PAGE 2 - January 18, 2017
The Newscaster - Nature Coast News
Citrus News Briefs
Pet Patrol
itrus Transit offers new program for residents 60 and over
The Citrus County Transit's Transportation Disadvantaged Advisory Board has ap-
proved a new option for residents sixty years of age and over. The new program invites
any resident that is age sixty and over to get a free pass to ride the Deviated Fixed Route,
and have a discount on the Para Transit service. This opportunity is not income based and
residents will need to show proof of age for the bus pass to be issued. Passes and applica-
tions are available at the Citrus County Transit Center, located at 1300 S. Lecanto Hwy. For
more information, call our office at 352-527-7630.
Commissioner Carnahan to Hold Town Hall Series in 2017
Citrus County Commissioner and Chairman of the Board of County Commission-
ers Scott Carnahan has announced he will be holding a series of Town Hall Meetings in
Citrus County during 2017. The schedule is as follows: Wednesday, February 8 ­ Floral
City Library; Thursday, April 6 ­ Homosassa Library; Thursday, June 8 ­ Citrus Springs
Community Center; Thursday, August 17 ­ Central Ridge Library; Thursday, October 12
Riley, an especially special Citrus Critter,
­ Coastal Region Library. All events will be held 5:30pm to 7:00pm and are open to the
really needs some TLC. Riley is a very nice,
public. For more information, please call Public Information Officer Cynthia Oswald at
sweet dog, a black terrier mix, about 5 years
(352) 527-5484.
old. He doesn't react in a negative manner
Techno Fairs to be held at Central Citrus Community Center
with other dogs, but wants to get away from
Riff Raff is a nice, gray and cream, short
Do you have a smart phone or electronic device that leaves you feeling "not so
other dogs and noise. Riley only has two
hair tabby cat with an unusually expressive
smart"? Here is your chance to get free help and learn more about your smart phone and tab-
toes on one back foot and the other back
and lovely face. He's settling into his tem-
let. Future Techno Fairs: February 15, 2017 for Android phones, Central Citrus Community
leg is slightly damaged, as well. Whatever
porary surroundings at the Citrus County
Center, 2804 W. Marc Knighton Court, Lecanto. March 22, 2017 for Apple devices, Central
situations Riley may have encountered in
Animal Shelter, just fine, having been there
Citrus Community Center, 2804 W. Marc Knighton Court, Lecanto. For more information
his time on earth, he's a very nice dog and
since the end of Dec., but he'd much rather
about these events or the Citrus County Resource Center please call 527-5993.
would benefit from a loving home without
be settling into his own place with his own
"For-Hire" Fishing Workshop Offered
other dogs and some one-on-one love. Riley
people. He's a sweet fellow with a nice per-
came into the shelter on Christmas Eve. He
New and established charter captains and fishing guides are invited to attend the
sonality, so he ll very likely fit in, anywhere
can be seen in he Old Administration Build-
3rd annual "For-Hire" fishing workshop from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Wednesday, February 1st,
he's wanted. Riff Raff is ready for adoption!
ing. His Animal ID Number is 34287230.
at the Marine Science Station, 12646 W. Fort Island Trail, Crystal River.
He can be found in the Cat Adoption Room
Why not take the sadness out of Riley's eyes
Connect with experts in the community and get answers to business questions and
at the shelter, located at 4030 S. Airport Rd.
and fill them, instead, with happiness and
challenges to keep you ahead of the competition. Hear some new ideas and proven advice
in Inverness, behind the Citrus County Fair-
love? Come meet Riley at the Citrus County
to grow your fishing business. The pre-registration fee of $25 (payable by check, cash, or
grounds on Hwy. 41. Shelter hours are Tues-
Animal Shelter, located at 4030 S. Airport
online) includes materials, lunch, and refreshments.
day through Saturday, 10:00 am until 4:00
Rd. in Inverness, behind the Citrus County
Commissioner Coleman to Hold a Town Hall Meeting in February 2017
pm. Please call 352-746-8400 or TTY 352-
Fairgrounds on Hwy. 41. Please call 352-
Citrus County Commissioner Brian Coleman announced he will be holding a Town
726-7093 for additional information.
Hall Meeting on Monday, February 20th 2017 for the general public to attend. The meeting
will be held at the Old Courthouse Heritage Museum, 2nd floor, One Courthouse Square,
Inverness, from 5:00pm to 6:30pm. "This will be an informal meeting to receive ideas, lis-
ten to issues and concerns from the community, and to explore ways to resolve problems."
explained Commissioner Coleman. For more information, please call Public Information
Officer Cynthia Oswald at (352) 527-5484.
email news to:
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Inglis S
Stop Restaurant
5093 S. Orwell Pt., Homosassa, Florida 34446fe-Deli Open 5 am - 8 pm
Phone: (352) 489-4588  Fax: (727) 362-4788 bs and Fried Chicken
Email, Tom Russell, Publisher:
Email, Debbie Russell, Editor: debbienewscaster@gmail.comsit the "Beer Cave"
Stop & vi
Visit us on the Web:
Store open 5 a.m. - 10pm.
Bobbalu's Deli
or Call-Ahead
U.S. Hwy. 19
for Take-Out
(at C.R. 40)
Shell Gas
Inglis, Florida
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New Homes by
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Destiny & Palm Harbor
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ReSale Homes - Bank Repo's
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