US Postage
Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
A Publication of
Inglis, FL 34449
Wednesday December 7, 2011
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
Newscaster Publishing
Permit No. 14
Sally Price - Correspondent
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Squawk Box
Growthzilla Has Arrived
In Inglis
By Rhonda Kline
Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 6PM --Our
Town Commission once again takes up a
change of zoning for the INGLIS PART-
NERS, LLC (from Bonita Spings) prop-
erty. This is the first reading as an official
HEARING for this change ---from C1 to
Mr. Gilkey was turned down for this
change back in 2004 on several occasions
because our Town Commission officials
and our Planning Commission members
were very concerned about changing the
property and then it being sold.
Once the property is changed to
C2A, we could end up with far worse
things than C1 allows--such as: Auto re-
pair shop, Bait processing, gas staion,
impoundment area for autos or personal
property, dry boat storage, car sales,etc.
One of our Town Commissioners at
the time was very concerned about it, be-
cause out of the 5 previous zoning chang-
es made (the upzoning of the property)-
-only 1 actually followed through with
GROWTHZILLA has arrived in INGLIS!!--- Inglis Partners, LLC (of Bonita Springs) is back again with Dennis Gilkey as their Representative influ-
the actual plan. One, while having an ac-
encing the mayor, and certain members of our Planning and Town Commission to place his desire for C2A zoning over and above the needs and
tual “FINAL Development order “ on the
quality of life of Inglis residents. And this, so that he can sell the property at our expense. Elected officials are supposed to speak and per-
property, placed something completely
form in order to protect the people who live here. Paid Announcement, paid for an approved by Rhonda Kline. More in this week's Squawk Box.
Floral City Bank  Dunnellon Couple, out on bond for
different than was laid out. 1 actually re-
ceived the C2 zoning with a plan in place
and up and sold it for more money. The
Hit by Robber
operating grow house, nabbed again
other 2 received the higher zoning and
then did absolutely nothing.
So, it CAN happen here. And with
Champagne’s vehicle, and a
Just before 10:46 a.m. last Thurs-
From Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
this being a Limited Liability Company,
canine alerted to the odor of
day, Dec. 1, the Brannen Bank located at
A Dunnellon couple who listed
this is an investment that they expect to
narcotics in the vehicle.
7478 S. Florida Ave., Floral City, was robbed
their address as 10168 N. Citrus Springs
A search of the ve-
by two men who were hooded, masked and
Blvd., Dunnellon, was arrested by the Citrus
Continued on page 4- Squawk Box
hicle revealed 18 marijuana
gloved and carrying a firearm. The two men
County Sheriff’s Office, Nov. 28, when dep-
plants, grow lights, pots, pot-
entered the bank through the front door, told
It’s Almost Window
uties received a tip about their activities and
ting soil, air filters and plant
everyone to get onto the floor, then jumped
surveillance was conducted on them. Depu-
Painting Time!
food. Champagne admitted  Pearson
the counter and took an undisclosed amount
ties were informed that Gregory Pearson,
she was helping Peasron trans-
of cash from the cash drawers.
40, who was currently out of custody wear-
Saturday, December 10
port his grow operation to Ho-
The men fled the bank in a vehicle
ing a G.P.S. tracking device due to a charge
Join in the FUN
mosassa. The report stated that
that was later found abandoned in the cem-
of trafficking marijuana, was in possession
from 8 am to 12 noon
Champagne was also out of
etery across the street from the bank, which
of another marijuana grow operation at his
detention on bond for operat-
Kick Off the Holidays
Continued on page 3 - Bank Robbery
Crystal River residence that he was about to
ing a marijuana grow house in
& Compete for
move to Homosassa.
Citrus County. She was placed
Prize Money!
The deputy and members of the
under arrest for conspiring to Champagne
See Pg 12
tactical impact unit watched as Pearson re-
manufacture a controlled sub-
moved items from a shed and placed them
Inglis Super Stop
stance, her vehicle was impounded as it was
in a blue Mitsubishi S.U.V. that belonged
Bobbalu's Deli
used in the commission of a felony, and her
to 38 year-old Danielle Lynn Champagne.
bond was set at $5,000.
The Newscaster
They left the residence and headed toward
When Pearson was arrested, he had
Food Ranch
Homosassa. When Pearson and Cham-
17th-Annual Holiday
a small amount of marijuana in his sock. He
pagne reached Homosassa, deputies stopped
Window Painting Contest!
Continued on page 3 - Drug Charges
Bank surveillance photo