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Deborah Russell - Editor/Publisher
A Publication of
Wednesday October 15, 2014
Inglis, FL 34449
Tom Russell - Consulting Editor
Newscaster Publishing
Permit No. 14
Sally Price - Correspondent
Visit our website:
Mike Moore - Photojournalist
Citrus Holding
on Proposed Sales
Tax Increase
The "Cent for Citrus" refer-
endum was approved by the Board of
County Commissioners and will be
placed on the November 4, 2014 ballot.
The 1% sales tax increase will provide
funding for resurfacing and maintenance
of all County maintained, paved resi-
dential roadways. In an effort to provide
citizens information to make an informed
decision, the County has updated their
Town Hall Meetings are sched-
uled throughout the month of October in
all parts of the County, and citizens are
encouraged to attend. County staff will
be at each meeting to answer questions
and maps will be displayed to show re-
cent road evaluations. The dates, times,
and venues of each town hall meeting are
provided on this webpage.
The interactive Pavement Rat-
Levy County Department of Public Safety (LCDPS) hosted a regional extrication training sponsored by the Florida Fire Chief's Association
ing Map was demonstrated at the Sep-
(FFCA). LCDPS Director David Knowles contacted the FFCA looking for regional training opportunities after they were requested at the monthly
tember 23 Board of County Commis-
Fire Administrative Meetings. 32 attendees showed up for the two-day training that began Saturday, October 11, 2014. Attendees were split
sion meeting and is now available on the
into four groups and were instructed on basic essentials of extrication; assessing and stabilizing vehicles. The second day of training included
county website. Citizens can enter their
advanced extrication techniques including stabilizing vehicles in difficult positions. LCDPS Photo
Couple arrested on felony drug
address into the system and it will pro-
Sheriff's Office
vide a color coded ranking of all County
owned and maintained roads that are
charges, children taken from home
Apologizes for
paved. Roads that are colored in Green
are currently in good shape. Roads col-
Wrong Arrest
From The Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
ored in Yellow indicate they are in need
scene and will seek to condemn the property,
of resurfacing now. Roads colored in
which will eventually result in the destruc-
On Tues., Oct. 7, members of the
Red indicate they are past due for resur-
tion of the residence due to the deplorable
Citrus County Sheriff s Office s Tactical
From The Citrus County Sheriff Dept.
facing and are considered to be in very
conditions inside the home.
Impact Unit and Fire Rescue Hazardous
The Citrus County Sheriff's Of-
poor shape. Roads that are colored in a
Jordan  Kennedy  and  Lindsey
Materials Team, along with the Levy/Citrus
fice s Undersheriff, Commander Buddy
thick red block pattern indicate they are
Houghwot, who were renting the home,
Meth Task Force, executed a search warrant
Grant, announced today that a man was
in need of reconstruction.
Continued on page 4 - Meth House
at 4220 N. Ashton Ter. in Crystal River for
falsely arrested based on a warrant that did
The goal is to answer any ques-
the manufacturing of methamphetamine.
not have the correct information. The man
tions citizens may have about the pro-
During the search of the property,
was taken into custody early Saturday morn-
posed sales tax referendum. For more
approximately 61 vessels used to manufac-
ing and was released on Monday when the
information or questions, please contact
ture methamphetamine were located. Ac-
error was realized and confirmed.
the Public Works Department-Engineer-
cording to investigators on the scene, the 35
Sheriff Dawsy immediately or-
ing Division at 352-527-5446.
reactionary vessels (also known as one-pot
dered an internal affairs investigation to de-
methamphetamine labs) found at the resi-
termine how the mistake occurred. Per state
dence shatters the previous high record of 28
statute, now that the investigation is open,
that were found, last year, during an unre-
the Sheriff s Office cannot release any de-
lated meth lab investigation. The remaining
tails reference the incident until the inves-
26 vessels were hydrochloric gas generators.
tigation is over. However, one person has
Both of these types of vessels are essential
been placed on administrative leave pending
to the process of manufacturing metham-
the outcome of the investigation. "I want
phetamine and considered hazardous. Citrus
Continued on page 3 - Sheriff Apologizes
Chemicals found at 4220 N. Ashton Ter.
County Code Enforcement responded to the