PAGE 12 - February 18, 2009
The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
dence demonstrating a causal association between arsenic exposure and specific cancers.
What is a safe level of arsenic? Florida’s drinking water standards are contained in
Chapter 62-550, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). The primary drinking water standards,
which are health based, are described in Rule 62-550.310, F.A.C., and specific numeric limits
are listed in a series of tables contained in this chapter. Currently, the standard for arsenic is
0.010 mg/L (.01 milligrams per liter)
Here’s the fine print that most don’t know:
On December 3, 2007 the FDEP issued a Site Rehabilitation Completion Order on the
Saxon Oil site which indicated that the site had been cleaned up as set forth in Sub-section 62-
770.700(9), Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). (NOTE: “cleaned up” as defined by this Sub-
section DOES NOT include removal of arsenic contamination). The Dec. 3rd Completion
Order noted “that the historical and most recent data indicated that an elevated level of
arsenic contamination exists at the site. The cleanup criteria shall apply to any cleanup of a
site contaminated with petroleum or petroleum product associated with petroleum storage
Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) status reports specifi-
system as defined in Section 376.301. F.S. (Note: what this means in plain English is that the
cally notified the current Yankeetown town officials of the presence of elevated levels of
arsenic contamination problem was NOT ELIGIBLE under this cleanup program.) The BIG
arsenic contamination in the ground water tested at the old Saxon Oil storage facility lo-
QUESTION here is how can FDEP deny the cleanup of the remaining arsenic, when arsenic,
cated on Highway 40 West & 50th Street, just 417 feet (according to the Levy County
a carcinogenic contaminant of concern under Florida Rule 62-770.680 paragraph 18 ex-
Appraiser’s Office) west of the town’s water supply well.
ceeds the groundwater cleanup target levels for the site ? ) The Order went on to state that
Yet when confronted with the arsenic issue during town council meetings, the Mayor
the “Department's Order shall become final unless a timely petition for an administrative
and Town Council do what they do best by characterizing it as more “misinformation” being
hearing is filed under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes (F.S.), within 21 days of
distributed to residents by the No See’ Em News, playing down the problem or denying that
receipt of this Order.”
a problem even exists. To date, not one town official has brought this problem to the public’s
Now, what did your elected officials do? NOTHING! The deadline came and went
and the town’s current administration did nothing about the warning of ELEVATED LEVELS
Why are Town Officials so determined to “mislead” residents about the health
OF ARSENIC CONTAMINATION found in the ground water across the street from the town’s
threats posed by this contamination located so close to the town’s water supply? According
water supply. Let me repeat, the town’s current administration did nothing about the warn-
to public documents, the Mayor and Town Council have been copied on all site monitoring
ing of ELEVATED LEVELS OFARSENIC CONTAMINATION found in the ground water
status reports FDEP and Mantec Engineering since they were elected to office in 2006. These
across the street from the town’s water supply.
reports specifically notified the current town officials of the elevated levels of arsenic con-
What could the town officials have done about this threat to your water and health?
They could have challenged the Order by (1) filing a petition for an administrative hearing
During a recent town council meeting Mr. Harry Kaufmann, Senior Project Director
with the Department's Agency Clerk in the Office of General Counsel within 21 days of receipt
from Mittauer & Associates, the guys hired to build the town’s new water plant, was intro-
of this Order; such a request could have been made if you wish to meet with the Department
duced by town attorney Ralf Brookes as “the expert” on the new water plant. The Mayor had
in an attempt to informally resolve any disputes without first filing a petition for an administra-
already attempted to dispel all of the supposed “misinformation” being rumored about town
tive hearing; or (2) filing a petition for an administrative hearing with the Department's Agency
regarding the presence of arsenic in the town’s water supply. One of the other council
Clerk in the Office of General Counsel within 21 days of receipt of this Order.
members waived a document in the air and stated that according to a recent study that was
How bad is the threat? In one such report dated September 14, 2007 prepared by
conducted, there were no present threats to the town’s water supply. One town resident
Mantec, an engineering firm contracted to clean up the site, the report specifically states that
asked Mr. Kaufmann, “the expert” if he was familiar with the Saxon Oil property and he said he
“based on laboratory analytical results, arsenic was detected in 16 of the 19 monitoring
had never heard of it. When informed that it was across the street from the town’s water
wells” located on the Saxon Oil site at concentrations that exceeded the levels deemed safe by
supply he still denied any knowledge about the Saxon Oil property or the presence of arsenic
FDEP (GCTL of 10 micrograms per liter). Some of the wells measured up to 295 micrograms per
in the ground water.
liter which is 30 times higher than the allowable safe levels set by FDEP. This is a BIG
What is arsenic and why should you NOT DRINK ARSENIC? U.S. Environmental
PROBLEM and yet the current Yankeetown Town Council chose to do NOTHING!
Protection Agency (EPA) classifies arsenic as a carcinogen based upon epidemiological evi-
I asked Mr. Sherwood, Managing Member of Izaak Walton developers what he knew
about this problem and he said, “We had that property under contract to develop but after I
read the technical reports from Mantec and FDEP In  Letter dated December 3, 2007 regard-
ing the elevated levels of arsenic that were still present on the sight that FDEP was not going
to remove, I cancelled my contract”.
“So here’s what I did for us, the citizens of Yankeetown.
Sally Price, Realtor
19 Hwy 40 W.
As a Yankeetown resident and property owner I filed a petition for an administrative
(352) 302-8556 cell
hearing with the General Counsel’s office challenging FDEP’s decision to not remove the
arsenic contamination from the site. I did this for 2 reasons. To provide the town with safer
drinking water and to save the Withlacoochee River. The potential for the arsenic contamina-
These 4 beautifully wooded lots are a new listing
tion to migrate through the ground water and contaminate the town’s water supply is very
in a gorgeous hi/dry area of historic Yankeetown.
concerning. And, aside from that, arsenic contaminants in the ground water are currently
The 4 lots sit back to back between 54th and 55th
discharging into the Withlacoochee River, an Outstanding Florida Waterway”.
St. 2 lots front each paved street close to the
It was the town council’s responsibility and obligation to file a petition for an admin-
deadend of 55th. Oaks, magnolia and pine serve as
istrative hearing and force FDEP to remove the arsenic contamination from the site in order to
home to a variety of wildlife. A TRULY REMARK-
safeguard the town’s water supply and the general welfare and public health of the residents
ABLE HOMESITE. We have some nice priced lots
of Yankeetown. However, the town government was so focused on stopping commercial
on canals, mobiles of varied prices and plenty of
development in Yankeetown, that they forgot about what their main job was, protecting the
historic knowledge to help you find what you want.
resident’s health (water supply), safety and welfare.
Rentals needed and also available.
Please Vote Annie Rosario For Town Council on Feb 24
I desperately need mobile home listings under $60,000 if you are in the
Paid Political Announcement Paid for and approved by Annie Rosario Candidate for Yankeetown Town Council
email your news to:
market to sell. My listings in this price range are "SOLD".
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