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Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
A Publication of
Wednesday February 6, 2013
Inglis, FL 34449
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
Newscaster Publishing
Permit No. 14
Sally Price - Correspondent
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Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Squawk Box
Citrus Co. Responds to
Progress Energy
Below is a response to Mr.
Glenn’s letter dated January 17, 2013 Re:
Progress Energy Florida’s 2013 Prop-
erty Tax Return, from Joe Meek, BOCC
Chairman;  Geoffrey  Greene,  Citrus
County Property Appraiser; Sandra Him-
mel, Citrus County Schools Superinten-
dent; Jeffrey Dawsy, Citrus County Sher-
We are in receipt of your letter
dated January 17, 2013. The expression
of your strong commitment to Citrus
County is important and we acknowledge
the value of the County’s 50-year rela-
tionship with the power companies be-
fore Duke.
Likewise, we recognize some
value in the forewarning of your intention
to make another partial payment for tax-
es in the upcoming fiscal year 2013/14.
However, the full assessment of your
properties has just begun to establish its
value for 2013.
Biologists with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) released a female Florida panther last week at the Picayune
Therefore, it is premature for
Strand State Forest in Collier County. The panther and its brother had been raised at the White Oak Conservation Center in Yulee since they were
you to unilaterally determine what your
5 months old. The FWC rescued the two panthers as kittens in September 2011 near the Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed in northern
taxes should be. It is our intention to
Collier County after their mother was found dead. Five other kittens of similar ages – three females and two males – have been raised at White
complete that evaluation in the coming
Oak and released in south Florida. FWC Photo
Citrus Woman Charged With Murder
months in accordance with Florida Stat-
Homosassa Man
utes and the Florida Constitution.
We further believe it is inappro-
In Death of Infant
priate for your company, or any other, to
Arrested in
predetermine a partial payment of a tax
During the investigation, detec-
From Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
bill. Progress Energy/Duke, like every
Hernando County
tives learned that on Sunday,
Brittany Nichole Arnett, 20, Rob-
other taxpayer, should pay their fair share,
Jan. 27, Ms. Arnett had been
in Hood Rd., Inverness, was arrested by
not the share they want to pay. Progress
left alone with the baby dur-
Woman’s Murder
the Citrus County Sheriff s Office, Feb. 4,
Energy/Duke would not accept a partial
ing the day, and when her
charged with first-degee murder in the death
payment of a monthly electric bill from
boyfriend returned home, the
of her six month-old daughter, Hadley Ar-
their customer, nor should they.
From Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
baby appeared to be acting ab-
We know you are aware of the
normally - having difficulty fo-
(Citrus County) Sheriff Jeff
The arrest report stated that Arnett
potential negative impact this issue will
cusing, sensitive to touch and blood inside
Dawsy announced that the
and her boyfriend took baby Hadley - who
have on our schools, public health and
her mouth, which was removed by a suction
killer of Deanna Lee Stires,
was unresponsive and not breathing - to
safety and to our quality of life in Citrus
18, of Brooksville, has been
Citrus Memorial Hospital around 6:25 a.m.
County. As we move forward with these
On Feb. 24, Ms. Arnett told detec-
arrested and charged with
on Jan. 28. The medical staff worked with
discussions, let us remember that your
tives that she d inflicted the injuries to her
second degree murder. By-
Hadley for over an hour, but they were un-
ratepayers, your customers, and even
baby which had resulted in her death. She
ron Lee Boutin, 44, of 7340
able to revive her. An examination showed
your employees, are our citizens. We all
said, on the Sunday when her boyfriend was
W. Brady Ln, Homosassa,
bruising to the baby’s rib cage area and what
are bearing the cost of your attorneys, our
gone and she was the sole care of her baby,
is now at the Citrus County
appeared to be a bite mark on her left thigh,
attorneys and the negative impacts to the
she’d become frustrated and angry that
Continued on page 3- Squawk Box
Detention Facility.
the report stated.
she’d been left alone with her. According to
Stires was reported missing on
An autopsy was performed on the
Inglis Election
her arrest report, Arnett told detectives, that
New Year’s Day to the Hernando County
baby’s body on Jan. 29, by the Medical Ex-
around noon that day, she’d placed Hadley
Sheriff s Office. Her body was found in
aminer s Office of the Fifth Judicial Circuit,
in her swing, and during the next couple of
a wooded area in Levy County by a local
and numerous injuries were found which
hours, she’d slammed the baby’s face into
hunter on January 18. The details of the
had resulted in the baby’s death, the report
the tray of the swing. She said she’d grasped
case are outlined in the attached arrest af-
stated, including brain hemorrhaging, a
on Page 8
her baby around the rib cage to yank her
separated spine, broken ribs, and lacerations
Continued on page 3 - Murder Charge
inside her mouth.
Continued on page 3 - Second Degree Murder