The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - November 12, 2014
Letter to the Editor:
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
Re: Warning and Beware
If you are a Comcast and Central Florida Electric (CFE) customer and think that
Letter to the Editor:
your home equipment, i.e., televisions, air conditioners/heat pumps are covered for light-
ning storms because:
When the Mayor ran for office in 2012, one of her platforms was LOWER Attor-  
You have Home Guard from CFE;
ney fees. What a joke!! Brad Bettin makes Norm Fugate look cheap!!
Comcast came to your house and installed your receiver.
I can present to you my husband's experience concerning the return of his Water  
You installed your own receiver ­ depending on who you talk to:
Deposit, almost 20 years late. When my husband first bought this property, in 1992, he was  
(if you talk to Comcast they will say no, we are not responsible because
told by the Town clerk at the time that his Water Deposit would not be returned until the  your TV wasn't plugged into our power surger, even if they installed your receiver (see #2)
property changed hands or the account was closed. So, he was never concerned about it,  and,
believing he couldn't pursue it at all until he sold the property. He was unaware of the policy  
if you talk to CFE they will say, NO, they are not responsible because it
that was actually in place at the time, which was Ordinance 8-91-"...after a period of two  wasn't installed/plugged into the CFE power surge co-axial cable.
years with good credit, the deposit will be returned AFTER deducting payment for the final  Therefore, you are not covered if your 54" TV is damaged, at the same time the Comcast
bill of the two-year period."
receiver blows out and your Home Guard is not directly hit by lightning in the EXACT mi-
He became aware of Ordinance 5-11 which states that you can receive your deposit  nuscule PLACE that cover your electrical damages. Comcast clearly stated to me: "We
back after 36 months of good credit if made by written request ­only a short time before....  ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR NOT INSTALLING IT IN THE CFE POWER SUR-
He submitted a request to receive his deposit back and was informed by Sally Mc-  GER", and yet Comcast doesn't tell you it would be a good idea if you did same.
Cranie that it had already been returned to him, to which he replied, "it was not." To make  
How do I know this: on or about 10-13-14, when we had those day after day after
The Newscaster
a long story, short--he was told to take his issue to The Water Board. He was under the  day of lightning storms, not only d5093oS. OrwellmcastHomosassa,itFlorida y 54" Sam-
id I l se my Co Pt., receiver and blew m 34446
impression that it would be up to the 5 members to come to a common-sense conclusion  sung Flat Screen TV (at the same time); it als(352)w out a capacitFax: my heat pump. $173
Phone: o ble 489-4588  or in (727) 362-4788
once all of his evidence was produced and presented. He was able to produce receiptE mom, TomeRussell,t Publisher:epaired, the damage was done to the capaciDebbiere black buEditor: d
s fr ail  lat r my hea pump was r thenewscaster1@gmail.comIEmail, tor whe Russell, rned
20 years ago, showing no deduction was ever made from his 24th bill, and had copies of all  lightning strike could be seen; but, it didn't strike the BOX less than 1 foot away, so CFE
Websites: ˇ ˇ history.newscasterarchives.c
the receipts before and after when it should have been returned. My husband keeps a mental  was not responsible. On the same day/same time, the TV screen went PINK and GREEN I
note about money he is owed, because he hates having to pay deposits in the first place. It  called Comcast, they told me the receiver was "bad" and I needed to exchange it for a new
took several months to go through this process and receive his deposit (all of $65.00), along  one.
with having to jump through a lot of hoops.
Comcast investigated the damage and upon receiving a dictated message (they
Then, a few months later, the Attorney invoices for a number of months were dropped  would not send me an email or mail report after I called investigator 4 times) report said:
at once-- When we found that the Attorney had billed approximately $610.00 total in order  " That my cable was blown after a lightning strike because the cable was not properly in-
to return a $65.00 deposit, we hit the roof!
stalled to a surge protector. It is my own responsibility to check that the power connections
  
Since the Attorney works as directed by the Commission, the Commission NEEDS  are properly connected. Upon checking (investigation) there is no sign of electrical dam-
to set down the rules and reign in these costs. The only two Commissioners who have ever  age that was present at time of connection". Strange that the 1) Comcast installed receiver
listened to many of us citizens were Drew White and Sally Price concerning this issue--and  and 2) receiver and TV were blown out at ctly te same tie;ttte islrid not    
  h   m   ha h  nta le d 
look where that has gotten them...ostracized, one suspended from the Commission and they  install nor tell me to properly install cable to protet stem an jutplugged tit the 
  c sy   d  s   i n o
tried to have Sally Price removed as well. A number of us citizens had also tried to tell the  wall, and that CFE also denied claim becaus  rcei  s not istaed t r surg  
e the e ver wa  n ll in hei   e
Mayor that the Atty. Fees needed to be reduced to which she turned a deaf ear. Does anyone  protector.
else see a connection here?? May God Bless America and Inglis.
Diane Steiden, Yankeetown
   
Rhonda Kline, Inglis
At the appointed hour, we began marching down the road, with mayors from Inglis,
Letter to the editor:
Yankeetown, Williston, Chiefland, and Cedar Key leading the pack. Now, those who live
Re: Veterans Day Parade
Many thanks to those that contributed to the success of the 2104 Levy County in this town know that our celebrations are nowhere near the level of festivities in a major
Veterans Day Parade. In addition to those mentioned in today's article, Drinda Merritt, metropolis. The fire station, vacant police department, or single-story building called Town
Sherry Ely and Sally Price for decorating; VFW 8698 (chairs); VFW Post 5625 (Chiefland Hall does not compare to the Rockefeller Center, Empire State Building, or even Madison
- Honor Guard/chairs); Harmony Baptist Association (Trenton - food prep/serving); Levy Square; and our music and sound-system is unmatched by that of Nashville's Grand Ole
County Sheriffs Dept, Levy County Public Safety (traffic); Crystal Motor Car Company & Opry. The Town of Inglis is simple, but the hearts within are real - with real dreams, pas-
Citrus County Cruisers (WW II Vet convertibles); Levy County Veterans Service Office (ad-  sions, and appreciation for our nation's freedom. That is what I recognized as I passed in
visory); Levy County Visitors Bureau (banner); Levy County Commissioner John Meeks front of parents and grandparents lined up on the side of the ro
ad with their dazzled children
(coffee & donuts); Yellow Rose II Farm & Feed (hay bales); Captains Cove Outfitters (ice); to watch and wave at the procession.
The formation marched, rolled, and clip-clopped its waw 
y down High ay 40 from
Aarons of Chiefland (water); and last, but certainly not least, members of the parade com-  
mittee (Pat Plemmons, Joe Hozian, Bart Housholder, John VanHorn, Russ Konold, Helen the Yankeetown Elementary School, through the Food Rancpaanmbl
h rking lot, d asse  ed
behind Town Hall, where would be held the final ceremony. Following a prayer, singing
Ciallella and Inglis Commissioner Sherry Ely) for putting up with me.
of the National Anthem, and formal introductions, Inglis' Mayor Glenda Kirkland paid an
Ruth A Ruppert, parade committee chair
emotional tribute to theored veteran andeated a specially-constructed monument
hon    s,  d  dic
Letter to the Editor: Re: Veterans Day Parade
to their service. "It is because of their courage that we remain a free peoplere t pue
  - feours 
Few things bring a community closer together than the spirit of gratitude and a  our passions and our reamthot thraof prscn that snarls in the face of so many
d s wiu  et   e e utio
worthy cause, and during the Inglis / Yankeetown Veterans Day Parade on November 8th ,  other countries," sai yor irkl. "Wh hea de and gratitude, we dedicate this
d Ma  Kandit   rts of pri
such were the sounds which harmonized along with the patriotic melodies swirling around  memorial to our veterans, and it shall stand today, tomorrow, and for future generations as a
reminder of their sacrifice to our beloved country."
This past Saturday, I had the pleasure of walking alongside 51 other exhibitors  
G.K. Chesterson once said "When it comes to life, the critical thing is whether
in the event. Despite the forecasted storms later that evening, the sun made its marvel-  you take things for granted or take them with gratitude." Especially in today's society when
ous debut, accompanied by comfortably crisp temperatures. As I finalized the decor on  so many things are taken for granted, when neighbor turns on neighbor, or when members
my horse and rode him around the staging grounds, I became immediately engulfed in the  of a small- town govenrert cheap tricks  rce an agenda, it is of the utmost
 ernm t so to   to fo
atmosphere. I was inspired by the ingenuity of the various exhibits and the owner's pride  importance to presere a day k   eterans Dr   ple to unify in their gratitude for the
   li e V ay fo  peo
of accomplishments; honored to share this day with many decorated veterans, awed by the  God-given rights fe, lberty,alai th one  we e fe caus
o liandi nd proc m wi  voice that ar r e be  e of
  f 
look of dedication and wisdom in their eyes, and touched by the fathers who committed  the brave. Ashley Rivers, Inglis
their time to lead the town's little league.
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