The Newscaster/Nature Coast News
PAGE 11 - January 6, 2010
Yankeetown Mayor’s Report
Editorial - Opinion - Commentary
A Guest Commentary by Dawn Clary
Letter to the Editor
Congratulations Paul - Our Water Department Maintenance Person, Paul Shearer
Re: Inglis Mayor Lake
celebrates his 10 year anniversary of employment with the Town of Yankeetown this month.
As a citizen of Inglis, I want to go on record with a vociferous vote of confidence
Paul started out in the Maintenance position now held by Chris Howard. He moved to the
for Mayor William Lake. Succinctly put, here’s why.
Water Department when the water plant operator left the town’s employment. At one time
On Monday, December 14, 2009, I worked the phones arranging for much needed
Yankeetown employed its own licensed water plant operator, however now we contract the
medical equipment for my ailing 93 year old mother who lives in my modest home. The
operator position to Water Pro, Lonnie Parnell, who does a great job especially in this time
company in Ocala bringing the hospital bed that afternoon had some restrictions which pre-
of increasingly stringent requirements. Mr. Shearer is responsible for the water distribution
vented them from carting off my dear Mother’s regular bed.
system and also supporting Mr. Parnell by performing tasks at the water plant that don’t re-
Tis the season to think of local charities, so I called 411 directory assistance to at-
quire a license and things that can be done under the operator’s supervision. Paul is working
tain the phone number of JESUS IS MINISTERIES. Information could not locate a listing.
toward getting his Class D Water Operators License which will be a requirement to work on
It being Monday, quite naturally, Inglis Town Hall was closed. I have only a slight acquain-
the distribution system by 2011. He is also Fire Chief and runs the Yankeetown Volunteer
tance with our first term Mayor Lake, but since long-time Mayor Carolyn Risher had always
Fire and Rescue Dept.
spoken to me when I dialed her home number, I thought to myself, it was worth a try with
JOBS JOBS JOBS - Speaking of employment, a Census Bureau Job Fair will be held
Mayor Lake. Information was able to provide me with his home phone number.
January 16th, from 10 am to 5 pm at the Lions Club in Yankeetown. There are literally
Mrs. Lake answered the telephone and explained that her husband was putting up
hundreds of jobs for Levy County. Pay is over 11 dollars an hour and 55 cents per mile.
Christmas decorations, but he quickly came to the phone. I explained my problem about
Part time and full time positions are available. These are temporary jobs for approximately
trying to track down a phone number, but Mayor Lake went above and beyond the call of
2 months. The fair is due to a joint effort of County Commissioner Marsha Drew and the
duty. Not only did he personally speak with JESUS IS Pastor Jeff, but made all necessary
Inglis Yankeetown Lions Club.
arrangements to pick up and deliver to JESUS IS my Mother’s old mattress and frame.
More Insurance Savings - Our ZO Chris Fineout has been at it again and improved our
Yet Mayor Lake’s kindness did not stop there.
Community Ratings score. This should qualify residents for a greater reduction on their
Later that afternoon, Mayor Lake arrived at my home, came into the living room
insurance rates. Contact Chris Fineout for details.
and flirted in all good fun with my Mother, as he joshed her into a laugh and a smile. Be-
Hearings - Ballot questions for the upcoming election will go to their second and perhaps
tween bursts of emotional tears over my Mother’s sad plight, he had me laughing too.
final hearing on Friday the 8th. The second hearing on the commercial moratorium will be
But the story doesn’t end there. Mayor Lake made me feel like a million bucks as
on the 15th.
we traded stories. Furthermore, he took the time to explain to me his vision of the changes
EXTRA SPECIAL THANX to the Friends of the Withlacoochee Gulf Preserve who
needed to the status quo that would be significantly advantageous to our now small, but fu-
have raised $5000 to donate to the preserve. The Friends have had several fund raisers, most
turistically potentially booming business district. But I already knew I had voted for the right
recently the Wubber Duck Race. The money will be a big help to the Board of Trustees in
Shirley K. Bartley, Ph.D., Inglis
achieving their goal of converting the building to a museum.
The Town of Yankeetown celebrates its 85th anniversary this year. We were incorporated
Letter to the Editor:
in 1925. Good Night and Good Luck, Dawn Marie Clary, Mayor of Yankeetown
CenIsgu-sa nJeoobnsre sAnvs aei nleaeb tloeo rNao w year in the 2010 Census,
(Part II – Notice of Contamination Beyond Property Boundaries)
According to a NEW study completed on December 7, 2009 by the Florida De-
n lis Y k et w  ide t ar
ed d w k e rly this
partment of Environmental Protection (FDEP) the known arsenic contamination emanating
in their local area, following up on Questionnaires that are not returned. The hourly pay is
from the old Yankeetown Saxon Oil property located at 50th St. & Riverside Dr. is now-
excellent, mileagereimbursement is substantial and the work hours are flexible—you can
spreading beyond that property’s boundaries. The Saxon property is located about 400+ feet
work either full or part-time. The job should last no longer than 8 weeks. Applications are
from the town’s water supply.
being accepted now for a limited time only. Call 1-866-861-2010 for an application site or
Why should you be concerned about arsenic contamination? The U.S. Environ-
for more information. Application sites are offered in numerous locations throughout the
mental Protection Agency (EPA) classifies arsenic as a carcinogen based upon epidemio-
local area.
logical evidence demonstrating a causal association between arsenic exposure and specific
Call The Newscaster Hotline with your opinion, leave your name
A 9/17/09 water sample taken from a monitoring well (MW#10) located at the
with a recorded message:  352-897-0381 Dunnellon
northwest corner of Riverside Drive and Nancy Parkway registered 0.125 mg/L (.125 mil-
Featured foreclosure bargains available
ligrams per liter) of arsenic. This is 12.5 Times ABOVE the maximum safe Groundwater
Contamination Target Levels (GCTL) set by the State for drinking water! Some monitoring
for immediate purchase:
wells inside the property boundaries have tested at levels 30 times higher than the allowable
safe levels set by FDEP. This is a SEROUS PROBLEM and the Town Council and Mayor
-- Very nice 4/3, approx. 2,000 sq ft, built in 2004, on paved road off of
have chosen to do NOTHING!
# 121, all on a nice 2 acre lot. Just $45K
What is a safe level of arsenic? Florida ’s drinking water standards are contained
-- 3/2 in Tropic Terrace off of Ozello Rd, Just $65K
in Chapter 62550 , Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), Rule 62-550.310, F.A.C., the stan-
dard for arsenic is 0.010 mg/L (.01 milligrams per liter)
-- bring your horse, Nice 4/2 on an acre. Off of Citrus Ave in Dunnellon, all
I raised this issue in my article, BEWARE: ARSENIC CONTAMINATION which
the neighbors have horses.
appeared in the February 8, 2009 issue of theNewscaster. The article was based on public
-- 3/2 starter home in Homosassa, Just $26K
records I obtained from town hall. During my research I learned that town officials have
You can make offers on any of these homes. Over 200 more foreclosure
been receiving regular written reports from FDEP about this arsenic contamination problem
homes available throughout the state. These are listed, along with maps,
since they were elected into office in 2006.
and pictures of every property on our website:
What have our elected officials done since 2006? Well, when I and others con-
fronted them about the arsenic issue during council meetings, the Mayor and Town Council
Diamond Investments, Inc.
do what they do best by characterizing it as more “misinformation” being distributed to
Darryl A. Diamond
residents by the No See’ Um News, playing down the problem or denying that a problem
Licensed Real Estate Broker
even exists. Mayor Clary made 2 brief references (Feb 18 and Dec 23) regarding the arsenic
Call Shirley at 352 400-0301
Real Estate Investment Consultant
Darryl & Vicki Diamond & Shirley
problem in the Newscaster. Ed Candela, former Council Member and current member of the
“The Diamond Team”
Continued on page 12 - Beware: Arsenic Contamination
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