THE NEWSCASTER-Nature Coast News
PAGE 8 - March 12, 2014
Parkview Lanes News
Eddie Corbitt  Vineyard 520.
won the $71 Bingo during the Monday
Night Special league March 3rd.
12-WEEK LEAGUE: The SunCoast Se-  an Craig 313,807; Jim Randle 303; Tim
niors 12-Week begins Tuesday, March 18,  Lawrence 781. Scratch: Tim Lawrence
at 1pm. There is space available for addi-  279,772; Jim Randle 279; Bryan Craig
tional bowlers. Contact the Center at 352-  278,702; Scott Brown 713.
489-6933 to register or for more informa-  WOMEN'S TRIO: Handicap: Betty Weber
260; Betty Chapman 258,676; Rose Dami-
MONDAY NIGHT SPECIAL: Handicap:  co 663. Scratch: Peggy Murdock 202,549;
Gary Brown 297; Eric Glowacki 292,795;  Betty Weber 199; Terri Moorbeck 493.
Brian Poisson 769; Bridget Foley 274,775;
Stephanie Flory 260,758. Scratch: Eric  GOOD TIME BOWLERS: Handicap: Jer-
Glowacki 278,753; Matt O'Brien 266,681;  ry Ness 298,662; Bob Krueger 257,641;
K C Cridland 226,602; Stephanie Flory  Janet Murray 279,713; Barb McNally
236,632. Scratch: Jerry Ness 298,662; Bob
PRESERVE PINBUSTERS:  Handicap:  Krueger 192; Rocky Sincore 513; Janet
Desi Sidote 284,700; Nick Weaver 277;  Murray 254,638; Barb McNally 199,521.
Ken Sprague 695; Melissa Widerman  HOLDER HOTSHOTS: Handicap: Eddie
285,739; Bobbie Christensen 268,727.  Corbitt 283,747; Chuck Hindbaugh 274;
Scratch: Jeff Koch 232,640; Desi Sidote  Gory Brown 734; Clara Myers 282,729; Di-  Saturday was opening day at South Levy Recreation Park for South Levy Little League. Inglis
229; Ken Sprague 617; Bobbie Christensen  ane Mauck 257,738. Scratch: Eddie Corbitt  AMVETS Post 447 donated an American flag which they raised to officially start off the spring
182,469; Melissa Widerman 179; Linda  257,669; Chuck Hindbaugh 245; Rich Wil-  season. Inglis Mayor Glenda Kirkland and Inglis Commissioner Drew White threw the first two
Sprague 452.
pitches and the games began. A lot of work has been done at the park to accommodate the
liams 630; Ellen Bowman 177,480; Kathy
SUNCOAST  SENIORS  12-WEEK:  Calcagni 176; Diane Mauck 489.
games. Volunteers can still help with the different jobs if anyone would like to help. Score
Handicap: Robert Bennett 259; Ken Mel-
keepers, umpires, base coaches and concession stand workers are some of the positions that
SANDY OAKS: Handicap: Bob Iverson
drum 252; Hugh Hartley 721; Jim Sherpy  252; Leon Tenniswood 244,657; Carlon  could always use more help. Come out and enjoy the different levels of games being played.
701; Clara Nicolellis 250,684; Carol Rob-  Strutz 681; Dianne Crossman 247; Juan-  Some are night games but if you check at the field east of Inglis on Saturday mornings you
erts 249; June Williams 674. Scratch: Ken  ita Payne 235,671; Clara Nicolellis 664.  can find out when the games are scheduled. Photo/story by Sally Price
Inglis Commission News and Notes
Meldrum 245,652; Jerry Ness 215,568;  Scratch:  Bob Iverson 247,627; Homer
Carol Roberts 179,465; Sherry Hiller  Raush 204; Carlon Strutz 567; Marilyn
The Inglis town commission held it's first 3 p.m. meeting this week, after chang-
Ormiston 169,440; Lavon Strutz 159,425.
PARKVIEW OWLS:  Handicap:  Wes  ing last month from 6 pm meetings on the second Monday of the month. Commissioners
rence 277,670; Rob 223;Desmeules 253,695;  received the monthly billing of the town's attorney Bradly Bettin. February's billing was
Spivey  Bobby  Foley 253,705; Bob 
Craft 577; Lori Ciquera 194,542; Dorine  Marvin Brigner 237; Betty Wood 230,642;  $7143. During the previous ten months the total billing is $58,728 and is on pace for the
Fugere 193,563.
Carol Holt 229; Barbara Murray 657.  year to total approximately $70 thousand. The detail of each month's invoice can be read
Handicap:Wes Foley253,705;Marvin
  John  Scratch:     Bri-  on by going to the Inglis page. Town meetings audio is also on the same
Marcucci Paliwoda244,649;gner236;Munzing 600;  available.
 265; Myron      George   Myla  page when
Skip George 655; Nancy Duncan 262; Vir-  Wexler 190,506; Mila Ragsdale 175; Betty
Commissioners voted 3-1 passing a resolution to amend the personnel manual to
ginia Vineyard 256,709; Helen Herr 672.  Wood 444.
allow the commission to hire and fire employees. Commissioner Goode was absent, while
Scratch: John Marcucci 244; Ted Rafa-
BOWLERS OF THE WEEK: Janet Mur-  commissioner Ely voted no.
nan 232,637; Mark Ash 629; Nancy Dun-  ray, 122 pins over her average, and Bryan
Town hall will be open Monday thru Friday 8 am to 5pm. and regular town clean
can 214,515; Bunny Jackson 197; Virginia  Craig,129 pins over his average.
ups will begin in June, according to Mayor Glenda Kirkland. The town's well site is going
through a clean up. Two thousand pounds of used tires have been transported to the county
landfill. (see mayor's comments, page 11) Mayor Kirkland said the sale of the old police
building has been put off another month while a survey of the property is being completed.
                   
The commission heard seven reports from public works supervisor Lance Traf-
               
           ford, and also voted to increase his pay from $14.50 an hour to $17 an hour. Trafford began
the position February 5th.
  
he Newscaster
The commission has received the final report on attorney Bettin's investigation of
the the police badges that were improperly ordered. The Newscaster will have a report in
coming issues.
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