PAGE 3 - February 1, 2012
The Newscaster-Nature Coast News
Grand Theft  - Continued from page 1
Remembering the past
who indicated that he is deaf, along with the other residents of the apartment. The detective
communicated with him in writing. Chambers denied involvement in the recent air condi-
tioning unit thefts in the area, but when the detective showed him a photograph of the man in
the video - whom the detective suspected was him - reaching into an air conditioning unit to
cut wires, Chambers’ shoulders droped and he looked down at his feet, When the detective
asked him if the man was he, Chambers said that it was.
A search of the residence turned-up the hoodie and gloves that the thief had worn
in the video. Chambers was placed under arrest and transported to the Citrus County Deten-
tion Facility, where a person affiliated with Citrus Hearing Impaired assisted the detective
with an interview of Chambers. Chambers was released on his own recognizance, the report
Levy man arrested for trafficking in pain medication
On Dec. 12, the Levy County Sheriff’s Office Drug Task Force, comprised of
agents with the sheriff’s office and Chiefland Police Department, arrested Torry F. White,
25, 317 S.W. 8th St., Chiefland. A confidential source made a $120 controlled purchase of
narcotics from”Big White of 25 Lortab tablets. Lortab is a controlled substance prescribed
by physicians for pain management. After the illegal drug transaction, “Big White” drove
away in his 2001 Chevrolet, traveling west on County Road 345. He was stopped by agents
at N.W. 55 Ave. and placed under arrest. The purchase money was recovered. He was
charged with trafficking in Lortab (21.5 grams) related to the purchase the same evening.
Selling an amount greater than 4.0 grams is considered to be a trafficking amount of pills.
He was additionally arrested on two Levy County warrants for trafficking in oxycodone
during two separate undercover drug buys that occurred prior to this drug deal. White was
previously arrested on five separate cocaine charges, but no details were given.
Purchasing baked goodies at the Yankeetown Woman’s Club bazaar and bake sale Nov 1965 are Keith
Caton (9) and Scott Caton (4). Mrs Eugene (Norma) Knotts is making the sale which netted $128.45
toward the building fund for the clubhouse to be built on the property on 56 St Yankeetown that was
donated by the Knotts Trustees of Yankeetown. The building fund chairperson was Mrs Roux (Cathie)
Smith, Mrs Eugene (Norma) Knotts, Mrs Stanton (Vin) Dornbirer, Mrs Joe (Ruth) Garrett, Mrs JW Lang
and Mrs Elizabeth Land. Keith and Scott are the sons of Helene and AlCaton who’s family built what is
today Yankeetown Marina. Keith has a popular band today called the Accelerators.
Citrus County Craft Council Set for Feb. 25th Show
The Citrus County Craft Council will hold its 22nd-annual Spring Fling Craft
Show on Sat., Feb. 25, from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. at the Crystal River National Guard
Armory located on Venable St., across from Home Depot, off U.S. Hwy. 19 and south of
the Crystal River Airport. The show will benefit the Habitat for Humanity of Citrus County.
Many crafters will have a side variety of items for sale at reasonable prices - stained glass
art, decorative painted items, ceramics, floral arrangements, greeting cards, jewelry, wood
items, porcelain dolls, handbags, soaps and more. There will be a raffle of donated items
every half hour. Refreshents will be available for purchase from Rudy’s Ribs & BBQ of
Homosassa.The show will be held inside and outside the armory and will be held come rain
or shine! Parking and admission is free. Please call Michaeleen Hurley at 352-249-7012.
Attention Investors & Bargain Hunters
We have a free list of auction homes from the US Government
We will be selling auction homes of all types throughout this year
and you can get a free list from us at anytime. These are not short
sales, you can bid today and get an answer on your offer very
quickly. Here are just some of the auction homes now available:
- Yankeetown cute 3 bedroom suggested bid price $49,500.
- Bronson 3/2 suggested bid $18,000
- Morriston 3/2 on 5 acres-- place your bid
- Trenton 3/2 on 4.7 Acres place your bid
- North Citrus 3/2 on 1 acre suggested bid $28,000.
Diamond Investments, Inc.
"Big or Small We Sell it All"
Darryl A. Diamond
Licensed Real Estate Broker
Double D Auction Services, LLC
Lic. Florida Auction House#AB3141
Licensed Florida Auctioneer#AU4300
Carl Roof, Inc.
Land Clearing - Fill - Septic Installation
Carl Roof, Owner
19371 SE Butler Rd.
Inglis, FL 34449
Since 1973
352-257-8250 cell