,000 bond.
Annou 600; Tom
Judy Hindbaugh 169,466.
- Continued from page 1
2-19-2014 issue
Handicap: Dan Blake
769; Marvin Brigner 751; Ashley Cobb 271,704; Bridget Foley 260,721; Caitlyn Reug-  to his role in Mr. Robinson s murder, along with two firearms (one of which was reported
Bingo PowerBall
stolen), suspected cocaine, marijuana and phenobarbital. The Parker Police Department
ger 260. Scratch: Matt O'Brien 257; Terry d
an Rummler 245,705; Marvin Brigner 245,676;  will be charging Briscoe with possession of the controlled substances, the report stated.
Bridget Foley 187,502; Caitlyn Reugger 167; Lisa Weston 167; Linda Madison 450.
According to Panama City Beach Police Chief Drew Whitman in a televised in-
PARKVIEW YOUTH: Handicap: Jade Shaw 282,725; Greg Stein 282,710; Tyler Sandak
256,710; Hannah Roof 261,738; Cortney Richards 644.Mariluz Valenzuela 238; Megan Al-  terview, authorities expected that Tyree Maddox might be headed to Citrus County or south
len 238. Scratch: Tyler Sandak 238,656; Greg Stein 237; Bailey Allan 597; Hannah Roof  Florida where he has relatives.
Jeffrey Murray, 28, Panama City, is in custody on a violation of probation charge
211,588; Megan Allen 157,674.
BOWLERS OF THE WEEK: Adults: Joanne Gendron, 123 pins over her average, John  and is considered a person of interest in this case.
Rescue Suspended
heresa Lavigne, owner and op
honored last week with a new m
Marcucci, 163 pins over his average. Youth: Jade Shaw, 89 pins over his average, and Han-
- Continued from page a, who prides herself in her 7
res 1
nah Roof, 66 pins over her average.
HC-144 Ocean Sentry, airplane crew from Coast Guard Air Station g your laundry or helping y
doin Clearwater HC-130
Inverness Hosts Portion of Cycling Grand Prix
Hercules, crew from Coast Guard Cutter Charles Sexton, Cuban searchpromotes The Newscaster w
who and rescue authori-
The Sunshine Grand Prix is an annual Professional & Amateur Cycling and Fun &  ties and the Carnival Victory cruise ship.
by Sally Price.
Healthy Community Living event. This week long event will take place during the week of
"Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of Brandon Paul," said
ervice Dog Team
March 25 to April 2, 2017. The 2nd edition of the Sunshine Grand Prix starts in St. Peters-  Chris Eddy, search and rescue mission coordinator, Seventh Coast Guard District Com-
These meetings are he
burg on Saturday, March 24 and ends in Brooksville on Sunday, April 2, and the Inverness  mand Center. "Making the choice to suspend a search is never an easy decision and one the
more information....Service Do
Airport will host the start of the racing portion of the event on Friday, March 31, from 1pm  Coast Guard doesn't take lightly...Despite our best efforts, we were unable to reunite Paul
(352) 613-­5580 to sign up and
to 6pm. The event is free and open to the public.
with his family."
dogs/puppies under 15 pounds,
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